Status: Active (;

I'm Not The Girl Next Door , I'm The Bitch Across The Street

Chapter Eleven

✯✯Roberto’s P.O.V✯✯

“Why are you so shocked?” I asked Joey laughing.

“You have to love her… You wrote her a song… sang it to her in front of the whole school, asked her to be your girlfriend in front of everyone…. What if she said no?? It’s your birthday!! You made your ‘anniversary’ on your birthday! And you want to wait to have sex!!” He yelled making me smile as we were walking to class.

“I never said I didn’t love her.”

He gasped and pushed me “It’s the first day! You’re a creeper boyfriend!”

“Not really! I’ve known her forever, I always had feelings for her… she just always had a boyfriend and hated me that’s all.”

“Oh, yeah. No big deal…”

“What do you not like Jossy?”

“No no, I really like Jossy. But I don’t love her, at least not yet.”

“Okay you said yet so shut up and stop hating.”

He made a face at me and sat next to me in class. “Am I invited to your birthday dinner babycakes?” He batted his eyelashes at me

“You’re so gay… but if you want. I’ll probably have a big party Friday or Saturday… I gotta see with Jaylen first.”

“You aren’t married…”

“I know that.” I laughed “I just don’t know if she’s okay with parties and stuff. I don’t want to do anything to make her upset.” We heard girls giggle and we turned around and saw two blondes just listening to our conversation like it was no big deal.

“You seem like the best boyfriend ever!” one said with her valley girl toned voice.

“I knowwww! And you’re sexy.” She winked.

“Thanks but um awkward.” I laughed nervously and turned around making Joey laugh.

“As if you didn’t have enough on you, birthday boy.” He slammed his hand on my shoulder.

45 minutes into class and some video production kids from the school came in.

“Hi, sorry to interrupt but could we have Roberto Gonzales for a few minutes?” The girl asked.

The teacher looked at me and I shrugged and closed my notebook.

“Sure.” He told them and I got up.

“Take notes Joey.” I said flicking his ear making him wake up. I usually took notes in this class and he slept. I walked out of the class with the guy and the girl that I didn’t know the name of.

“Hi I'm Julie and this is Chris.” She smiled and I shook both of their hands.

I smiled “Nice to meet you. What can I help you with?” I asked confused.

“Well you’re all everyone has been talking about for a while so we thought we’d do a segment for advisory on learning more about you.” Chris said

“Oh…really? People are talking about me?” I laughed but shrugged “Sure what the hell why not.”

We went to the main quad and they set up the camera.

“So just say your name how old you are stuff like that.” Julie instructed.

“Alright, just tell me when to go.” I turned my hat backwards.

“Go.” Chris said.

I clapped my hands together “Alright, the name is Roberto Gonzales, you could call me Berto if you want, I'm 18 now.” I winked “No just kidding I don’t want to wink. Anyways! I like the color red. I'm happily taken by my beautiful girlfriend Jaylen Carter umm I like taking long walks on the beach and going to Disneyland.” I cheesed really hard making them laugh.

“What do you like to do on your spare time?” Julie asked.

“Um, I like working on cars…I sing and play the piano and the guitar. I also play sports, mainly football, baseball, and basketball.”

“Do you have any brothers and sisters?” Chris asked.

“Nope, I'm the only child. I mainly grew up with my cousins or Jaylen and Joscelyn Waters.”

“So today is your birthday right? Happy birthday” She said.

“Yes it is and thank you.” I smiled.

“And today you asked Jaylen Carter to be your girlfriend.” She continued.

“I did.” I smiled even bigger.

“So how are you going to treat her? But don’t say ‘Like A Princess’ too many guys say that and a lot of guys on campus here need major advice on how to treat woman, are you one of them?”

“I know how to treat a lady.” I smiled “But I will treat her like a princess because she’s my princess. I talk to her from the second she wakes up to the second she goes to bed, every night. I'm always telling her how beautiful she is until she agrees with me. I’ll give her piggy back rides if she lets me which I know she will because she’s lazy.” We all laughed “No just kidding… baby you aren’t lazy. Anyways, I’d open all the doors she comes face with. We’ll take long walks together even if we both have cars. I’ll take as many pictures with her, as many as she wants. I will never let anyone hurt her or make her feel less than she is… Which I'm sure everyone knows that by now. And yes I'm talking about you.” I pointed at the camera. “I'm going to give her everything she deserves and more. My whole schedule will revolve around her. Shoooooooot, we’ll even make our own secret handshake ‘cause we’re cool like that. I'm gonna send her cute little text messages because she loves things like that. I’d make sure the only time I make her cry is when I make her laugh. We’ll do everything together. Shit maybe if she’s lucky enough I’ll paint her nails…” I laughed and looked at the ground still smiling just thinking of her. “I’d treat her like my first and my last. Because she’s the most beautiful thing in my world, and I’ll never take that for granted.”

Julie just stared at me blinking then turned to Chris and smacked him.

“Why can’t you be like that!”

“I'm sorry!” he yelled in defense.

“You’re done though thanks!” She smiled at me then turned back to Chris. I laughed.

“Sorry Chris.” I went back to class and sat next to Joey who was surprisingly awake. I sat next to him and opened my notebook.

“Where’d you go?” He asked handing me his notebook for me to copy his notes.

“They did this thing on me it’s gonna be in advisory on the TV.”

“Mr. HotShot.” He teased putting his hands up.

. . .

I was driving Jaylen home from school and I was holding her hand while I was driving.

“So do you feel 18?” She asked smiling at me.

“Hasn’t hit me yet actually.”

“I hope you like what I got you!”

“Babe you didn’t have to get me anything.”

“Yes I did! Open it when we get to your house” She said happily.

I parked in my driveway and we got out of the car.

“I'm going to get ready and do my hair and stuff like that. I’ll see you later baby.” She kissed me and smiled “Your gift is on your bed.”

I sighed but smiled “Kay”

She walked across the street and I went into the house. My mom was standing there with a huge grin on her face.

“What?” I asked slightly scared.

“I saw that.” She pointed twirling her finger.

“Saw what??”

“You and Jaylen! Are you two dating??”

I blushed “Mom….”

“AWWWWWWW” She ran up and hugged me. “And it’s your 18th birthday. Oh gosh, 18…” she started to get choked up/

“Mom don’t cry.”

She sobbed a little “My baby boy is all grown up.”

“I’ll always be your baby boy.” I kissed her head and wiped her tears “Now stop crying mommy.”

She wiped her tears and took a deep breath and smiled “I love you.” She kissed me “Go get ready.”

I went upstairs to iron my black button up shirt. My pants were already dry cleaned so I put those on and my black wife beater. I did my hair putting a little spike to it to make it look nice. I put on my shirt and then my red bowtie. The gift Jaylen got me was on my bed there were 3 boxes. I wish she didn’t get me anything. I sighed and the opened all the gifts. The jordan’s she got me we hella nice I wanted to get them. I had such a big smile on my face then called Jaylen.


Hello beautiful, I just wanted to say thank you for my outfit I’ll wear it tomorrow
Aww kay, There was talking in the background
Joey wants to know if he dresses nice?
Yeah but why is he over there?
Jossy but hes going to your house right now he said he needs a tie
Fashoo, are you guys almost ready?
Yeah we’re just waiting on my mom, Jossy’s doing my hair I heard ‘Hi Berto!’ in the back.
Haha hi Jossy but okay I’ll see you in a little bit… I love you

“OH MY GOD!” Joey yelled scaring the shit out of me. The girls laughed.

I love you too Berto bye

I hung up and Joey hit me.

“OW!” I yelled hitting him back.


“Well I do! We talked about this!”

“I know! But-AHHHHHH!” He threw his hands in the air.

“She got me Jordans” I smiled and swayed side to side.

“You and your Jordans… but I need a blue tie because Jossy is wearing blue…. She looks sexy. Oh and did you and Jaylen plan red? She’s wearing red too.”

I laughed “Nope that’s the only time I called her since I got home.”

“Well… she looks pretty too.”

I smiled “I'm sure she does.”

. . .

I drove with my parents and Joey while the girls rode with Jaylen’s parents. We were at a nice restaurant that was also my favorite. My dad told them our name for reservations and we were seated immediately. I walked over to Jaylen and kissed her.

“You look gorgeous.” I said smiling with my arms around her.

“You don't look too bad yourself.” She bit her lip. “I told my parents about us” she laughed “Should have seen how happy my dad was.”

I laughed too “Yeah my mom cried, didn’t tell my dad yet but I'm sure he’ll find out tonight.”

“Well enjoy your birthday.” She kissed me.

“I will as long as you’re by my side.” She smiled and took my hand and we walked to the table where everyone was now sitting.
♠ ♠ ♠
Roberto's Birthday Gift:

Jaylen's Outfit :