
(47) Vanish

Corrie and Alec were both missing at lunch as I got into line with the remaining twin and Quinn. Ashton was glaring at Quinn like he was the devil personified. I thought it was hilarious. Quinn was clearly uncomfortable. We were silent. I was trying not to laugh, Ashton was glaring, Quinn was looking anywhere but at us.

Then Corrie and Alec appeared. Corrie had apparently shoved him down the stairs and was now trying to drag him towards the cafeteria. And failing miserably. She was leaning back, pulling his arm with apparently evey ounce of her strength, and was sliding the wrong way as Alec dragged her off down the hallway.

"Alec don't be such a baby!" Corrie whined. I could just barely hear her voice. "If I can sit with those monsters, you can too!"

They were attracting quite some attention (thankfully Corrie didn't notice) as Alec dragged her further away and she crouched down, trying to become dead weight. Sadly she doesn't weigh that much. But it was still really cute to watch.

"Corrie you don't even talk around them!"

"So? I still sit over there!"

"OI! ALEC! GET YOUR GAY ASS OVER HERE!" Ashton screamed, cupping his hands around his mouth.

Alec jumped like he'd been shocked. Corrie almost managed to vanish, but Alec had much to tight a grip on Corrie's hand. You could see her body snap trying to escape.


Corrie nudged Alec towards us before he fell into step beside her. Corrie certainly didn't walk in front. They squeazed without question to us in line and Corrie automatically fit into my side. Alec, looking scared, stood between his brother and Quinn, who took his hand. Ashton hissed and Alec kicked him in the shin. "I distinctly remember you telling me to grow a pair and go out with Quinn!"

"You're point?"

Corrie giggles and gets her food first, suprememly happy. I nudge Alec and go adfter her.
Corrie was shaking and it was just the two of us. "I don't want to do it."

"You promised Alec. He came out of the closet for you."

"I know. But I still don't want to do it."

"You'll be amazing."

"Not when I pass out on stage."

"You'll still be amazing, just unconscious."

"I don;t know what song to sing."

"Angel you're freaking out over nothing. Nothing at all baby."

"Would you sing with me?"



"I;m already doing something for the show."

"You are?

"Yeah. And you better kick my ass."

"What are you doing?"

"You'll see."


"Why are you upset babe?" I smile blissfully at her, twirling one of her curls around my finger. "I've been on cloud nine for weeks."

She smiled then, looking back at the list of songs she'd drawn up. "What are you doing for the talent show?"

"Its a surprise."

"A surprise."

"For you."

"For me."

"Yes, now would you cheer up? Don't act so depressed about it."

"I'm not its just... Oh I don't know. I'm just wierd."

"No, really, whats wrong baby?"

"Nothing should be wrong. I'm just pessimistic."

I snort. "I should get you a dog or something."

"Ew, no, I'm happy with Fog."

Hearing hisname, Fog looked up lazily from his perch on the TV. Or down at us?

"I like dogs. I want a labradoodle."

"A labradoodle?"



"Don't knock them."

"I'm not, but I was expecting some huge ass man dog."

"Labradoodles are manly!"

"No they aren't, mate," Ashton says, scaring us both from the doorway. "You're almost as bad as Alec. He wants a yorkie."

"I hate you all," I sigh, rolling onto my back.

"Come on corrie, time for your piano lesson."

"Ooh!" Corrie squealed. "Piano!"
I had the bad day feeling again when I woke up and Corrie wasn't beside me. It was the exact same feeling I ahd the morning of the day I found Corrie on the bridge. And where the hell is Corrie.

"Corrie?" I ask softly. Its to early for her to be up. I prowl the house, but she's not in it, not even in the loft. Thats when I start to panic. I slam open Alec's door and turn on the light.

"Alec, Alec wake up."

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you?" Alec groaned, face down on his bed.

"Corrie's missing. She isn't in the house."

Alec sits up, his white and orange hair in every direction. "What?"

Two hours later I'm nearly in tears from panic because I can't find my Corrie. I woke up the entire house in panic and I can't find Corrie or her fucking cat. Alec and Ashton have taken the cars because we all know I'm in no fit state to drive.

"Thats it, I'm not waiting," I say, standing up and leaving. I'm going to find my motherfucking girlfriend.

Lorrie and Dad don't question, or follow me. I start walking, briskly, to feel like I'm doing something. My babygirl is missing and I can't find her and what if something bad happened-

I'm not prone to nervous meltdowns. I'm very level headed. But now I'm going insane.


Alec wrestles the phone away from me. "I'm sorry about him, he's panicking. But there really is cause for alarm. When Corrie gets scared, she runs and hides. And stays hidden. And passes out. God knows where she is, we can't find her, and that isn't a good sign. She's not... Mentally sound. She gets nervous, she scares easy, and we really just need to find her."

And thats how Alec wins over the police.

They don't find her, not today. Its now nine thirty and all we've got is she left the house, got down the street, then vanished. We found Fog, though, and I'm willing to bet all the fucking money I own that Fog escaped and Corrie went looking for him at two in the morning and got fucking kidnapped.

I start sobbing, no one reacts. They've been expecting this all day, probably.

My little Corrie, gone. My little angel, gone. Hurt. Alone. Terrified. Didn't I promise her I would always protect her? Now I don't know where she is or whose doing what to MY Corrie. What if I never get her back?

I think I can feel my heart braking. Corrie hardly made it this long, and the past few months have been mainly due to me. It was her five week record, no cutting. She was going to sing in the talent show. She was learning the piano. She was beginning to talk at lunch. She was finally getting the life she deserved, and where the hell is my beautiful little Corrie?
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MUWAHAHAHA I just killed you all at the end there, didn't I? don't worry, you know I generally update quickly :)