
(45) Matter of Perspective Part One

No one answered the stupid door, so I found the key and unlocked it. And its fucking freezing outside. Stupid weather. It was more or less silent in the house, so I started up the stairs.

Corrie obviously didn't see me, but she came out of the bathroom with a super sexy smirk on her face, only wearing a skimpy black ensemble that looked like something Lorrie would wear.

I can feel my pants getting tighter. Holy fuck Corrie looks hot and she's about to go jump Aaron. God, I bet she's great in bed. If the twins aren't exagerrating to much, then they definately do. Dammit, Aaron. What I wouldn't give to knot my hand in her hair and have her screaming my name, not yours....

I shake my head, confused. I can not think like that about, not about Corrie. He'd have my head in a heartbeat. Corrie'd be terrified of me, and plus, I'm dating Lorrie. But then again, when has that ever stopped me?

No. No. No no no no no. I am not thinking about this.

But its so wierd, to see Corrie in this light, as she usually looks like an innocent little kid.

I make my way to the top of the stairs and I can hear muted voices in Aaron's room that make my dick twinge. I swallow hard. Corrie was far from ugly, she's really very beautiful, but not really sexy. Never sexy. And now...

I open Lorrie's door. She's laying on her bed in only a bra and skinny jeans. Now Lorrie, Lorrie is straight up sexy all the time.

She eyes my growing package with a smirk that doesn't help it at all and rolls out of bed. "Why don't we go to your place? Aaron and Corrie are still here."

"They wont hear us," I say, wrapping my arms around her and unsnapping her bra.
The next day there was a party, and I wasn't sure if Aaron was going (why would he be?), so I went to go find out. Aaron's been pissed off at me ever since I hooked up with Lorrie for the first time. At least now he's being civil. The four of us, the twins, Aaron and I are in the back yard, just throwing a foot ball around for lack of a better option.

Ashton nails Alec with the football, right between the eyes, and Alec keels over to our laughter. He pitches a fit and storms back into the house. "Come on," I yell back at him.

"Lets go back in before Alec complains to Corrie and we all get ruined," Ashton chuckles, throwing the football behind him.

I wish I had an English accent. It attracts girls like flies. But then again, I really don't need it.

There's music, not the normal kind, coming from in the house. Alec stops us almost instantly and we proceed with caution.

Lorrie and Corrie have shoved all the furniture to the side and are now doing that Zumba shit. They were wearing similar outfits, those black baggy cargo pants and tight white crop tops. Lorrie's outfit is definitely supposed to be sexier, because hey, even though Lorrie loves Corrie, she's still a bitch. And Corrie wears hers just as well as Lorrie wears her. And Corrie is really working to, her little ass shaking like no body's business, God she looks so sexy. She's dancing twice as good is Lorrie and her hips really are amazing. I bet she's danced for Aaron. No, she wouldn't have, they're probably stuck on that 'sweet sex' shit and its all about love for them. I bet Aaron would never try and get her to do something half as kinky as that. What I wouldn't give to have Corrie shake that ass for me.

I bang my head into the wall, startling the others rather unexpectedly. I can not think about that. Corrie's 100% off limits. I can't even believe I'm thinking about this, after all the shit Corrie went through... but Holy shitfuck I can see why.

"Oh my God, I need a raincheck," I mutter. "I'm going to go get drunk, see y'all later."

Corrie and Lorrie see us then, and she sweeps her slightly sweaty hair over her shoulders. "Oh really?" She asks, her voice a lot colder than I expected.

Guilt surges through me, like it does every time she marks my drinking. But why do I give a flying shit? I never have before.

"Leave off him Corrie," Lorrie says in her oh-so-seductive voice.

Corrie gives Lorrie a frosty glare, which Lorrie flippantly ignores, placing one of her perfectly manicured hands on my shoulder. Aaron's eyeing Corrie in the same way I was, and its really wierd, because I've never seen him get hard for any chick. Or if I have, he's never done anything about it.

"Come on lovely," he says, holding out a hand to her. She takes it like its a reflex, like she doesn't have an option.

"I'm going to go get laid, see you later," Ashton says, rolling his eyes and walking off.

"With who?" Corrie asks, confused.

"Emily, duh."

"But you've only been going out with her for two weeks!" Corrie objects.

I snort and roll my eyes along with Ashton.

"And its the middle of the day!" She protests again. "Emily was just telling us yesterday how she was still a virgin and you aren't ruining that in the middle of the fucking day."

"Chill," Ashton laughs. "Come on, Corrie-cat."

"No," Corrie says flatly and to my surprise, he caves.

"You people are freaks," I sigh. "And the worst part is I always hang out with you. I'm going to find new friends. Buh-bye."

"Mind if I join you?" Lorrie purrs.

"Now why would I mind?"
Two hours later I get up and Lorrie makes a noise. "Where are you going baby? We still have the rest of the day."

"And I thought I had to much sex. You're going to ruin my dick."

"So I might as well suck it dry," Lorrie says in a husky voice, sitting up and giving me a perfect view of her cunt.

"Get dressed," I say, rolling my eyes. "Aaron just txted me. We're going on a date with him, Corrie, Ashton, and Emily."

"Why do we always hang out with them?" Lorrie groans.

"Because they're my friends, and your family."

"Exactly why we shouldn't hang out with them. You're ruining my reputation kid."

"Don't call me kid. I'm only like ten months younger than you."

"Little boy," Lorrie smirked.

I threw her bra at her.
"Am I going insane?" I ask in surprise as we follow Aaron's truck to the party.

"I think we are," Lorrie responds.

"Doesn't Aaron have Corrie with him?"


We slide out of the car and there Corrie is, standing oh so nervously beside Aaron, whose very cool with his arm around Corrie's shoulder. Alec is standing beside them. Ashton and Emily are already gone.

"You sure?" I ask when I get close, confused.

"No," Corrie whispers in a terrified voice. "Lets go."

Tonight was going to suck.
The best, or rather safest, part of waking up in Lorrie's bed with a huge ass hangover was the fact I knew Mr. Nate had been really fucked up last night too, so I wouldn't even get a lesson from him. The only ones I had to deal with were Corrie and Aaron.

I stumble out of her room just as she wakes up, but I don't puke my guts out. I haven't for a while.

I get downstairs where Corrie is giggling because of something Aaron said. It hurts.

"Good morning," Corrie sings.

"Says who," I snarl.

"If you ask nicely, I'll fix your hangover."

"How the hell can you do that?"

"My dad figured it out, and he always made me make it for him," Corrie answers evenly.

"Pretty please?" I ask. Anything's worth trying.

Corrie blinks clearly back at me, back in her cutie stage, wearing a pair of fuzzy black shorts and a tank top with cats on it as her pjs. She looks about fourteen, but you can tell she isn't. She is really pretty.

She brings out a two glasses. "Drink this one first, then this one," Corrie instructs, giving me a lukewarm mug first. "Slowly."

I'll follow instructions as the twins stumble down stairs. Now they were hilarious drunks, even better than when they were sober.

Corrie makes them both beg, then distrubutes her miracle drinks. I start on my second glass, already feeling better, and this one is ice cold.

Aaron says something in Corrie's ear and she blushes. He laces his fingers through hers and smiles just as stupidly as she does. Blech. but I still feel that little twinge of jealousy.

Why can't I have that? With Lorrie? With anyone?
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I thought this would be an interesting few chapters to post because it'll fit in how everyone else sees Corrie and Aaron. No, Jake isn't completely in love with Corrie. And it was so much fun to write because Jake is such a different thought-process than Aaron. This may seem a bit... Crude, but Jake's mind pretty much centers around sex and football, so...