Status: Active (;

I'm Not The Girl Next Door , I'm The Bitch Across The Street

Chapter Six

♡♡Jaylen’s P.O.V♡♡

Berto and I went to go buy our tickets. I was so excited it wasn’t even funny.

“I want to get Mickey ears! Will you get some with me?” I begged turning to him.

He made a face “Me in Mickey ears?”

“Real men wear Mickey ears Roberto. I bet you’ll get all the ladies. I’ll be your wingman.” I winked making him laugh.

“Alright, alright. But I don’t need to look at girls I'm okay.” He smiled at me then we entered the park.

We went straight to the Mad Hatter store to get our ears.

“Do you want anything written on them?” The lady asked

“No thank you.” I said smiling and about to hand her money. Roberto put my hand down and handed the lady his ears and money.

“You aren’t paying put it away.” He told me smiling.

“You have a keeper here!” She winked at me and gave him his change “Have a wonderful day you two.”

“You too” He said smiling back giving me my ears. “Here you go kid.”

I put them on “HEY! Put yours on too!” He put his head back and put them on. “Awe you look kaauteee” I teased laughing.

“Yeah, yeah lead the way. Just don’t get lost.”

“Do you like Space Mountain?” I asked him.

“Sure do.”

“Lehhgo!” I grabbed his hand and ran into Tomorrowland.

“Jaylen. We have to go into Buzz Lightyear… If we don’t, I’ll cry.”

I laughed “Okay we will promise.”

He held out his pinky and smiled at me. I smiled back and wrapped my pinky around his.

The wait was really long so we decided to get Fast Passes and go back at the time it told us too. I handed my ticket to him and we went to the Buzz Lightyear ride.

I took out my phone. “Let’s take a picture.” I told him smiling “’Cause I doubt I’ll ever see you in these again. Unless you wear them tomorrow…”

“Take your picture now.” He said laughing.

I turned around in front of him and took the picture of us. We were both smiling and looking very happy. I’ve never seen him smile like that.

“I'm surprised we’re actually getting along.” I said as we moved along in the line.

He half laughed and smiled a little “Yeah, I like it like this.”

“Me too.” I smiled back.

We just made small talk when waiting in line it wasn’t that long. I swear he never stopped smiling he looked cute.

We got into the little cab.

“If I win, you wear those ears tomorrow. If I lose, I’ll be your best friend.” I challenged.

He smiled “Be prepared to lose best friend.”

After The Ride

“Kay. Whatever.” He said making a face.

“Aww poor baby has to wear his ears tomorrow.” I teased.

The score? Mine was 103,100. His? 103,000.

“If you didn’t hit my gun…”

“I’ll still be your best friend I know that’s why you tried so hard.” I hugged him and didn’t let go. We just walked like that.

“Wanna ride Autopia?” He asked

“Yeah, but I want to be behind you.” I said smiling

“So you can check me out? I knew you did.” He walked ahead of me swinging his hips. I busted out laughing.

“That ass though!” I yelled in attempting to sound like him. I failed.

“What was that??” He asked laughing

“That was you!”

“I do not sound like that! You sounded constipated!”

“Well… shut up.” We both laughed and went to go wait in line.

We were having so much fun together. Taking pictures and what not. After riding a lot of rides we went to go eat.

“Okay so what’s next?” He asked putting food into his mouth.

“We find a Disney character and take a picture with them.” I said putting food in my mouth.

“Then what?”

“Then we take our happy asses to another ride and have some fun.”

He laughed “Fasho, I'm having a lot of fun though, honestly.”

I smiled “Me too, thanks for everything Berto. Just when I thought you know I wouldn’t be happy again, who would have thought you’d be the one to make me happy again.” I laughed at it.

He just smiled at me, a way I’ve never been smiled at. “No problem Jaylen, I’d do it every day if I can.”

I smiled and blushed a little.

We continued eating then went to go find our Disney character. When we were walking we saw Goofy.

“GOOFY!” I yelled making Roberto turn around and go to him. We waited in line to take a picture with him and when we got to him we did the hang loose sign.

I laughed “I love it!” I showed him.

“Send it to me nigga! We look bad” He joked but I sent it to him anyways.

We tried to go on every ride we could before the fireworks. We went on Space Mountain finally, he loved it. Then we went to get a good seat for the fireworks.

It was getting a little cold. “I should have brought a jacket to cover my legs.” I rubbed my legs.

He took off his jacket and gave it to me. “I could go buy you some sweats or something.” He offered.

“No I don’t want you spending anymore money.” I said putting on his jacket.

“It’s okay I’ll be right back. Do you want anything else?”

“I could use a drink.” I said laughing.

He smiled “Alright.”

A lot of people were coming to get good seats for the fireworks. I tried to save him a seat but people are rude these days and he was taking a long time. I started to think he found some other girl and forgot about me… They said over the speakers that it would start in 5 minutes. I sighed, I probably looked like a loser sitting here alone.

“Sorry there was so many people. They didn’t have anymore sweats so I got you another sweatshirts so you can wrap it around your legs and I got you a drink and a cookie.. They looked good.” He said laughing.

I smiled at him “Thanks you didn’t have to though. Sorry people took your seat even though I said someone was sitting here.”

“It’s cool I’ll stand no worries.”

The fireworks were starting the lights went down it looked beautiful. I turned to the lady next to me “I'm sorry could you take out picture?” I asked her.

“Of course” She said smiling. I stood up and grabbed Roberto and put my arms around him. He put his arm around me and the lady took the picture. I think she took 2. One was probably blurry but I know the fireworks were in the back. I’ll just check them when we get back to the room.

“Thank you.” I said smiling getting my phone back from her. “I can just sit on your lap so you can sit… if that’s okay with you of course.”

He nodded and sat down. I sat on him and he covered the sweatshirt on my legs. He rested on his arms. The fireworks were beautiful I couldn’t stop smiling. I was taking pictures and shivering at the same time. I was hoping it wasn’t too noticeable.

I felt him move and he put his arms around me “Is this okay? I feel you shaking.”

I smiled, he was really sweet… but I knew it meant nothing. “Yeah sorry.” I laughed

We were sitting there watching the fireworks. His chin was resting on my shoulder this lady poked me so I leaned in to hear her. “I'm sorry but that is such a cute picture of you two could I take your picture?” She asked making me laugh I nodded and handed her the phone.

“What’d she ask?” Roberto asked looking at me.

I looked at him “She wanted to take a picture of us.” I said laughing then I saw the flash.

“Oh my god that was adorable. You guys are so cute together.” She said handing me the phone and sitting with her family.

We both laughed. “Thanks.” He said.

Once the fireworks were over we waited for the crowd to die down. “I'm so tired.” I said laying back on him.

“I am too and it isn’t even midnight.”

“Lets get up at 6 tomorrow and stay there all day since we didn’t get to go into California Adventure.” I suggested.

“Mkay but I doubt you’ll wake up.” He said smiling.

“Oh I will.”

I stood up and put my hand out for him to get up. He took it and we started walking down Mainstreet U.S.A. I saw a shirt in one of the stores that said “Real Men Wear Mickey Ears.” I laughed and pulled him into the store.

I picked out his size and put it against him. He laughed so hard.

I went to the register to buy it.

“Noo let me buy it.” He said trying to put his hand on me.

“No it’s my turn go over there.” I handed the guy money and he was laughing at us.

He gave me my change and the shirt in the bag and we walked away.

“Here you go.” I said handing it to him smiling.

“Thank you.” He said hugging me. We walked back to the hotel and when we did the hotel room was lit up because it was dark. It looked so pretty.


“Wow…” I said looking around.

“It’s so pretty.” He said looking around then putting the stuff away.

I turned on the lights and took my shoes off.

“I'm gonna take a shower is that okay?”

He laughed “You don’t have to ask. Just lemme go to the bathroom first.” He went into the bathroom and I got my stuff together then looked out the window.

“Wait! We should go in the pool! I wanna go on the waterslide!.”

I heard him laugh then the toilet flush.

“Alright get ready!” I heard him wash his hands then come out. “You can have the bathroom.”

He was smiling at me “Why are you smiling?”

“I don't know, I'm really happy.”

That made me smile. I got my bathing suit and went into the bathroom to change.

I don't even know why I hate him anymore. He’s really sweet and thoughtful and cute…

Don’t Jaylen. Remember you just got hurt. I shook the thought out of my head and came out he was sitting there texting. Of course, he’s talking to a girl.

“Ready?” I asked trying not to care about the phone.

“Yeah that was your mom “ he laughed “you didn’t answer so she texted me. Want to call her now or after?”

I kind of laughed. My mom… I felt better. “I’ll call later. Come on lets go!”

He stood up and we walked out of the room. They had towels out there so I just brought a bag to put our phones inside with our room key.

“You better wake up in the morning Jaylen!” He said laughing looking back at me.

Okay wow, he was really cute.
♠ ♠ ♠
I keep getting reported -___-