
(39) Hiding

I got out of there fast, pulling a Corrie and taking off. If it worked for her, it would work for me, but I was not going to hang around for whatever the hell was happening next. Out of sight, out of mind? Maybe thats Corrie's reasoning.

I'm out of the house in seconds.

Corrie takes over my position and runs after me. "Aaron, baby, wait!" She yells after me and I slow down, but never really stop. She slides her tiny hand into mine and I keep dragging her down the beach, hyperventalating. I don't want to think about it, I don't want to think about it, I wont think about it.

"Talk. About anything," I beg.

"I've been writing... Songs," Corrie says in a voice that suggests its a great confession. "Asher said he was going to teach me how to play the piano, and Alec said he'd teach me to play the guitar, so I can write music for them too." She looks rather sheepish.

Corrie is the perfect distraction. "Really? Thats great. I'd love to hear some of them."


"I bet they're great."

"You're my boyfriend, you have to say that."

"I wouldn't let you go around singing some shitty song that would only embarress you, though. I'd tell you the truth, in a gentle way. But I'm still sure your great."

"And why do you think that?"

"You're good at everything you do."

She doesn't seem to know how to reply to that at first, and blushes. "Not really," she says eventually.

"Yes, you are. You're an amazing singer, artist, writer, dancer. You're not in bad shape at all. You're naturally just drop dead gorgeous. When you do talk, the best words come out. And, of course, you've very perfectly taken my heart. You're an amazing best friend, as Alec will claim, you're a great cook, you're beautiful. I mean damn, Corrie, you're just perfect."

She's still flushed. "You know, Aaron, what I see when I look in the mirror?"


"No. I've never seen that. When I look in the mirror, I always see some low, ugly thing to be pitied, but never taken in. Dirty, gross, pathetic. But you, you actually really make me feel pretty, for once."

I kiss her. "I'm glad, so glad you think that, but Corrie, believer me when I say that you are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Oh I love you angel. I'm scared."

That last part just slipped.

Corrie wrapped her arms around my neck, which was a stretch for her. "Oh Aaron."

"Can we run away now?"

"I'm seriously considering it," I whimper into her shoulder.

"San Francisco, I've decided. Like the Train song. I love that song."

"San Francisco sounds great. I just need my damn truck."

She giggles so cutely my heart does a little skip. I lift her into the air so I'm not bending over and Corrie kicks her legs around my waist. "Really. Lets just disappear for a while. I don't want to see how this ends."

"Want to go home early?"


"Well, lets at least collect the twins, Lorrie, and Jake. We can't leave them out to dry."

"I'd rather be with you. Alone. I hate people Corrie."

"You don't hate people. I hate people," Corrie sighs. "But do you really want to leave Lorrie and Jake here? Even with the uncovering of your Mom, they're going to be under quite some fire. And Alec would cry if we left him, and if Alec's coming, we can't leave Ashton."

"Damn your logic."

Two hours later we were driving Dad's SUV home. I hated to take Dad's car, and would've taken Mom's had we not had so many people to transport. Stupid Mom. Screwing up everything. Stupid Eddie Roe. Screwing up everything.

"Thats it!" Ashton screeches as I miss my fourth stop sign in a row (and second stoplight...). Pull the fuck over, I'm driving."

"The last time you drove, I ended up with stitches!" I retort angrily.

"That was mean. Apolagize," Corrie instructs in the silence.

"Dammit. she's right. Sorry, I'm pulling over." I do, my anger fading to depression.

Ashton gets into the driver seat while Alec automatically gets into the passenger side. Corrie and I get in the very back seat. Jake and Lorrie are ver awkwardly sitting in the middle. No one turns the radio, and the silence is so awkward and depressed it hurts.

I put my head in Corrie's lap and she runs her hands through my hair. I don't want to think, but there's to much to think about. When the silence is smothering me I sit up and kiss Corrie, because well, it is the ultimate distraction.

"If you two start fucking in the backseat I will kill you both," Ashton growls.

I flip Ashton off in the rearview mirror and rearrange us so I'm sitting stretched across the backseat with Corrie in my lap, thin back against my chest, head leaning just below my shoulder so I can see her face. Her eyes are shut, and her fingers are tracing patterns on my thighs, driving me insane. And her hair is swept off to the side so I can see the little bruises running up and down her neck.

"Do you love me?" I whisper.

"What a stupid question," Corrie says, opening her beautiful eyes and staring up at me with a small smile. "I love you more than anything."


"Because you make me feel safe. And its been such a long time since I felt safe. You make me feel pretty, like I said earlier, and its a nice feeling to have. You make me feel like I'm actually worth a damn and I haven't felt that way since Mom died. I feel so wonderful around you. And you're such an amazing guy, giving so much time to repair something as broken as me."

"You're worth fixing," I reply, lacing my fingers with hers.

"Thats why I love you."

I kiss her gently and lean back. "Will you sing to me?"

"What song?"


She goes through several songs before I manage to think that maybe life isn't as fucked up as it seems.
Jake hasn't left yet, and no ones going to try to tell him to go. I know he's feeling just as wretched as Lorrie is, and they're avoiding each other like the plague. Lorrie's holed up in her room, and Jake is in a rather apathetic faze on my couch. I kind of wish he would go.

Corrie's beyond pissed at him. Beyond. She's more lenient on Lorrie because of the circumstances, but Corrie hasn't aknowledged Jake's existance all day. Right now her and Alec are in the kitchen, Corrie's cooking, Alec is steadily eating his way through every ounce of ice cream we own. It smells heavenly though.

"ALRIGHT I'M DONE! LORRIE! COME GET YOUR FOOD!" Corrie yells. I think its the loudest she's ever been. She comes out bearing a tray of plates, and Alec has drinks.

"It looks delicious babe," I say.

Corrie passes out plates, then dumps Jake's food in his lap, along with his drink. "What the hell?!" Jake yells, jumping to his feet. Corrie steps back so she isn't craning her neck to look at him.

"You can get your own damn food you drunk son of a bitch," Corrie hisses evily, her eyes narrowed. I exchange a look with the twins that says holy shit because angry Corrie looks freaking scary.

Jake is thinking along the same lines. "Dammit, Corrie," he says a bit apprehensively. "Just because your dad's a douchebag doesn't mean alcohol-"

Whatever he tries to say next shuts off immediatly as Corrie starts talking again, in a low and hardly controlled voice. "The twins stopped drinking."

"Yeah, but-"

"You slept with Lorrie. Lorrie. Your best friends sister."

"Yeah, but-"

"You sleep with who knows how many girls. Do you want to end up with a baby like Kaylee is? Or would you just leave the chick? Do you want to get some stupid STD? What happens when you get liver cancer? Or get killed because you're to drunk to tell the difference from a knife and your dick?"

Corrie's even scaring me.

"Damn," Ashton whistles. "Jake you better scram." I can tell he's trying to brake the tension.

"I don't know, Corrie should fry his ass along with the rest of this food," Alec mutters, picking sullenly at his plate.

"Come on baby girl, lets go eat upstairs," I say soothingly, picking up Corrie's plate as well as mine and going towards the stairs. I know without a doubt she'll follow me.

We get into the loft and sit down across from each other. "Jake's a dick. I can't help it he's also my best friend."

"Will you talk to him later? I'm not going to get through to him and I don't want something bad happening to him."

I kiss her. "You are so sweet. I'll talk to him. This really does need to stop. And whats wrong with Alec?"

"Ask him yourself."

She kisses me again and I pull the hem of her shirt a little. "No, no. The food will get cold."

I pushed the plates out of the way and crawl over, rolling her back. "We can heat it up later. I think it can wait."

"But the others are downstairs."


"Alright, you win."

"Muwahahaha." I pull her shirt off and she tugs at mine.

"How is this so perfect?" Corrie whispers.

"No idea, so lets just run with it." I say into her neck, unhooking her bra and tossing it to the side.

She wraps her arms around my neck and I sit back a bit. "Want to continue this in our bedroom?"

"Our bedroom," Corrie mouths against my neck, before answering. "We'd have to walk past them, wouldn't that be wierd? They can see us from the living room." Her hand rubs over my groin and I hiss against her neck. "Lets just stay right here. I mean, this room is pretty epic."

"It had to be. It was for you."

"You know you are so freaking mushy," she giggles, pushing me back and tugging at my belt. I lay back in a very blissful state. From my odd position I see the trapdoor open before Corrie does, as she's pulling my pants down. I sit up so fast I knock heads with Corrie.

"Am I interrupting?"

Corrie screeches, as she never saw the trap door open, and falls backwards.

And its fucking Kaylee.


Who the hell let Kaylee in?

And of course she had to catch us half naked.

Kaylee was gone before I could do much more then pull my pants up, but Corrie was throwing her shirt on (no bra) as she climbed out. I followed her, ditching my shirt.

Corrie ran lightly down the stairs as appossed to Kaylee's stomping. "Kaylee! Kaylee, wait!" Corrie yelled, pulling her shirt on (it wasn't even hers, it was mine). I ran down after her in trepadition. Kaylee did go pyscho bitch on Corrie and slit her up.

"Wait, were you two-" Jake begins.

"Why are you still here?!" I hiss without braking stride as I ran outside, stopping on the porch.

"Well, he is my boyfriend Kaylee," Corrie was saying, standing five feet away from Kaylee with her arms crossed. "Isn't that what couples do?"

"H-he n-never would l-let m-me," Kaylee sobbed back.

"Its because I love her, bitch," I snap harshly. "Corrie come back inside."

"No you go inside, you aren't helping," Corrie answers.

"I'm not leaving you out here alone."

"So send out Alec." As she's talking she's cautiously inching towards Kaylee. "Please Aaron?"

I retreat, and shove Alec out the door. I stood waiting in the entrance hall nervously. What if Kaylee went crazy? I doubted Alec was much of a fighter, not like Ashton. Ashton could be dangeroiurs, but Alec is... Alec.

"Who let Kaylee in?" I yell back.

"Alec!" Ashton replies.

Corrie comes bouncing back in with Alec at her heels. "Everythings better," she chirps.

"What do you mean?" I ask, following her back into the other room.

"She's scared Aaron. Her parents kicked her out when they found out she was pregnant."

"You did not say she could stay here."

"No, I didn't. She's staying at someone else's. But I managed to calm her down. She might be coming over some more." Corrie looks at me like I'm a bomb, ready to explode."

"She sliced you to bits, and your helping her?"

Corrie shrugs. "Now, I'm hungry, so you keep your ass down here. And Jake?"

"Yes?" He says in a small voice.

"Do you plan on wearing those clothes all day?"
♠ ♠ ♠
if you listen to the songs I post, this one has nothing to do with the chapter, I just liked it:)
and sorry nothing really happens
and thank God, someone finally noticed I was setting up something with Alec. I've been working on it for chapters!