
(42) Class

Corrie and I are in the same homeroom, as they're put together by grade and last name. I'm Maccero, she's Monroe. We file in with a crowd of kids. I sit us down in the corner, but of course we're swamped by all the popular kids and popular wannabes. I tactfully ignore them and turn to Corrie.

"Do you remember Quinn?"

"Er, no..."

"The really big guy, like six two, black hair..."

"Yeah, I think so."

"He's gay."

"Aaron, just because there's a gay boy doesn't mean Alec will like him. Or he'll like Alec."

"Better than a straight guy."

"Excellent point. Maybe a blindish date? They could go with us. Any double date would be better than a double date with Jake and Lorrie."

"I agree completely. Now how to set them up?"

I tweak her nose and she closes her eyes, smiling.

"Okay, kids, I've got your schedules," the teacher says. She passes them out, but I take Corrie's before she can look at it.

"Aw, Aaron," she whines, trying to look over my shoulder.

Corrie's schedule goes like this:
Pre-Calculus H
Chemestry H
French 2

Mine goes like this:
Pre-Calculus H
World History H
French 2

"We have Pre-Calc and French together," I say with a smile, giving her her schedule back. "First and last, just like last semester. And you're taking drama?"

She nods shyly. "With Alec."

"Thats great," I say. "I'm really proud of you."

She grins and pecks me on the lips, taking her schedule back. The girls around us murmur restlessly.

The bell rings and we all scramble to our classes. To our delight Jake, Izzy, Izzy's friend Penelope, the twins, and Quinn are in the class with us. But there's a seating chart. I'm in the very back corner with Jake (did this teacher really not know our track record? This was a terrible idea), and Ashton. Izzy and Corrie are more towards the front and Alec and Quinn are right beside each other. I wink at Corrie when she motions to them.

Jake is bouncing up and down in his seat, having thrown away two bottles of Mt Dew. When he procured them, I don't know, but I was already hating life. As much as I loved Jake, I was still pissed at him, and hyper Jake equals no learning. Not that I usually minded.

As soon as Mr. Cannon started talking, I knew I was a goner. I instantly toned him out, and focused on Jake.

"Yeah, this is gonna suck," Jake sighs. "Let me see your schedule. We've got History together after this."

"How do I always get stuck with you in my classes?"

"I'm stalking you, prick."

"You're my bitch and you know it."

"No, you're Corrie's bitch."


Jake snorted. "She's got you wrapped around all ten of her fingers."

"And I'm loving every minute of it."

"Dude there's a foot long tampon string coming out of your ass."

"Excuse me, boys, is there something you want to say?" Mr. Cannon snaps.

"Sorry, sir, but I think Aaron here is on steroids. Don't they turn guys into chicks?"

I snort with laughter. "But then again," Ashton chimes. "He'd have to be a man to begin with."

Jake laughs. "Excellent point there."

Corrie giggles with Izzy and Penny.

"Ha ha, so funny," I say, rolling my eyes. "Grow up."

"After you grow a dick," Jake giggles. Even Alec laughs.

"Excuse me, but the three of you can go to the office." Meaning Ashton, Jake, and me.

"But sir, its only the first day," Corrie says from the front row.

"And you can go with them."

"But-" Corrie and I say at the exact same time.

"No buts. Out. Now."

"Come on babe," I say, walking to the front of the classroom with a sniggering Jake and hold out my hand.

Corrie, on the other hand, looks mortified. "But I've never had a referral!" Corrie argues.

I roll my eyes and pull her out of the seat, leaving my arm around her waist as I lead the way out of the room.

"I blame you!" She snaps when we're going down the hallway.

"Aw, Corrie, its all Jake's fault. He drank like seven Mt. Dews."

'You need a track record," Ashton says brightly. "It isn't healthy to not have one."

"I hate you all," Corrie whimpers.

I laugh and kiss her on the cheek.

"And its only the first day. He'll hate me forever," she whimpers.

"No he wont. People can't help but love you."

We all go into the office, sitting in the chairs outside the principle's office. I'm rubbing circles on the back of her hand with my thumb.

Ms. Ramone sees us all together. "Jake, Aaron, what are you two doing in my office this time? and you've dragged your cousin with you. And who is this?"

"This is Corrie, Ms. Ramone," I say, smiling.

"You're already corrupting another poor girl," Ms. Ramone sighs. "What happened?"

"We were in a very intent discussion about how the steroids were corrupting Aaron's hormones and turning him into a chick when Mr. Cannon rudely interrupted us, and said we three had to go to the office. Sweet little Corrie tried to save is, and the stick up his ass sent Corrie up here with us," Jake summarizes.

"I'm not on steroids," I say, rolling my eyes.

"He doesn't need them," Corrie chirps.

"Unlike you," Ashton throws in.

Ms. ramone closes her eyes. "Okay, Corrie, what actually happened?"

"Jake got hopped up on caffeine and couldn't shut up, and Mr. Cannon noticed. Jake said Aaron was turning into a chick, and Ashton jumped in and he sent them to the office. I said 'but its only the first day' and he sent me with them."

Ms. Ramone sighs. "Jake am I going to have to ban you from coffee?"

"It wasn't coffee this time, it was Mt. Dew," I say.

"And Mt. Dew?"

"No ma'am," Jake says innocently.

"Does this have to go on my record?" Corrie squeaks.

"No, you and Ashton can go free since this is your first offense. Aaron and Jake though..."

I look at Corrie.

"I'm not defending you again," she sniffs, flipping her hair behind her shoulders.

"Love you too, babe."

"I don't remember hearing you say anything to Mr. Cannon when he sent me with you." Corrie cocks an eyebrow at me cutely.

Ms. Ramone clears her throat. "You two can return to class."

I take Corrie's hand before she can leave but she shakes me loose with a small smile.

"She's your new girlfriend?" Ms. Ramone asks.

I smile radiantly at her. "Yes ma'am."

"Oh here we go again. Please, Ms. Ramone, spare me. Don't get him started," Jake said, rolling his eyes.

"Don't hate because your girlfriend isn't as amazing as Corrie."

"Boys. As this is your what, one millionth referral to the office, you do have to get a detention."

"Aw, Ms. Ramone," we whine.

I have to go directly to Psychology once she lets us out, and I find out Penelope is in that class, and she's honestly the only person I really know. She, of course, has other friends in that class. I pick a seat and Penelope sits next to me. "Hey, Aaron," she says.

"Hi Penelope."

"I didn't think you'd take this class."

"I want to become a therapist."

"Don't we all."

We're silenced then.

At lunch I find Corrie almost immediately, because she's walking with Ashton. Corrie manages to blend in, even when I've got every inch of her memorized. I walk over to them. "Hey."

"Did you get in a lot of trouble?" She asks.

"Just a detention."

She nods, taking my hand. The three of us get in line for food, not waiting for any one else. Ashton complains loudly about Chemistry while getting checked out by most of the girls in the lines around us. Ashton catches a few of them, always winking before turning back to us. Corrie begins to giggle. "How did you stay single before?" She asks.

"I plan on changing that,' Ashton says. "You two are enough to make anyone jealous, Jake and Lorrie make me sick, Alec's just depressing, and you freaks are the only ones I hang out with. I need a girlfriend and new friends."

"Awww, we make you jealous," Corrie giggles.

"And you two are always all over each other. So lovey dovey it makes me sick."

"Well it works," Corrie says.

"Its embarrassing to hang out with you."

"You should be taking notes," I say. "Then you might pick up someone almost as great as Corrie."

Corrie blushes and I kiss her.

"PDA!" Ashton screeches, causing everyone in the immediate vacinity to jump.

"Excuse me, excuse me, British twin coming through. Out of the way, move, I said go." Alec squeazes forward right when we're at the front of the line.

"CUTTER! BACK OF THE LINE, MATE!" Ashton screams.

"Oh shut up," Alec snaps, giving him a look. Now Alec's getting checked out by half of the female population, and some guys. Alec's probably a red alert on the gaydar, for people who have it. Mine, obviously, is broken.

We get food, and I make to go to where Corrie and I usually sit outside, but Corrie nudges me in the direction of my friends.

"Are you sure?"

"We'll see," Corrie answers.

She doesn't speak one word during lunch.

I walk with her and Alec to the drama room before half sprinting to World History.

In French the teacher is all rainbows and sunshine. I sit beside Corrie, Quinn, and Jake (why is he always there?). Ms. Jenna dances in. "Hello class, how wonderful it is to see you! Now why don't we start by getting to know one another? When we get to you, stand up, say your name, and something about yourself."

Corrie blanches. I squeeze her hand. "Just say that you're fucking awesome."

They get to Quinn first. "I'm Quinn, and I'm gay." But everyone already knows that.

"I'm Jake, and I'm just the most awesome person ever."

"I'm Aaron and I'm in love with Corrie."

Corrie blushes scarlet. "I'm Corrie and I'm in love with Aaron."

I kiss her, regardless of the teacher and class. I hear several 'awws' and Ms. Jenna sighs and says something along the lines of, "Young love."
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