
(29) Jake's Day Out

Corrie lived in utter fear for the next three days that there was going to be some sort of court case about her. In that time I leave Corrie with the twins and drag Jake to help me with her Christams present.

"Why did I have to come?"

"Because you have to pitch in. Its a present from all of us. And I know you aren't going to get her anything if I don't make you, and she already has your present."

"She does?"

"You're one of her few freinds Jake. We went out the other day to get everyone presents."

"You did?"

"And thats why you're here Jake. So what are you going to get her?"

"Is this not it?" He asks, pointing at all the stuff were both carrying.

"No, its not."

"But I'm paying for it!"

"So am I, so is Alec, so is Ashton, so is Lorrie, so are my parents."

"You are insane."

"Just pull out your wallet."

"Damn you."

"Your insensitivity would hurt Corrie's feelings, and she'd feel like it was to bold for her to get you a present, and have a nervous meltdown and stop talking to you."

"Dude, you should be a shrink."

"I just know how she thinks."


"You really do love her, don't you?"

"Yes, I do."

"Whats going to happen when you go to college? If she goes somewhere else?"

"Were only juniors. We've got time."

"I know what I'm getting you for Christmas."


"A box of condoms."

"Jake! Its not like that!"

"But it will be some day."

"Yeah, someday, like when were married. I mean, think about it. Corrie'll probably want to wait. Wouldn't you in her position?"


"You're addicted to sex, Jake."

"I think you're the only popular guy in the school who is still a virgin."

"And proud of it."


"Horny alcoholic."

"Excuse me, but are you going to pay for that or hold up the line all day?" the clerk snaps.

"Get your damn wallet out, Jake!"
"This is the cheesiest thing I've ever heard. You're the gayest straight guy I know," Jake says accusingly after I finish rhapsodizing about my planned Christmas for Corrie.

"Just because all your lovers have dicks doesn't mean you have to bash my sense of romance."

"That was one time, and I didn't know until she'd taken her pantees off!"

"He. And you screwed anyway. I'm definately the gay one."

"I told you to never speak of it!"

I laugh.

"I knew it was an awful idea to tell you," Jake says, wounded.

I pull into my driveway and we get out, carrying the bags.

"ALEC!" I yell when I get inside. "ALEC HIDE CORRIE!"

"Got it!" Alec yells from upstairs. I hear the evident sound of Corrie struggling and a door slams.

We trot upstairs and hide the bags before Alec lets Corrie out of his room. She looks distinctly ruffled. "What was that about?" she asks irritably.

"Hey cutie," I say. She blushes and I hug her.
♠ ♠ ♠
kind of short
shout out to all of my commenters, you make my days :)
especially Shall We Run? that comment made me smile, because thats like one of my favorite lines too :p