Status: activia!! minus the 'ia' and add an 'e'

Darkened Light

Fire- If Only You Knew

Remmy flew from the car. She really is pretty. And when she's mad it's kinda funny. She wore an "Aw Naw! This shit is not gonna fly in MY house!" death look. I smiled as I followed patiently behind. I heard when her book bag hit the floor rather than saw it. And I could picture the boys' faces when I heard her storm into her room. I slowed a bit, unsure of what I should do when I reached the room. Who's side would take? I know, I know. I should obviously take my friend's side. But you don't know Remmy! Sometimes her opponents need help from anyone possible. She can get quite crazy. But then, this is Brentton. She wouldn't really kill him-- would she?! I suddenly picked up my pace. From just beyond my line of sight, I could hear Brent's voice pleading, "R-Remmy Stop!" His voice would be clear one second and the next would be strangely muffled. Then, as I swung the door open, I could see exactly what was going on. Remmy and Brent were on the floor. My camera was somehow already in my hands. I smiled as I took the picture. Remmy was straddling Brentton and had a pillow over his face. But the lighting was dim so I quickly switched to flash and clicked again. This time Brent managed to yank the pillow away from Remmy's hands and threw it to the side. The flash was super bright in the dark room. Remmy screamed at me. It was something about pictures and smothering, but I was momentarily distracted by Remmy's cat. It must not have like my flash because it hissed and ran from the room. I've never told Remmy, but I don't like cats. When I looked back up, Brent was on top of Remmy. The smile I didn't remember loosing returned to my face. The room flashed again and I laughed. "What's so funny?" a breathy whisper rustled my hair by my ears. It tickled. Lucas had somehow snuck up behind me. I swear, he was just laying on the bed a second ago. "Luke. . . " My voice wobbled a bit and I couldn't finish the sentence. All that came out was his name and it hung in the air like a summer breeze. I felt his smile in my hair and then his arms wrapping around my waist. "Yes?" he asked in a low soothing voice. The silky sound flowed from his throat and triggered a lusty surge in me. His voice had this effect on many girls. Too many. I shook my head and tried to walk away, past Remmy and Brent. Strangely, Luke held on and walked in behind me. I continued walking into the huge room, hoping he would tire and release me. The more I walked, the more he seemed to be enjoying himself. My steps gradually became quicker and our trail wove a frantic pattern across the room. By the window, I started to claw at his hands and struggle from his grasp. He was so strong! He didn't look like it was taking any energy to hold me from escape. It might have been comical to sometime standing by, but I desperately whipped around like a bull. I didn't even notice he was steering us until he picked me off my feet and threw us into the air. He let go of me at the peak of our ascent. I was left alone and falling backwards. I heard him land on the bed. I wanted to scream, but all I could manage was a gasp as I crashed down into his arms. The bed bent inward and for a moment I was deathly afraid we would bounce back into the air. I whimpered and clung to his shirt. I'm a small girl-- well in height at least. And Luke was very large compared to me. In the fetal position, I fit neatly on his torso.
It couldn't have been very high up, but I am frightened by heights. (Ha. Guess it's good I'm so short.) Still, however far he'd managed to toss me, it was too high. My hands balled up with his gray tee shirt that smelled of fire and a sexy cologne. Closing my eyes, I wiggled trying to get comfy, and he laughed. I looked up to his face. His eyes. They were like glass. There's no other way to describe them. They were tinted blue and just looked like they could shatter. Without a doubt, they were the most beautiful eyes in the world. You just don't know.
Something stirred inside of me, and for an unknown reason, I pulled myself up and kissed him on his lips. It was really short, but I definitely did it. My face burned up like the fire he smelled of. I quickly retreated back to my former position with my eyes wide open, hoping praying he didn't move away from me. His arms locked over my body and he held me close. I was thankful, but still not recovered enough to face him. I glanced over at Brent and Remmy. Only then did I notice how long he had had her pinned and had been tickling her. Only then did I notice how shrilly she was screaming at him. I was about to go help her, but I was suddenly aware of how warm and comfortable I was. Luke's smell made me sleepy.
When I was at the end of the twilight, Luke's voice softly whisper into my hair,
"Bonus nox noctis meus carus incendia coepi"
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does anyone want to know what he said???