Status: Sequel is posted :) !

Cinderella for Hire


Nick mentioned that we were staying in Seattle for probably a week or two because he had something to do here too. When I asked him what, he didn't hear me and kept on checking his phone for emails. Typical. We were staying at the same hotel where the event was held and actually, a couple of people who were at the party decided to stay too. Most of Nick's family members were power-people, I realized. Lawyers, doctors, business, it was the most intimidating party I've ever been too. One of their friends was a senator or something. Crazy.

The story the Nick and I decided to do was that we met in Harvard. The thing was, he actually went to that school and these people expected me to know what I was talking about (well, duh). So I lied, telling them that I was in the business school over there, but eventually decided to transfer to a state college, taking up fine arts.

It was quite embarrassing in a way because people were giving me sympathetic nods and look.

I stared at myself pitifully in the mirror. This new shiny hair was so high maintenance, I had to spend what seemed to feel like hours in front of the mirror trying to make it look perfect. When someone was knocking at the door, I jumped at the opportunity to stay far, far away from the mirror.

"I need to go somewhere for the entire day."

"And a good morning to you too, my love!" I said, throwing a fake, dramatic giggle as I played with a strand of my hair. "Don't I get a good morning kiss?" I said, pouting. In exchange, Nick just gave me this aghast look that nearly made me fall out of character and laugh my ass off but a minute after, he realized I was just joking around.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart," he said, emphasizing on the word 'sweetheart'. "Close your eyes."

So I did, with the most exaggerated pucker up (sound effect included!) I've ever done. Nick was laughing wildly as he shoved my face away. "You have my number if you need me," he said after his laughter died down and it was back to Business Nicholas again. "Ideally, don't need me."

"Got it," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Don't get into any trouble. Don't ruin my reputation."

"The amount of trust you've placed in me is just amazing," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm as I placed a palm over my heart.

"Not distrustful, per se. Concerned, that's all."

"Go," I said, laughing. "I won't burn the hotel down too, I promise."


"Hello again," Caleb said, smiling when he saw me in the hotel café at breakfast. It wasn't the most perfect situation to be greeted to because I had half of a croissant stuffed in my mouth and I was in the middle of licking the strawberry jam off of my fingers too.

"Huuwo," I answered back, trying to figure out how to swallow the croissant in my mouth and not die.

He chuckled. "Can I join you?" and to that I just hesitantly nodded.

I knew what Nick said to me. But what was I supposed to do? Tell him, "No, my boyfriend warned me to stay away from you. Say, what did 'cha do? Any criminal records?"

"Where's Nicholas?" he asked. I shrugged, wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and realized that I was supposed to be ladylike around the people he knew. So I stopped mid-wiping and went for the napkin instead.

"He went for a business meeting, I suppose," I said, smiling. "What are you still doing here?"

"Don't you like me here?" He asked, half-jokingly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to sound that way," I replied quickly and he just shook his head.

"No need to be. This is my hometown, actually. My dad's consultancy firm is based here for starters. Recently there had been a couple of hiccups here and there so I decided to come over and," he paused, shrugging. "Help, maybe."

"So you work as…?"

"Oh, I'm an architect. Mostly freelancing in California and New York. Uncle Richard has always inspired me to become one but I guess I'm nowhere near his success level yet," he said, giving a little chuckle.

Greeaaaat. Another power career.

"I heard you were a freelancing artist," he said. "I'd love to see your work some time."

I blushed. "They're not…that great."

He laughed. "Cute and humble, no wonder Nick fell for you," he said and looked at the window before giving his attention back to me. "Say, since we're both free today, why don't we go out? I could show you around the place," he offered, giving me a little wink. "This is your first time in Seattle, right?"

I didn't answer him but instead put my napkin down on the plate and said, "sure."

The truth was Seattle was also my hometown. But no one needed to know that.

Besides, I had something new to worry about.

How to hide this whole going-out-with-Caleb thing from Nick?
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So here's a new chapter :D Enjoy :) Comments are always appreciated :D