
(20) Awkward

"Aaron, Aaron? Wake up! Aaron!"

I jolted awake and was immediatly disoriented. And in pain. I groan. "What happened?"

"Oh thank God, look at me. Open your eyes."

I do, and Corrie's face was inches above mine. Even through the pain, I smile. "Hey, beautiful."

She kisses me. "I'm so glad you're okay. We couldn't get you to wake up. Can you sit up?"

I comply, gasping in pain, and realize were on the roadside. I look around and see the car looking like crumpled silver tinfoil a ways away, and Alec being violently sick while Ashton yelled on a phone and Jake had his face in his hands. The crash comes back to me in a rush.

"Are you alright?" I ask her, looking her over. She seems fine.

"Yeah, I'm just a little shaken up. But you are not okay."

I look towards the source of most of my pain, my left arm, and see a mass of blood. I blanch, and Corrie pus her tiny hands on either side of my face and pulls it back to hers. "Hey, focus on me. The ambulance is on the way."


"Just a precaution. I'm sure you're fine."

Trying to focus on anything but my now throbbing arm, I say, "What did we hit?"

She looks down. "A dog."

"Poor thing. Are you okay?"

"You already asked that."

"Are you, Corrie?"

"Yeah, like I said, just shaken up. I passed out almost immediatly, because thats what I do. Look at me, not your arm, its fine."

Resisting the urge, I look over at the others. "Are they okay?"

"They're living. Jake and Alec are having nervous meltdowns, and Ashton just hung up on your mom. Aaron! I said don't look at your arm!"


"You'll thank me. Its pretty nasty."

"I need... A distraction," I say.

"We just got out of a car wreck and you're trying to seduce me."

"Not seduce, just kiss you." I lean forward and meet her lips. Almost immediatly hear the sounds of an evident fight and I look over, my right hand on her face. Ashton was standing over Jake who was flat on the ground, in hysterics.

We can hear a siren now and an ambulance screeches to a halt, along with a cop car.

A man rushes over to us. "Its him, his arm," corrie said instantly, pointing. "Don't look at it, Aaron!" She keeps a firm grip on my face as the man takes my arm and whistles.

"Ouch," he mutters, and I can feel him peeling off the sleeve of my shirt. I gag and shut my eyes. It hurts like hell.

Corrie presses my face into her shoulder. "You're fine."

"My arm begs to differ," I mutter. She giggles and knots a hand in my hair as the man continues to prod my arm. He does something and I gasp.

"Yeah, you definately have to come with us. Your arm is shredded and I think you've got four windows' worth of glass in your arm."

I squeaze my eyes shut tighter and focus on Corrie as I stand up, using her tiny self as a brace.

"Into the ambulance, young man. The rest of you should come too, but in a different car."

"Alright," ashton said from no where. "If we can convince Jake. Do you have a sedative I can give him?"

"OW! Jake!" Alec yelled from behind us.


"You're on your own," the paramedic said.

I look at my arm and immediatly regret it.

"Aaron?" Corrie asks, but she sounds far away. I crumple and I'm gone by the time I hit the ground.
When I woke up again I could smell Corrie's hair, and it was in my face. For a moment I think I'm back at home, but I realize there is something severely wrong. I remember the wreck, and my arm.

I open my eyes. "Hey, Corrie."

She looks up at me and sits up. "You're awake."

My little room is empty, and I'm not hooked up to anything, so I take that as a good sign. I follow up, only a little woozy. "Where is everyone?"

"Around. Your parents are on their way. Jake's parents dragged him home. The twins... I don't even want to know where they are. I stayed with you. they couldn't find anything wrong with me. You're the only one who got severely hurt."

"A comfort."

She smiles at me. "Were never letting the twins drive again."

"You're telling me. And when I teach you to drive, they aren't even coming. And I'm taking their cell phones. And my arm hurts." I look down at it again. My left arm is wrapped in gauze from the wrist to my elbow, then a little bit higher up.

"There was a lot of glass. Thirteen stitches. Lots of pain meds. They have yet to deliver them, though."

"I can't believe I passed out."

"If it had been my arm, I would have too."

"Yeah, but you're a girl."

"Whats that supposed to mean?" She scoffed. I rolled my eyes and kissed her on her nose, her cheek, and then her lips.

Two seconds later the door opened and we snapped apart, both of us looking sheepishly in the opposite direction. The doctor coming in chuckled. "Glad to see you're awake, Mr. Maccero."

"I've got a football game this friday."

"Boys," Corrie mutters.

"Can I play?"

"Well, it'll hurt, but you're more than welcome to try. I don't think it could seriously damage your arm."

"Oh. Good."

"Boys," Corrie muttered again, louder, with an exagerrated rolling of the eyes.

"Girls," I scoff back.

The doctor was smiling. "So you go to Rocker Heights or Hickory Ridge?"

"Rocker Heights," I answer. He's scribbling illegibly on a piece of paper.

"Do you know my daughter, Kaylee?"

We both stiffen. Corrie hardly pauses. She rushes out of the room, slamming the door.

"Dammit," I say, hoping the twins are in her path.

"What happened?" The doctor asked. I'd never even met Kaylee's dad before.

"I'm Aaron," I sigh, waiting for the typical father response, but he doesn't seem to know who I am. "Kaylee broke up with me a... Two weeks ago? Anyways, I'm with Corrie and your daughter sliced her to bits at the football game yesterday."

"What?" He asked. This is apparently new to him.

"No! You don't understand!" Corrie wailed from outside the room. Alec and Ashton came in, one on each arm, holding Corrie six inches above the ground.

"Loose this?" Ashton asked me innocently.

"This is Kaylee's dad."

Corrie is shaking.

"What did she do?" The doctor asks menacingly.

"If they set you down, will you run away?" I ask Corrie.


I sigh and pull Corrie's shirt up, just enough to show her bandaged stomach and sides. "Kaylee got pissed because I started going out with Corrie and cut her after the football game."

Corrie is shaking harder. To much stress for one night.

"She what?" He asked, horrified, standing up and taking a step closer to Corrie, who shrank back into Ashton.

The doctor moved on anyway, gently examining her sides. "My daughter did this?"

"Don't you ever talk to her? She must've been ranting about me," I say.

"Kaylee lives with her mom, but I will certainly be talking to her about this. Do you mind if I take pictures?"

"Yes," Corrie said, horrified.

"No. Corrie, be reasonable. We were going to have to tell someone. Thats like, assult."

"He has a point lovely," Alec said. "Psycho chick is a danger to society. No offense, sir. You're doing to world a service."

Mr. Kaylee's dad had his iPhone out and was taking pictures with it. Corrie is glaring at me with this violated look. "He's a doctor Corrie," I say, exasperated. Her eyes say yes, but he's also the enemy's father.

"I can assure you, this wont happen again," he says when he's done.

"whose going to stop it? You? She doesn't give a shit about what you have to say. You didn't even know about Aaron. I bet you don't know she lost her virginity in the girls locker room," Corrie hisses.

I choke on air. "What?"

"While she was going out with you."

I stare at Corrie in amazement. She tries to shrug, but as she's in the air, its kind of hard.

Mom bursts into the room. "Oh honey! You're all right!" She shrieks, throwing her arms around me. I yelp in unxpected pain, but Mom doesn't give.

"Get off of him!" Dad says, walking in. "You're right on his arm."

"You know, we were in the crash too," Alec says obnoxiously.

"Like she doesn't even remember us," Ashton scoffs.

"Were glad you're okay," Dad says, rolling his eyes. "All four of you. And Jake. Do we need to check them out?"

Mom lets go of me, sniffling.

"Yeah, you'll need to check them out..." the doctor says. "And heres your prescription."

I'm the last one out, and I look back to see him sitting slumped in his chair, head in his hands.
We all wake up from the sreaming. I'm the first one up and out of bed, though, because I know its Corrie.

Mom made her move into the loft temporarily, but all of her stuff was still in my room until they found somewhere to put it.

Her screaming was so real, intense, that I thought we were being robbed or she was being kidnapped or both, but when I get up to the loft Corrie's thrashing around in the little bed. A nightmare, but obviously an awful one. I move over to her side and gently say, "Corrie!" When her screaming dies down momentarily.

Her eyes snap open and she stares up at me. She's not even sweating, though there are tears from her dream.

"What happened?!" Alec yelled, bursting into the room with Lorrie and Ashton, then Mom and Dad.

"Sorry," Corrie mutters, sitting up. Her hair is a wreck. "I didn't... Just a bad dream..."

"A ruddy awful one," Ashton muttered. "I'm going back to sleep. Night, all."

"Come on," I sigh, pulling her to her feet and leading her out of the room, giving Mom a defiant glare. She spends the rest of the night with me.
In the morning I wake up and the first thing I notice is Corrie's absence. I get up, brush my teeth, and stumble down stairs, still half asleep.

"Morning sunshine," Corrie says brightly when I get in the room. She's alone in the kitchen. I grunt and throw myself into a barstool.

Mom walks in and checks whatever is in the oven. It smells heavenly.

Corie walks over to me and runs a hand through my hair, getting her hand stuck in several tangles, but it feels good anyway and I let out a soft moan Mom can't hear. Corrie smacks me on the back of the head and I smile at her.

"Here, drink this," she says, setting a cup with little fishes on it in front of me. Its full of a bright yellow liquid.

"Whats this?" I ask, sniffing it. It smells kind of like orange juice.

"Liquid sunlight. Drink it."

I snort, roll my eyes, and drink some. "Its good, now what is it? Really?"

"Orange juice, pineapple juice, and lemonade. Its like citrus punch."

"Its awesome."

"I know. I used to be addicted to this stuff. Were making cinnamon raison bread too!" Corrie beams at Mom and Mom beams back. Girls are wierd.

"Go wake up the others," Corrie says, trying to push me out of my chair. I roll my eyes at her and take another swig out of my cup. "Go," she whines.

"You've never tried to wake up the twins before, or Lorrie. It isn't fun."

"But they have to eat the bread whie its warm!"

"They'll survive. Or better yet, you go wake them up. They'll probably greet you with much more enthusiasm."

"Its done," Mom says cheerfully, pulling two loaves of bread out of the oven.

"It smells amazing," I moan.

"You can thank Corrie for it. I just found the recipe."

"Did not. You dealt with the oven."

I cock an eyebrow at Corrie.

"I don't like ovens. I hate being burned. Its like, the worst ever."

I kiss the back of her hand because its the closest part of her to me. I pull her by the hand closer and kiss up her arm.

"Get off of me," she snaps, rolling her eyes and pulling her arm up. I don't let go, pulling her closer and wrapping my arm around her waist and pressing my face into her side, ignoring my mom.

"Relax a little Corrie."

"I was relaxed. You aren't relaxing me."

"Oh, no?" I smirk, pulling her into my lap. Sure enough, she's a little flushed, and Mom is gone.

She leans her head back and doesn't say anything.

"Whats on your mind?" I ask.

"Why don't you ever kiss me like Jake kissed that girl?"

I laugh softly. "Because Jake is a man whore. And I didn't think you'd take it to well if I moved to fast. Trust me though, love, I wouldn't mind."

She snorted softly and turned her head and she kissed me full on. I never thought Corrie would be this bold, but its not like I mind. Before we legit start to make out I pull back. she must think its like a rejection, because she tenses, but I put a hand on the back of her head to hold her still. "Are you sure, angel?"

"Its just kissing," she whispers. "You act like were about to have sex."

I snort and kiss her again.

Two minutes later the twins walk in. I know its them, because they both go, "Oh shit!" And theres a loud thud. Corrie jumps off of me like she's been shocked.

Ashton is righting a chair. Alec wolf whistles and Corrie is blushing furiously.

"I hate you both," I mutter, drinking more of my juice.

"Your mum said it was time for breakfast. We didn't know it was all for you."

Corrie, horrified, smacks Ashton because he's right beside her and pints at the stove. "Cinnamon raison bread!"

"I'd like to try it for myself," he answers, staring at Corrie and licking his lips.

"Fuck off, dude!" I say, dragging Corrie back over to my side.

"Horny bastard," Alec mutters. "Can I have some bread?"

"Of course," Corrie muttered, turning against me.

"Look at what you did!" Alec smacked Ashton. "You've scared her off again! After she made us breakfast and everything!"

"I can't help-"

"What smells good?" Jake asks.

"When did you get here?" I ask.

"Just now."

"And you aren't even hungover," Corrie says nastily. Jake looks hurt.

"Did I miss something?"

"Only Ashton trying to seduce Corrie moments after her first make out session," Alec says, slicing some bread.

Corrie gives me a look like what-is-wrong-with-them? I don't kiss her even though I want too. "Get me some bread, would you lovely?"

She rolls her eyes.

"Woman," I add as she takes the knife from Alec and shakes it at me threateningly.

It is really good and I make sure she knows I think so. We all compliment her on it, and all she says is, "It was the recipe." Halfway through the meal Ashton puts an apron over Corrie's head that says Kiss the Cook and tries to kiss Corrie. I hit him then. No one objects. Then I settle Corrie on my other side and glare down Ashton, who is glaring down me, and all I keep thinking about is him screwing my ex girlfriend. Jake, Alec, and Corrie seem to be thinking the same thing.

"I'm just kidding!" Ashton eventually mutters.

"Is he high?" Corrie asks Alec.

"He might be."

"I am not!" Ashton angrily leaves.

"I feel bad," corrie says.

"He was coming onto you!" I protest.

"He was just kidding, wasn't he?"

"No idea."

Corrie looks at Alec, and he just shrugs. "He is a man whore."

Corrie vanishes faster than any of us can see. I blink and she's gone. "Damn," I mutter. "I'm going to go beat the shit out of Ashton. See you two later."

I get up and go to find Ashton, who is in the bathroom between his and Alec's rooms. "What. The. Fuck?" I growl. "I mean, are you completely insane or just on something?"

"I'm sorry," Ashton mutters, leaning forward so his forehead is on the mirror. "Tell Corrie I'm sorry too."

"I would say tell her yourself, but in all honesty, can I even leave you in the same room as her?" I snap.

"Yes." His breath is fogging up the glass.

"Were you even playing?"

He hesitates. "Partially." Then he shuts the bathroom door in my face.

"Ah, fuck," I mutter, going to find Corrie.
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