Not Good Enough For You

Chapter 1

Rayne's point of view:

I stood there, staring at my reflection in the mirror. My black emo-style hair was hanging in front of my face; I was wearing black skinny jeans and I was topless. I wrapped my pale arms around my so-called 'skinny' body. I didn't think I was skinny, why did everyone always say that? Maybe they all needed their eyesight checking, because all I could say is that I was fat.
"I'm fat! I'm fat! I'm fat!" I repeated over and over again in my head.
"I'm fat!" I suddenly said out loud.
Tears then started to leak out of my eyes.
"Why me?" I sobbed. "Why am I like this?"
Not only being 'fat' was my problem, but also the fact that I was gay, meaning that if I looked like this, then no other guys would want me. Wait no, not just any guys, there was only one guy at school that I honestly liked, and that was Aaron Riley, the hottest emo boy I have ever seen. All the girls at school swoon over him, but we all know that he's gay, but that does not suggest that he will want me, I'm nothing to look at.
"Rayne, you're wasting your time thinking about him" the voice inside my head told me. "He's way out of your league."
A whimper escaped from my lips and more tears rolled down my cheeks, as the voice inside my head began to haunt me again.
"Besides, who would want a boy like you?" It said. "Look at you. You're disgusting, anyone would be embarrassed to go on a date with you. No scratch that. No one would actually ask you to date them in the first place because your body is so freakin' horrible."
"How do I get out of this problem?" I asked myself.
"Lose weight" the voice commanded. "You need to lose weight, and fast. Avoid food; food is your enemy; drink only water and you'll be fine, and don't forget to exercise every single day. You don't want a calorie to enter your body. Lose weight, Rayne. Lose weight!"
"You're right." I answered to the voice in my head. "I have to lose lots of weight to impress Aaron."
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Sorry it was a little bit short, I don't know when the next chapter will be out, but thank you so much for reading.