
(21) Golden

Kaylee was not a happy camper on Monday. She had no make up, her hair was in a tight ponytail, and she was wearing some old t-shirt and jeans. An ultimate low for her. She was also being shunned by most of the school, and I didn't really want to know why. She stayed away. As did Ashton.

And after three nights of everyone waking up because of Corrie's nightmares, Mom relented and let Corrie come back to my room as long as we left my door open at night. Corrie was beyond embarrassed. I was just... Content.

I honestly didn't mind Ashton keeping his distance, but it made Corrie antsy and she wouldn't talk about it. I didn't press her.

Friday night rolled around and we were all pumped, it was a home game. My arm wasn't bothering me, but I knew it was going too in a little while. Corrie hadn't let me completely dope myself up, saying it would impair me during the game, and didn't I ever hear about all those awful football accidents?

She was so cute and I hadn't seen her since I drove her home from school. Alec had kidnapped her.

Now we run outside to be serenaded by a roaring crowd and our epic band in the stands. Most people don't really appreciate the band, but they work just as effing hard as we do on the football team for the marching season. How do I know this? All band kids weren't complete loosers. And we're good. We won state, and next year, they're going to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.

I immediatly look for Corrie and the twins.

Again, Jake spots them first, and I know he does because he bursts into laughter and points. I follow his look and grin. The figure in the middle is definately Corrie. Ashton's painted entirely in brown, Corrie entirely in glittering gold, and Alec in white. From the looks of their hands, they're tied together by the wrists. i start laughing.

I'm on a high again. I do perfectly. My arm causes a few mistakes, but by half time I'm rocking it. But my arm is killing me.

"Wasn't that your girlfriend, in the stands? Painted gold?" one of the guys asks.

"Yeah," I answer, grinning.

When we win the game Jake, Matt, and I dump the gatorade on Coach because we've always wanted an excuse to do that.

Then the crowd converges on us. It takes me a minute to find Corrie, but its really not hard as she's gold. She squeals and jumps into my arms, and I'm hit by the twins because they've literally handcuffed themselves to her.

She kisses me. "You did so good!"

I set her down and hold her at arms length. Gold cheetah print pants, gold sparkly TOMS, a shiny gold shirt, and the rest of her is covered with gold glitter paint, including her hair.

"You look awesome!" I laugh. "We have to get a picture of that!"

She giggles.

"We already did," said Alec enthusiastically. "The yearbook staff got ahold of us. We had to tickle Corrie to get her to smile."

"Another picture!"

"Speak of the devil!" Alec said warmly. "Izzy?"

"Yeah," Izzy giggles. She's cute, only a little taller than Corrie with dark skin and just a friendly bearing. She's got a camera that she holds up. "All four of you?"

"And Jake, hold on. JAKE!" I twist with one arm still awkwardly wrapped around Corrie.

"Oi! WHORE!" Alec screams. Jake jogs over.

:You called?"

"Picture!" I say. "One of you unlock Corrie, though."

"No, you two get behind them," Izzy commands.

We do as were told and she snaps several pictures, getting one of me kissing Corrie, I'm fairly sure. I only do it a couple of times, but I really can't help it.

By the time were done the crowd is starting to thin out. "I'm going to go get changed. See you in a bit."

I leave them chatting with Izzy.
Corrie tries to get in the shower as soon as we get home, but not before I take a few pictures with her and change one to my profile picture on Facebook. It was one from Halloween.

When she gets out of the shower she has her hair in a bun on the top of her head. "That is so cute," I say. She smiles at me and sits beside me on the couch. "What we watching?"

"Hoarding: Buried Alive. That show from the Discovery Channel?"

"I know it."

"You want to change it?"


"I'm going to take you out on Sunday," I decide.

"I look forward to it," Corrie says smiling.

"Its going to be amazing. Get prepared." I run a finger down her jaw. "You're going to need a new dress. I don't remember ever even buying one for you."

"i don't-"

"Yes you do. Lorrie can take you, because I want to see the dress on you on Sunday. Would that be all right? Going just with Lorrie?"

"Can I go with Izzy instead?"

I cock my eyebrow. "What? Do you have a friend?"

Corrie blushed. "Izzy actually asked me to go shopping tomorrow... With her and a few others. I wasn't going too, because, you know... But for the dress..."

"Yeah! Of course you can! Are you sure you'll be all right, though? Alec can go with you."

"I think... I'll be alright. I'll call you if I need you."



I kiss her, slowly at first, then it heats up. she obviously knows what she's doing, and I can't help but think if thats just from her father. I push that thought away and put a hand on her hip, pulling her closer until she's practically on my lap. She knots her hand in my hair because she's already pieced together from three make-out sessions that I really do love it. Her hair is even softer than anything I've ever touched, and I love to run my hand through hers. I'm fairly sure she likes it too.

Someone clears their throat. Corrie bounces off me like she just discovered I had mono.

Alec is standing in the room. "Yes?" I ask, dragging Corrie back down and onto my lap.

"You two are so wierd. Anyways! Corrie, get up here, I need to talk to you."

"I'm kind of busy," she says shyly.

"Don't care. You two can finish this up later. I need you now."

"Why?" She asks, pulling off of me.

"Just get your ass upstairs."

"Can I come?" I ask.

"No," they both answer. I pretend to be hurt as they leave, then head up myself to the game room and start playing XBox. Eventually that gets boring, so I wander back downstairs to get something to eat and pass by Alec's room. I hear my name crop up.

".... Aaron are so lucky," Alec mutters. "Riddle me this. You're great at football, and you kicked my ass on Call of Duty. Why does Aaron think you suck?"

"He thinks its so funny and it was so adorable, I just couldn't help it. But I'm not that great at the XBox, you're just even worse."

"Thanks, Corrie."

"No problem."

"But I think, you know, he'd love you even if you could beat him at Call of Duty."

There's a pause. "He doesn't love me," Corrie finally says.

"I wouldn't be so sure, love. He's head over heels for you. I've known him forever, he never acts like this."

Another silence. "I'm great at cars, too. I could take his truck apart and put it back together again. My dad used to be a mechanic."

"Why hide it, then? You're so modest around him."

"I'm not modest. I'm really not that good!"

"Quit putting yourself down. Its bothering me."

Corrie muttered something incoherent.

''Corrie," Alec said sternly. "I guarantee you that boy would kiss your ass even if you threw him off a bridge."

Even I stiffen as he says that, and I can hear Corrie's uncomfortable silence.

"What?" Alec asks.

"Nothing," Corrie sighs. "but you'll never understand how glad I am that I met Aaron."

"You really like him."

"A lot... Living after Mom died... It was awful, expecially because Dad... He makes me feel that someone else really cares about me, because honestly until I met him, no one did. No one would miss me if I just vanished."

I take a shower and get ready for bed and by the time I'm out Corrie's curled up under my blankets in her little black pjs. How lucky did I get?
Corrie is hyperventalating before Izzy shows up.

"You don't have to go," I say gntly, now supremely worried.

"I'm fine," she snaps as an answer.

I lean down and kiss her on the forehead. "Of course. Call me if you need anything, alright?"

Izzy pulls up.

"I changed my mind."

"Corrie get the hell outside." I pick her up off the couch. "Have fun."

"I hope so," she mutters as I open the door while pushing her outside.

After she's gone I'm worrying again. "Don't you have dinner resevations to make?" Alec eventually snaps once I've annoyed the hell out of him. I realize he's right and run off. When I come back, he's with Ashton.

"What if she faints?" I aske nervously. "On the escalator or something. She could fall and get seriously hurt. What if Kaylee is there? What if-"

"Aaron shut up! Corrie's fine!" Alec snaps, looking away from the tv. I sit down beside him, subdued but not comforted.

"So where are you going to take her, anyway?"

"This fancy ass resturaunt."

"In your truck?"

"Which you two are never allowed to drive."

"Are you just trying to get lucky?"

"I already am lucky, and yes, I'm still a virgin. Give it a rest, I'm not going to screw Corrie."

"But you want too."

I glare him down. Ashton, on his other side, is carefully avoiding looking at me. He's been hiding all week.

"My hair is starting to fade," Alec sighs, looking at the now pale green tips of his hair. "I need to get it redone."

"Your roots are growing out too. I told you we should've bleached it before we left," Ashton said.

"I don't like you bleaching my hair," Alec mutters.

"Twat," Ashton answered, rolling his eyes. "I do just fine with mine."

"Your hair is dying."

"And yours isn't? Girls happen to love my hair, thanks."

I push Alec back onto the couch. "What was that with Corrie last weekend?" I snarl, and he winces.

"I already apolagized."

"She's my girl friend you son of a bitch! And she's fucking Corrie! Her dad raped her for years, and you seriously came onto her? In front of me? Are you suicidal?" I'm on my feet and I don't remember getting there. Alec is looking at me like I'm a ticking time bomb. Ashton is staring at my feet and mumbles something I can't understand.

"A-" Alec tries to say, but I cut him off, still glaring at Ashton.

"Go fuck someone else's girlfrined, because Corrie is mine, and if you ever touch her your ass is dead. I love her, and you, of all people, are not going to ruin this for me."

Ashton looked up at me mournfully. "I don't know what the hell was wrong with me, I never should have done any of that. I don't know what was going through my mind. I know she's yours, mate, and I have no intention of taking her from you."

"Because I believe that. Go fuck yourself, you son of a bitch. She's to good for you anyway."

My phone buzzes an alert. I look at it and leave silently, going to finish up my preperations for my date tomorrow.
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bit of a filler chapter 13 subscribers :p lucky 13
sorry for the bit of band pride up there, but i play the alto in my marching bacd (and we went to Macys this year or rather, last year) so I couldnt help but throw that in there. we really did work our little tushies off every dang practice