Status: activia!! minus the 'ia' and add an 'e'

Darkened Light

At the End Starts the Beginning

Doing what I do any normal day in class was well, sit there bored to near death and waiting for the pain and torture of the seven crappy hours of our lives is just that school to end. The only thing that made this day good on my behalf was the gloomy weather, and the fact my friend Kea was spending the next few days with my family. My Language Arts teacher was droning on and on about writing an outline and rough draft. My eyes darted for the clock, 'Yes only 3 more minutes the afternoon announcements are coming on like now' and like magic a deep voice came on over the intercom and a slight smirk found its self placed on my face. "Ok class that's it for today you guys have a good week off school." My backpack was shoved with my school materials. Suddenly a long and deafening loud bell rings through out the class room. Simply standing up I walked out of the now empty door way. Being in a portable has it disadvantages; like all the walking, the abnormal sand (it's not even the good sand at that!), and the annoyances of 6th and 7th graders running about like chickens with their heads disembodied. Sighing out-loud in annoyance I went to meet Kea in front of building E.
Using my height as an advantage I looked for my slightly, how should i put it vertically challenged friend. Seeing her blackish hair I called out
"Yo, Kea I'm over here!!! Let's go! Remember what happened the last time Brentton and Lucas got into my room before we got home!!!" And then as if magic, (pssh hahahaha if you only knew, if you only knew...)She appeared at my side.
"And there be the way we get home, my crappy not even gold car!" A slight laugh left my lips as one of my best friends walked with me to a small little gold-ish looking Toyota that'd be used for street racing maybe. My phone vibrated. I pulled the crappy electronic device out of my pocket and read who it was from. 'Crap what does Brent want'
Tapping Kea on the shoulder I read the text aloud "Rem-Rem, your no fun hiding your diary from us! There must be something good in it. Loooove ya ;)" A frown was on my lips.
"I will kill those boys I swear." I muttered getting in the back of my car as a quietly laughing Kea got in the front seat.
"What did Brent to this time?" I heard my mother ask on the drive home.
"He better be lucky I love him. There in my room looking for my skillfully hidden diary. If he finds it there's no big it's not like he'd understand who I was talking about anyways. And look my nerves have got me again I'm rambling, please make me stop Kea" The the sound of tape being pulled and a ripping sound was all i heard before something stick was stuck to my mouth. 'Hmmm duck tape cool.' I thought just sitting in a slightly silent car minus some barely audible music.
As soon as we pulled into my drive way, I was unbuckled and ready to go. Duck tape stuck to my book bag and my eyes set to kill. Kea opened the door and pushed the seat up moving out of the way knowing what was about to occur. In a flash I was out of the car and making my way up the steps and through the door. Dropping my book bag in the "Outer" part of my room. I opened my door to see Lucas being him, passed out with one of my books in his hand. Then I saw Brent standing up from petting my cat.
"Brentton Nicholas O'Martion read my lips, YOU.ARE.DEAD." And I grabbed the nearest thing I could reach that happened to be a pillow. He was lucky I could have grabbed my penguin paper wait/glasses holder to hit him with. Lunging at him I pinned him to my floor hitting him with the pillow.
"Hey, R-Remmy Stop it!" He told me as I pelted him with a pillow. The door opened just as I started to smother him. Kea Just sorta looked at me then at Brent. I guessed the way it looked I had explaining to do. Then the pillow was gone and a flash of white blinded me momentarily.
"KEA?! NO DON'T TAKE PICTURES! I'M TRYING TO SMOTHER HIM!! Wait where's the pillow? Oh crap," And then in a flash, I was pinned under Brent.
"Pay back time Remmy. And mines gonna be fun."
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