
(41) Relationships

"Okay now slowly, very slowly, let up on the brakes."

As soon as the truck moved Corrie squeaks, her hands white on the steering wheel, and slams the car to a halt. "Wait, sorry," she apologizes immediately.

"Try it again, and remember, the truck is supposed to move."

She shoots me a withering look. "To that light pole, right?"


It takes her twenty five minutes to get to the light pole that was only ten yards away. She very slowly starts getting the hang of it, and isn't too bad, if she just wasn't so under-confident. Which is why she wont be on roads for a while.

"You did good," I assure her as we pull out of the empty warehouse parking lot.

"Really?" She asks in a tiny voice.

"Really." I grin at her.

Corrie smiles a bit and turns on the radio, singing along to whatever song just came on. I just like listening to her sing.

Then a car narrowly misses my truck as it blows through a red light. "HOLY FUCK!" I scream, slamming on the brakes and hitting my horn. Corrie gave a tiny scream and shut her eyes.

"That's why I don't like driving," she whispers with her eyes shut tight. "And how small of a town do we live in?"


"That was my Dad's car."

Complete silence as my truck just sits there's the other cars that were nearly killed slowly resuming life while the cars that weren't nearly hit honk at us and keep going. I pull the truck forward and continue on. She bites her lips. "Can... can we follow him?"

"He's most likely drunk."

"Believe me, I know," she sighs.

But I do as requested and haul my truck around.

We eventually do find his truck outside some liquor store, and Corrie shuts her eyes, tears slipping out of them anyway. I sigh and wipe her eyes. "Cutie, old habits die hard."

"Along with the person with the bad habits. I just wish he'd fix himself up so I could forgive him."

"Would you forgive him?"

"If he meant it, I think I might."

"You're a better person than I'll ever be. Come on baby girl, lets go home. Then again, its not much better there." I pull the truck out and we drive off.
"I don't want to go back to school," Corrie whines as she and Alec color code all their supplies for their separate subjects. They're also doing it for Ashton, Lorrie, Jake, and me.

"To bad its mandatory," Lorrie sighs, leaning against Jake's chest. "But this is my last few months bitches."

Corrie flattens out a red History sticker on a notebook, scrunching up her nose. She was on the verge of murdering Jake and Lorrie. Alec had gone mute.

Ashton turned on music. "IS this the real life? Or is this just fantasy?" He warbles out, his voice awful.

Corrie laughs and joins in a few moments later. "I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy, because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low."

"Momma, just killed a man," I sing when that line comes around because its my favorite. "Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead."

Alec joins in there. "Now he's DEAD!" They're the first words he's uttered all day.

Corrie stops singing and looks at him sympathetically. Alec ignores her and angrily tosses folders to the left.

Jake looks just as confused as Lorrie, which is a lot.

I twine my fingers in Corrie's selfishly thinking I was glad I had what we had. She squeezes my hand and smiles sadly. "Want to help?" She holds up a binder and a smile.

"I'll pass angel."

She rolled her eyes. "Well at least pick one out. Butterflies or stripes for science?"

"I love you, I really do, but I can't go walking around with a butterfly binder."

She giggles. "I know, that's why I've got you this one." She holds up a plain teal one and another smile. I peck her on the lips.

"I'm going to go get the animal crackers," I say, standing. When I get back the twins are laughing so hard (Alec a bit cruelly) while Corrie is trying not too. Lorrie and Jake both look horribly embarrassed.

"What'd I miss?" I ask around a mouthful of animal crackers.

"I-" Ashton begins, but Jake cuts him off.

"Never will you repeat those words."

Ashton goes back into a laughing fit. I sit down next to Corrie and offer her a camel.

"I haven't had an animal cracker since I was like seven," she says, contemplating the cracker.

I dramatically gasp. "Thats a crime!" Without further ado, I push her hand into her mouth so she eats the cracker.

there's a little kid inside us all.
Corrie's pressed up against me in the car, as Alec and Ashton are also riding with us for lack of a better option. Alec wont ride with Jake and Lorrie. Ashton wont ride with Jake and Lorrie.

"Pants, too much booty in the pants!" Corrie screams along with Alec. I think I might kill Alec and his iPod when Ashton chips in.

"Would you three shut up?! How can I drive with you three-"

"Oh hush," Ashton says, rolling his eyes and turning the music down. "You wouldn't be complaining if Corrie were only dancing."

Corrie giggles. "I might have to work on that."

"Oh no, you won't! You two were making so much noise yesterday Alec had a nervous melt down. His innocent ears can't take it." Ashton objects.

"Alec's not innocent," I snort.

"Yes, he is."

"He's not a virgin."

"He is too."

"HE IS?! Then why the hell was I Virgin Mary?!" I explode.

"Sitting right here, guys," Alec muttered in a depressed voice. "And I'm not a virgin."

"A blow job doesn't count," Ashton replies.

Corrie's oddly quiet, so I look down at her. "Whats wrong?"

"Were we really that loud?"

Ashton and Alec burst into laughter.
We enter the school as a group. Me in the forefront with my arm wrapped around Corrie. Alec and Ashton bounce along with us, then Jake and Lorrie are hand in hand just behind us. We always cause a scene, but this is the worst yet, even more surprising than Corrie's sudden appearance.

"they're all staring," Corrie whispers shyly. "I forgot they did that."

I laugh at her. "They're stunned by your beauty, babe, and the fact my best friend is going out with my sister."

We enter the school common area and are immediately flagged down by the football team. Corrie and I get separated, but she's arm in arm with Alec, so I don't mind so much, and neither does she.

I find myself talking with Quinn and Hail. "You slept with my sister?" I ask him accusingly, remembering his boxers.

"Everyone's slept with your sister, dude," Hail responded a bit awkwardly.

"But why are Jake and Lorrie holding hands?" Quinn asks.

I close my eyes. "Because they're a thing now," I grimace.

Matt chokes on what looks like orange juice. "What?!"

"I know."

Lorrie is now talking to Izzy and a few of her friends, still not separated from Alec though. She's been handling talking to so many people rather well, facing it full brunt, but every now and then it'll get to much, but you can see it when she does.

"Come back to earth, man, we're trying to talk to you," Quinn says, waving his arm energetically in front of my face.

"Sorry, what?"

"We asked, since when?" Hail says.

"New Years."


"I know. Believe me. I mean, she is my sister, and just the thought of her fucking you is enough to make me sick."

Hail and Matt both look away awkwardly while Quinn laughs. Quinn's gay, so he's never fucked Lorrie... Hey... Quinn's gay...

Corrie squeezes her way back over to my side and wraps her arms around my waist (that's about as high as she can get). "Maybe second semester won't be so bad," she murmurs into my side, leaving the guys looking awkward.

"I hope we have classes together,' I say, running a hand through her hair as the bell rings.
♠ ♠ ♠
short... fillerish... sorry
check this out. its a spoof of the hunger games trailer, and i love the guy with blue hair, he's the funniest thing about it
but, see, i can empathize with his euphoria about being blue because my hair was once blue too