
(25) Complications

Corrie shook me awake. Everything comes back to me when I see her, and it hurts. "What time is it?"

"Only three thirty, Superman. You've been asleep for about three and half hours, we got home at noon. Your mom just called. The surgery went well, but he's still pretty unstable, the bullet did a lot more damage than they originally thought, so they had to do some extra things... We don't know the specifics. He's still on the fence though, the surgery was rough on him. They said the next two or three days are going to be crucial."

I sit up. "Should we go to the hospital?"

She shrugs. "Alec's refusing to go home, and no one wants to leave him there alone. And he hasn't eaten a thing all day. Your dad's going to go over there to switch with your mom. Lorrie can't handle going back, she's a wreck. And I don't think you want to either."

I wince. "I should, though."

"Not if you're just going to vanish like you did today."

I try to think up some excuse. Corrie kisses me. "Its alright, it was pretty damn... Depressing, scary? I can't find the right word. I think the only reason I didn't collapse like I normally would is because you were out of it. Isn't that strange?... I made brownies."

"What?" I ask in alarm, as that was so random.

"I got bored, and raided your pantry, and made brownies. We should take them to Alec."

"He wont eat them. He went fasting out of depression when his cat died. He had to be forced to eat. Literally."

"Okay... We should take them to Rick's parents."


"Do you really think they're proud of what their son did? What happened to them? It might make them feel a bit better."

I gape at her.

She looks down. "Well I thought it was a good idea."

I kissed her. "It might be, or it might blow up, but we can try. Do we even know where Rick is?"

"Prison, they're holding him until a trial date can be set."

"How do you know?"

Corrie holds up my iPhone. "I've been txting Izzy. I lost mine."

"Lost it?"

"Yeah, I can't find it anywhere. It must still be at school or something."

"All my shit is at school."

"Your Dad picked both of our things up. You've been asleep for a while."

'You shouldn't have let me-"

"You deserved it, hero. Lets go get the brownies." She grabs me by the hand, but I pull her back into my lap and kiss her.

"You even taste like brownies,' I murmur when I let go.

"I ate four of them," she says, slightly dazed.

"Come here," I whisper and kiss her again.

Three minutes later my phone rings and Corrie answers it, as its in her pocket. "Hello?... Well, this is his phone... He's right here. Aaron, its for you."

"Go figure, it is my phone," I say, rolling my eyes and take it from her.

Its Matt and he drills me about what happened. I don't let Corrie off my lap. Once Matt pauses for breath, I say, "Listen, Matt, I'm going with Corrie to give Rick's parents brownies. I've got to go. Spread the story around, because I don't want people calling me nonstop, alright?"

"Okay man... Brownies?"

"They taste great," I say, winking at Corrie. "Like I said, gotta run." I hang up on him. "Lets go Corrie."


We head downstairs and Corrie puts half the brownies in a container, then half of the remaining half in another container. "We're taking these to the hospital anyways."

"How many did you make?"

"Like a bunch."

I take one of the remaining ones. "They're good."

"It was the mix."

I roll my eyes and lead the way to the driveway, pausing only to yell at my dad that were going to the hospital.

"Do you even know where Rick lives?"

Corrie holds up my phone again. "Izzy does. I've got the directions."

"Is Izzy your new bff?"

"No, thats Alec."


She nodded. "Which is why were taking the brownies to him. Ashton and him are conjoined at the hip, but why am I telling you this? You've known them forever."

"Well, I'm glad you like Alec."

"Are you mad at Ashton?"

"Not since he was shot."

"Aaron," she sighs.

"I know you can't help but be amazing. He could have kept it to himself though."

"Its sweet how you're jealous, but if Ashton recovers, be nice to him."

"Plan on it. Where am I going?"

"Erm, Orchard Park."

"Thats the same damn neighborhood as Kaylee. I bet he was sleeping with her-"

"Aaron. Breath. You're driving."

We found Rick's house with little difficulty, but we weren't the only people with the idea. There were two cars parked in the street. We joined the queue and headed towards the porch steps, Corrie holding the container of brownies and now looking apprehensive of her decision to socialize. She knocks quietly on the door. Nothing changes, so I ring the doorbell. A moment later Kaylee comes to the door. Kaylee.

Corrie shrieks and vanishes, dropping the container of brownies. I don't follow her, I'm to bewildered. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, stooping over to pick up the brownies Corrie dropped.

"What are you doing here?" she snipes.

"We came to comfort Rick's parents," I say, now looking around for Corrie. "And now I've got to go find my girlfriend because you scare the piss out of her. And what the fuck was that, you psycho bitch! Cutting her?! You don't know half of the shit she's had to go through, and she wont even let us press charges because she's to fucking scared of a court! And you go and attack her! You better be glad I was raised properly, otherwise you'd be in the hospital along side my fucking cousin!" I have honestly never felt the urge to it a girl until now. Kaylee seems to sense that, and takes a step back. I continue on with my rant. "She never did anything to you! she's never done anything to anyone! You broke up with me, for Rick, remember?! Just because I got over you doesn't mean you can just take a knife to my girlfriend!"

Her eyes are wide, then they narrow. "So you told my dad-"

"Because I was in the hospital, and he turned out to be the one who gave me stitches, and Corrie had a complete panic attack when she realized he was related to you! If you ever get even remotely close to Corrie, I'll press charges with or without her consent, bitch. Now what the fuck are you doing here, its your fault anyway, that all this shit happened, you know. If Ashton dies I'm suing Rick's and your ass, I hope you know."

"Go to hell, Aaron."

"Whatever. What are you doing here?"

"Same as you."

"But its all your fault! And since when have you been a comfort to anyone? Know what, it doesn't even matter. Just stay the hell away from Corrie and know that my cousin is dying in the hospital because of you, whore."

I turn around, intent on going to find Corrie, but Kaylee stops me before I get very far. "Aaron?" She calls, sounding tired.

"I cheated on you. With Rick."

"Well no shit." I snarl, whirling around to face her.

"And I'm pregnant," she says, sounding like she's about to cry. "And I had to leave you Aaron. But he knew I was still obsessed with you. He got pissed. He doesn't even know that I'm- I'm...." She trails off, dissolving into tears. "Aaron I love you. And Rick is insane, and I'm so scared."

I'm frozen by this new information. Kaylee falls to the ground, sobbing hard. I can't even think, its like sensory overload.

Then Corrie is beside me, staring at Kaylee with huge eyes. Then she says, "We can't leave her."

"You are the nicest person on the face of the planet. I don't get it."

She looks like she's thinking hard about her answer, then she says, "I empathize with terror."

I stare at her.

She walks cautiously forward to Kaylee. "Kaylee?" She asks quietly, staying well out of her reach. "Kaylee would you like-"

Kaylee jumps to her feet. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Don't talk to her like that!" I yell. "She's just being nice! Come on Corrie, don't bother helping her, she doesn't deserve it!"

Corrie stares mournfully at Kaylee. "You have Aaron's number if you want to, um, talk." Then she retreats with a look of terror to the truck.

"Why is life so complimented?" I ask when were five minutes away.

"No earthly idea, Aaron. "
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you'll have to tell me if I'm over doing the drama, im kind of having fun screwing with Aaron's life :p