
(16) Shopping

"What was that in P.E. today?" I ask Corrie as I unlock my truck.

"I thought you wanted me to be more outgoing," she says, climbing into her seat.

"I do, I was just certain it would take a lot longer." I start my truck up.

"I just... I don't know what got into me, in all honesty. I just kind of forced all the paranoia away. They were all staring, but I just, I don't know, ignored it and focused on you and the twins."

"You should do that more often."

"I was this close to puking in the locker room afterwards." She holds up her fingers so they're a millimeter apart. But she's still smiling. I love her smile.

I put the radio on. "You should totally try out for American Idol or America's got talent, or whatever else there is."


"We could blindfold you so that you couldn't see the audience."

"I think I'd still puke."

"What stores do you like?"


"In the mall, I mean."

"Its not a bad store."

"In the mall, I mean."

"I haven't been to the mall since I was ten."

"So we'll find you new favorite stores."

"Whatever floats your boat."

"No, whatever floats your boat."

A few minutes later she asks the dashboard, "Are you this nice to everyone?"

I think. "Not really. But I don't think I'm a jerk either."

The mall was a whole new experience for me and Corrie. I think being in that large of a crowd terrified her for the first twenty minutes and I began to wonder if she had just a fear of people in general, not just shyness.

Then I forced her into Forever 21, the first store we went into, and told her we weren't leaving until she had an armful of clothes. I also wouldn't let her look at the price tag, or if she did see it, I wouldn't let her put it back. But she gradually fit herself into the shopping mindset and relaxed. She was a girl after all, and she dragged me back to the changing rooms with at least thirty articles of clothing. Then I made her leave while I checked out so she wouldn't hear how much the stuff costed.

We went to Aerie, and I agreed not to go in, an I had to force her to go in in the first place because I was positive she needed more underwear than what she probably had. Afterwards we went to Bath and Bodyworks (I came out covered in glitter, but her more so), Journeys where I forced her to get Converse and a pair of TOMS, and a bunch of other stores. To my surprise, she loved Hot Topic, and that place was all over more expensive than anywhere else, but I didn't care because she was most enthusiastic there.

We went to the food court then and got huge smoothies. "How much money have you paid for me today?" She asks.

"Not nearly enough," I answer tactfully. "Just don't think we can do this every week."

She flicks smoothie at me and it hits me on the nose. She laughs so loud that several tables turn to stare. In retaliation i wipe my nose off and kiss her. She tastes like oranges.

Then I drag her into Barnes&Noble. "You like to read?" I ask.

She spends seventy-eight dollars and thirty-six cents in there as answer.

Putting the bags in the car is a difficulty, so Corrie ends up sitting on the middle seat, as the bags are all over the passenger seat.

"You should get a bigger car," Corrie remarks.

"I would never get rid of this truck," I say. "Cost me almost as much as your little shopping expenditure did."

"You said-"

"Calm down lovely." I pull expertly into the driveway.

We both have to carry the bags in, as there are so many, and there's no one home, which strikes me as odd, but as we get into my room I'm praying they aren't planning some idiotic surprise for Corrie.

Corrie begins to put away all of her things and I fall back onto my bed. "We still have to get your art stuff."

"No, you've already paid to much," she says, her voice dismayed as she looks at the receipt from one of the stores.

I pick her up and lock her in the closet until I've done away with the rest of the receipts.

"Wont your parents mind?" She asks as I open the door.

"Were filthy rich, Corrie. Advantages of that: I get to spoil the hell out of my girlfriends, especially you." I get out of the way so she can finish putting all of her stuff away. "Wallow in it, angel."

"Do your parents even know I'm sleeping in here?"

"I don't think they do, yet."

Corrie stacks all of her new books on the ground next to her skethcbooks.

"So, do you just draw, or do you paint, or what?"

"I like painting, and I like all forms of drawing," Corrie answers, not looking at me as she throws one of the bags away.

"Whens your birthday?"

"March thirteenth."

"Do you have a liscence yet?"

"I don't even have a permit. I've got no idea how to drive."

"Well, I can fix that."

She smiles. "When's your birthday?"

"February twenty-ninth. I'm a leap year child."

"Awesome. My birthday fell on a Friday one time. I broke my arm."

We both laugh.

When I take her to the art store, all she buys is a sketchbook and a new box of colored pencils. No more, no matter how much I try to get her to buy. I guess some things really can't be rushed.
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ugh, sorry, its gonna be kinda dull for a few more chapters, -_-
and I lost two subscribers in this story
dont loose faith now!
and to those of you who listen to the songs i put in the descriptions the one up there is impossibly stupid, but it seemed to fit, and i found it so simple-minded it was hilarious
kind of like Friday by Rebecca Black, bless her soul