Status: Active (;

I'm Not The Girl Next Door , I'm The Bitch Across The Street

Chapter One

I was laying next to Taylor just staring at the ceiling. Once I looked over he was already staring at me.

I laughed "Hand me my shirt." I said holding my hand out. He bit his lip.

"I'm not done looking yet." He said with a wink and got on top of me kissing my neck. As I'm sure you guessed, we just got done having sex but horn dog here seems like he wants more.

"Tayyy" I whined. "Whaaaat." He mimicked looking at me.

"Come on lets finish painting and get dressed before your parents come back." I said laughing pushing him off me and putting back on my bra and underwear. "Seriously where's my shirt?" I said looking around he was looking too but couldn't seem to find it.

"I dunno.." He replied taking off the blankets and stuff. "But turn on the fan it's all stuffy in here." He said opening the window. I listened and went to the switch and turned it on then before you know it I see my shirt hit the back of his head i started cracking up laughing and he grabbed it and turned around smiling at me. "I found it baby." I went up to him and got on my tippy toes and kissed his nose and put my shirt on then my leggings.

"Alright come on lets go back to painting. We went into his guest bedroom and we only had one wall done... out of 4, laughing to myself i grabbed the pain brush and dipped it in paint and started splattering the bare wall. Taylor laughed at me and grabbed the other pain brush and did followed my lead. I got some more paint and wrote I Love Tayylur<3 he rolled his eyes. "Nice spelling Jay." I smiled big at him and continued splattering. He wrote Taylor + Jaylen= Forever (; then took a picture of it on his phone.

"Awww!" I teased smiling. He came closer and me thinking he was going to kiss me I puckered my lips up to him but then I felt the slap of the coldness on me cheek and then there was paint on me. "Eww Taylor!" I yelled exclaimed. He stood there laughing at what just happened he didn't realize what hit him! Well I'm sure he did haha, he had the paint from one cheek to the other. He looked at me and dropped his paint brush and started coming towards me. I laughed backing up dropping my paint brush until i hit the wall.

"Don't." I warned he gave a small smile. "Don't what?" He questioned.

"Kiss me!" I answered then before i could rephrase that his lips were all on mine smearing the paint all on my face. "Taylorrrr!!" I yelled trying to push him away and move my face.

"Taylor Hale!" We heard and he jumped back because it scared him and we saw his mom. "Leave the poor girl alone!" His mom said laughing at the two of us. "You two are too cute, where;s my camera?" I laughed "Here, here's my phone I'll send it to you." I told her handing over my phone.

Taylor put his arm around me and he had a big dorky smile on his face while I kissed his cheek with one foot up. His mom laughed and handed me my phone "Don't forget to send me it!" she said walking out. "I won't!" I yelled after her. I looked at the time and it was 4:30.

"Tay i gotta go home i"ll call you when i get there."

"Okay, i love you drive safe." With that he gave me one last kiss and i left the room. I grabbed a wipe and wiped some of the paint off and left laughing. As I was driving home I sang along to the radio. Headlines by Drake was on, I swear in my past life I was a rapper. Laughing to myself I stopped at the gas station to fill up my tank forgetting I still had paint on my face, an older lady came up to me smiling.

"Honey you have paint on your face." She said pointing. I laughed and tried wiping it off. "I forgot, me and my boyfriend were painting and he got me." She laughed and there was something about her eyes that change when I said boyfriend. She had this smile that looked like it would never go away. "Love is something special trust me. Enjoy every minute of it, it comes so unexpectedly." I smiled. "Oh I'm enjoying it all right." The gas dispenser clicked informing it was now done.

"Well, have a nice day ma'am." I said with a smile, she smiled back "You too honey." I put the gas dispenser back and got in my car and drove home. When i got there Roberto was pulling up to his house. I rolled my eyes at the sight of him.

He got out of his car and laughed at the paint on my face. "What happened? Your faggot boyfriend tried to make you look prettier?" He laughed at his stupid joke while I clenched my jaw.

"No. We were painting." I said annoyed.

"Aww well you look cute." He said crossing the street. I sighed "Oh bite me Roberto."

"Can I? Your lips are looking really yummy right now." He said winking which made me mad.

"No thanks." I said sarcastically laughing.

"Your such a tease."

"Not a tease. Just a reminder of what you can't have." I said with a smirk.

"You're such the typical girl next door." Roberto says narrowing his eyes at me.

"I'm not the girl next door, I'm the bitch across the street. Get it right." I spat narrowing my eyes back at him, with that I walked inside my house leaving him standing there.
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