‹ Prequel: Existing

Something Worth Dying For


She turned her head and stared him down. “You and what army?” she demanded. He scoffed and leaned against the wall, clapping his hands together. Out of nowhere, nine guys appeared and surrounded them. She gulped, but didn’t give in noticeably. “Ah, that army.”

He grinned, “You know what I want. Hand it over and you can go.”

The lie in his voice was evident and she chuckled harshly. “You are well aware that I can’t do that, Rory.” His response was quick and fluid. In a second he was breathing in her ear.

“Don’t call me that, Tania, it’s not my name anymore.”

“Just as Tania isn’t mine. Give it up Rory, you’re not getting your filthy paws on it,” she smirked at his consternation.

He nodded his head at her once, “Persuade her.” He ordered two of his comrades. She took two steps back, and thrust a hand into her pocket.

“I don’t think so boys,” she called as she removed a small pill and a dagger from her jeans. Then she lunged at Rory, swallowing the pill before holding the dagger close to his Adam’s apple. She could feel knives digging into her back, felt the tips break skin.

“Think this through very carefully, Tania. Don’t do anything you’ll regret,” he spoke lowly, full of confidence. She felt her mind blurring and foam building up in her mouth.

“If I go down, I’m taking you with me.” She promised, knees buckling. “You’ll never find it.” Then the knives were in her and her mind went black, the dagger’s blade cutting as she crumpled to the floor.
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Just a little Writing exercise for my class at school, but I kind of liked it and felt like sharing.
I hope you enjoyed it!