
(10) Halloween part 2

"Corrie!" I shout eventually. "You thirsty, I'm getting something to drink!"

"What are the options?" She asks, walking into the kitchen.

"Um, Coke, Mt Dew, we keep it stocked because Jake practically lives here, tea, orange juice, Mom's wierd cranberry juice, milk, water..."

"Coke then," she says and I pull out two cans of coke, tossing one to Corrie. She almost catches it, but it rolls off her finger tips and thankfully doesn't explode against the wall.

She picks it up and walks it back over to me. "Can I get a new one?"

I laugh at her and give her a new one, leaning backwards against the fridge. She leans against the island.

"You know, one time at the beach house-"

"Beach house? You guys have a beach house?"

"Yep. Maybe you can come over the summer. But anyways for our July the Fourth party, me and Jake, we shook up every single can of soda. It was funny, nobody seemed to clue in until like seventeen explosions. We videotaped it."

"Are you going to post those pictures on Facebook?" Corrie asks.

"Not unless you say I can. I'd love to, though. Everyone's got their suspicions already, and I'd love to show you off to everyone."

"I'm not going to sit at your lunch table," she says smiling.

"You don't have too. I like how you sit outside and read, and I'm kind of screwing with your routine."

"I don't mind." She stares at her shoes. "Aaron? Why did you invite to the party?"

"Because I like spending time with you, lovely. I like this just as much, if not more. Just like I love sitting outside with you at lunch. And driving you to school."

"You aren't just trying to make Kaylee jealous? She broke up with you the day you saved me."

"In all honestly, I don't even think about her unless she's right in front of my face, or worrying about her possibly sabotaging you. I probably would've been crushed for a week, but then I found you, and I haven't been off at all. You're more amazing than Kaylee ever was, or could be."

"You hardly know me."

"Because you wont tell me anything. But what I do know, I like."

She looks down, her hair falling all around her face.

"What do I have to do to convince you I'm not tricking you? Or some pretty boy that just wants to get in your pants then leave? I know thats half of what you think. If I was, I wouldn't try so hard. Plus, there's a million easier sluts at our school. Not saying your a slut, or anything."

I can't see her face.

"Take the jacket off," I command, and she looks at me, startled. "Take it off, Corrie."

She pulls it off, and knowing what I want, shows me her forearms. The cuts are completely healed, and there aren't any new ones. I smile. "I knew I was making you feel better." The silvery scars were still there though. To her evident surprise, I kiss both of her wrists, then lace my fingers through hers.

Dad and Mom come through the kitchen, both of them dressed up just a bit nicer than normal. Corrie, who looks like she's on the verge of tears, tries to shake her hands loose, but I don't let go. "Leaving?" I ask.

"Yes," Mom answers.

"So you're Corrie?" Dad says pleasantly. His salt and pepper hair still really think, even though he's forty-eight. "You've had Aaron lovesick all week."

"Dad!" I say, horrified, even though its true.

Corrie shakes her hair back. "Its nice to meet you," she says, still trying to shake her hands free.

"I would shake your hand, but I don't think Aaron wants me too. Were going to bring your cousins back when we get home."

The doorbell rings and Corrie escapes.

As the trick-or-treaters gradually lesson we start playing Just Dance 3, Corrie and I both singing along to the songs, but she's much better than me. Her entire face is lit up, she's so freaking happy. At the end of one song I lift her straight into the air by the waist and spin her in a circle. "HIGH SCORE!" I scream and she starts to laugh.

Its the gayest game in the universe, Lorrie's game, but right now its my new favorite.

She collapses on the couch, panting, her face flushed, but she's not sweaty. She pulls her hair up, but she's got no tie, so she holds it there. "Best night ever," she laughs.

"I'm glad," I say, swinging onto the couch beside her. "Thirsty?"

She nodds. "Just water, please?"

I go and get us both glasses of water. When I get back she's ditched my jacket and is laying on the couch, somehow taking up the entire space, even if she is so short. "Scooch," I say. She lifts her feet up in response. I sit down and she drops them back on me. She's got some tiny feet. "You cant drink this while you're laying down."

She sits back up and takes a cup from me and her kitty face is smudged, but its still cute as anything. She drinks half the glass and I drink all of mine. "This is a lot of fun," I say. "Honestly, best date ever."

She smiles in response.

"And you want to do this again, right?"

She nodds shyly.

"What timb do you need to leave?" I ask.

"I don't," she says.


"Can I stay here?" She wont look at me.

For a second I think she's trying to seduce me, and I stare at her stupidly. She blushes and looks down. "I-i'm sorry. I shouldn't have a-asked."

"Wont your Dad miss you?"

"He'll be to drunk to remember me not coming home in the morning," she says bitterly. "And I don't want to deal with him."


"Don't you remember earlier, when I told you about his alcohol addiction?"

"Yeah... But you made it sound like it was over!"

She shakes her head. "He's drunk most nights. Can I stay here?"

"Of course... But Corrie doesn't he need like rehab or soemthing?"


"Well, then lets call someone! I'm sure Mom wont mind you crashing here-" I'm up on my feet and half way out of the room before I realize Corrie wasn't following. I turn around, stopping mid-sentence.

She shakes her head. "No... Not yet, please?" She begs.

"Alright," I say, noticing how she's almost in tears. "But we will do something, soon, okay?"

She smiles. I turn on my iPod and within a few minutes were dancing and singing and Corrie's heading back towards super-happy.

When I see Mom and Dad watching us from the balcony I make a get lost motion Corrie doesn't see, and I don't tell her their home because I don't want her to stop singing as loud as she is now, or stop singing period.

She's halfway through Domino by Jessie J when she passes out.

In hindsight, I should've seen this coming. I should've realized when I saw Mom and Dad on the balcony that Alec and Ashton were somewhere here, but I didn't remember. I shouldn't have frozen like I did when I saw them behind Corrie, but I did.

"Take me down like I'm a domino!" Corrie sings. Then the twins pounce. Alec loops his arm through her left while Ashton grabs her right.

"Damn girl, you can sing!" Alec shouts.

Corrie doesn't even manage a scream, she just falls striaght back.

"Did we do that?" Alec asks.

"Corrie!" I shout, shoving them both out of the way.

"IS SHE ALRIGHT?!" Screams Mom, running down the stairs with Dad in tow.

I pull the unconscious Corrie into my arms, her head rolling limply. "I told you, she's freaking shy!" I snap, making my way upstairs and into my bedroom. I put her down gently on my bed, wondering if she hurt her head when she fell.

"Did we really scare her so bad that she passed out?" Ashton asks, looking in from the doorway with Alec.

"Yes," I say flatly. Its not their fault.

"She really that shy?" Alec asks.

"Yes," I say again.

"Then how did you get her?"

I think about my answer. "I don't have her. Yet. But I guess my answer is that I saved her life."

"And how did you manage that?" Ashton asks, taking a place beside me. I push him back, though.

"Don't be here when she wakes up. she'll probably go into a panic attack."

On cue, Corrie stirs slightly and I shut the door in the twins' faces.

"What happened?" She asks sluggishly.

"You passed out when Ashton and Alec grabbed you. I'm sorry, lovely, I saw Mom and Dad come home but I forgot they were bringing the twins' back. Then I saw them and it was like a slow-motion horror scene."

She winces and sits up. I sit beside her. "This is... Embarrassing."

"Just a smidge. You'll love them, though."

She just stares at me.

"Just dazzle them, like you did me."

"I don't dazzle anyone. You're a freak."

"You'd dazzle everyone if you acted the way you did tonight normally."

She huffs. "Do I have to go meet them?"

"Yes. You do. They're awesome."

She sighs, leaning her head against my shoulder. I smile. "And one more thing."


"They're probably listening at the door."

"Right you are!" Alec calls cheerfully. "Can we come in, then, lovely?"

Corrie gives me a distasteful look. "They're excellent practice for you."

She makes a go ahead motion with her hand and I joyfully yank her to her feet. "All clear!"

They fight to be the first one through the door, and Ashton stumbles in first. True to my word, his hair is jet black and long, with the thinnest hoops in his lower lip. Alec has his hair bleached white, with green tips. They've both got icy blue eyes, thin lips, and the same good looks. The only noticeable difference is Alec is like an inch shorter.

"Hi!" he says energetically. "After listening to Aaron's mom rhapsodize about you the entire car ride, I really must say sorry for scaring you like that. I hope I didn't screw up your charms."

"Corrie, this is Alec and Ashton. Guys, this is Corrie."

"Pleased to meet you. Awake, that is," Ashton says.

Corrie's staring at the ground, and I bet they can't even see her face. "Lets go downstairs, then?" I have to steer her towards the door, with my hand clamped around hers to keep her from fleeing. She darts into the bathroom though, scrubbing of her kitty face. I decide to follow her lead and wipe off my mustache.

"Your nose is all red now," I say, poking it gently with my finger. "Please don't loose how happy you were earlier."

"They're your cousins," Corrie said pointedly.

"If I had had my way I would've waited another month before you met them. They're gonna be a hell of a lot to digest."

"You didn't tell me they were British."

"Half of my family lives in the UK. The other half, in the South, but not near us. Come on." I take her hand and lead the way into the living room. Corrie tries to sit on the far corner of the couch, but I lift her off, take her spot, and set her down on my other side, so she's closer to Alec and Ashton.

"I hate that you feel so comfortable with me that you can do that," she mutters under her breath, grabbing my jacket off of the back of the couch and pulling it on.

"Really? Cuz I love it."

"Love what?" Alec asks.

"So, Corrie, besides having an excellent set of pipes, what are your other talents?"

Her voice quiet and an octave higher than normal she says, "I don't even sing that well..."

I roll my eyes. "She's an epic writer, and she draws."

"You haven't seen anything of either of those." She turns back to me, her hair falling out of her face.

"Our little play is epic enough, and if you can draw anything like you sing and write, you're amazing," I say forcefully.

She doesn't get the chance to answer, as her dinosaur phone rings. She pulls out, studies it, then takes out the battery.

"Who was that?" Alec asks.

"Telemarketers. Freaking annoying."

The twins laugh, but I don't because I know her just a little better than they do.

After that talk becomes a bit easier for Corrie, and she doesn't hide behind her hair as much, but she still sits stiff as a board until I pull her backwards and she leans against my chest. Alec and Ashton tell us both all sorts of stories about their life in Britain.

Eventually Ashton asks, "When are you going home, lovely?" They've both adopted my pet name for her.

Corrie looks at me to answer. How did you explain to two absolute man whores that Corrie would be staying the night, and not sleeping with me?

"She's staying here," I say.

Its amazing how fast their faces change. "Mate, its only what? Your second date?" Alec shouts. Ashton goes into fits of laughter while Corrie goes red.

"Its not like that! She's pissed at her Dad, so she's crashing here! And one of you has to get the loft, because Corrie gets the nice guest room."

That sobers them up. "Were your cousins!" Alec object angrily. "Can't she split the bed with you? Its not like you're going to screw, Virgin Mary."

"No buts. Corrie, keep the bathroom door locked. Its a jack and jill."

She glances at the twins, who are now arguing loudly over who was getting the bigger guest room.

"I didn't bring any clothes."

"Doesn't matter," I say. "I'll scrounge up something."

My phone rings. I answer it.

"Heeey dude!" Matt slurs. "Jake's like, completely dead and were all to wasted to try and drive him-"

"I'll be there in a few." I hang up.

"What?" Ashton says, having successfully pinned Alec to the floor and secured his position in the better guest room.

"Jake's smashed at the Halloween party, and I have to go pick him up," I sigh, standing.

"I'll come," Corrie says, eying my cousins warily.

"Oh no, you wont," I say. "It wont be fun."

"I'm used to dealing with drunk idiots," she says flatly.

"Fine, you can come."

"What are we supposed to do?" Chorus the twins.

"Entertain yourselves," I say as I slam the door.

Corrie sits in the passenger seat, nodding off.

"We have extra tooth brushes," I say and she smiles gratefully without opening her eyes.

The first thing we see is a couple making out in the front yard. The house is practically jumping with a base beat.

"Do you want to wait in the car?" I ask her.

"No," she says smiling. When were both out she laces her fingers through mine and I can't help but wonder if Corrie knows what kind of hell she's about to throw herself into.

We fight our way through the front door (most everyone's to buzzed up to recognize either of us) but good fortune smiles upon us, and we run into Matt almost instantly. "Hey, braaah!" He says, spilling half his drink. "Jake's upstairs, yeah? But why don't you stay a bit?"

I ignore him and drag Corrie upstairs.

Turns out, he's unconscious in the bathtub. Oh, Facebook will be a riot next week. Corrie helps me drag him back to the truck and we somehow remain virtually unnoticed.

Corrie sits close beside me on the ride back. When I can't stand it anymore, I knot my fingers with hers. She doesn't fight me off, but she does sigh.

"What lovely?"

"Didn't you see Kaylee at the party?"

"No," I say, wondering where this was going.

"I did. You're going to post those pictures on Facebook, right?"

I laugh as we pull into my driveway.

"Doesn't Jake live over there?"

"They're Catholic. Jake will die if he goes home. Sooo, he's going into the loft with Alec."

Corrie giggles.
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I really need to stop staying up so late working on this ;)