Status: Going slowly

Living My Dream


Dear Gabe,
Best wishes on tonight, Logan and I will be watching intently… for the first round at least. I just want to let you know that wherever you end up going, I will support you. I’m really sorry for what happened a year ago. I feel like that put so much extra pressure on you. Logan and I will be okay, just go out there and do your thing, make us proud. Someday, everything will fall into place. Good karma will go your way. Stay calm and stand strong, Gabe. I love you.
Rory and Logan

Gabe read the through that letter twice before folding it up and stuffing it back into his wallet. Rory was his long-time girlfriend and the mother of his child. Rory had gotten pregnant when they were both just 17 and against all odds, they stayed together. She wrote that letter for him to read the night on his draft. He was enraged that she was apologizing for the birth of their son.


“Rory! Why would you write that?” Gabe screamed.

“I…I just wanted to wish you god luck.” She stuttered due to his outburst.

“No, why would you apologize for our son? I’m not sorry, Rory. He may have been a surprise and we may have been young, but Logan is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Along with you and hockey.”

“Gabe, I didn’t mean it like that I swear. I meant I’m sorry that you almost quit hockey, that you had so much extra pressure on you.” Rory said through the phone.

“Rory, I made that decision.” Gabe said a lot calmer. “I could have just walked away from you and Logan, but I wanted to stay. I wanted to be there.”

“I’m sorry I wrote that, I didn’t mean to upset you.” She said after a long pause.

“No, I’m sorry for yelling. I know you weren’t trying to. I’m just really nervous.”

“I know, it’s okay.”

“I should go, we should be starting soon.”

“Okay, good luck.” At that moment, Rory wanted nothing more than to hug him.

“Give Logan a kiss for me.”

“I will, Gabriel. I love you.” She sighed.

“I love you too, Ror.”

Gabe always kept that note in his wallet, next to the picture of Rory and Logan and him. He ended up getting drafted second overall that night to Colorado. After a lot of discussion, Gabe and Rory’s family decided that he should move to Denver first and get settled in for a couple months before Rory and Logan would join him. It’s been almost eight months since the draft and the day had finally come when Rory and Logan would join him. They had planned their arrival over the Avalanche’s four day break so Gabe could help his family get settled in.

“So today’s the day eh?” Matt Duchene, Gabe’s team mate, asked. They had just gotten done with practice. He, along with the rest of the team, was shocked when Gabe told him he had a son. They always laughed and joked about him making it up since Rory and Logan never got to visit.

“Heading to the airport after this to pick them up.” Gabe smiled widely. “You coming to the welcome dinner at coach’s?”

“Wouldn’t miss a chance to finally meet your imaginary family.” Matt winked.

“Everyone else coming?” Gabe spoke to the entire locker room.

“Kobasew and I will be late, but count us in.” The captain, Milan, said to his youngest team mate.

“Great, I’ll see everyone tonight then.” Gabe waved to his team before walking out to his car, already equipped with a car seat, and sped to the airport. Waiting for the plane to arrive was the hardest part. It was excruciating for Gabe. He paced around in the same spot until a little boy running his way caught his eye. The little boy’s shaggy blonde curls bounced as he ran full speed towards Gabe. The excited father ran to the little boy, swooped him up into arms, and spun him around in circles.

“Dada!” The little boy shrieked.

“Hey bud! Did you miss me?” Gabe looked into the boy’s ice blue eyes. He just giggled and buried his face into his father’s neck. When Gabe looked up from his little boy, he saw his beautiful girlfriend walking his way. Rory’s usual long, dirty blonde hair was tied up in a messy bun. She was carrying a diaper bag and her purse, but dropped them both to fully embrace him. She looked up at the man that she’s been missing for the past eight months or so. He looked back at her and placed a long kiss on her soft lips.

“How is it possible that you got more beautiful since I saw you last?” He said quietly.

“Have I told you I love you?” Rory smiled as butterflies erupted in her stomach.

“Come on, I want to show you our home.” Gabe grabbed the diaper bag and swung it onto his shoulder. Then with his free hand, he took Rory’s. They had periodically shipped Rory and Logan’s belongings beforehand so that it would be there when they arrived. “Close your eyes.” Gabe instructed as they stepped up to the apartment door.

“What? Why?” Rory giggled. “Gabe, I can barely function with my eyes open.”

“Just trust me baby.” He said and opened the door, leading them in.

“I do.” She whispered.

“Are you ready?” Gabe said while setting Logan down.


“Open your eyes.” Gabe watched Rory’s face light up as she took in her new surroundings.

“Gabe, how did you manage to find this beautiful place?” She gasped and walked around. She followed Logan as he ran by her. “Baby, where are you going?”

“He probably found his new play room, come on.” Gabe took Rory’s hand and they followed their son. The back room was grey with orange boxed shelves filled with Logan’s toys.

“Did you do this?”

“With help from the team.” Gabe smiled. “Let’s go see the rest of the house.” He picked up his son and headed up the stairs. Up the first set of stairs, the star rookie pointed out the open living room and guest bathroom. They then climbed the second set of stairs and reached the short hallway. “The first door on the left here is another bathroom and that second door is the nursery. The room on the right, here, is our room.”

Rory walked into the master bedroom first. The room was white and simple, clearly decorated by a guy. She had some work to do in this apartment. She then walked into Logan’s nursery. The room was grey with blue and green accents. The white crib that had arrived earlier that week was assembled and placed in the corner of the room. On the opposite side of the room, Logan’s full name was painted on the wall. “Gabe…” Her hand flew to her mouth.

“This, I did all by myself.” He smiled. “Oh, I left all your things in the boxes they came in. I didn’t know how you wanted them organized.”

“That’s fine.” Rory yawned.

“Babe, you know what? Why don’t you take a nap? I’ll get Logan fed and then I’ll set him down for a nap too. Then we have dinner with the team tonight.”

“Yeah, that sounds great actually.” She stood on her tip toes and pressed her lips to his. “I love you.”

“I love you, baby.” He closed the door to the bedroom and walked down to the kitchen with Logan in his arms. He set the toddler in the high chair and placed a few Cherrios on the tray. Gabe then grabbed a jar of baby food and a baby spoon and sat down next to him. After feeding him, Gabe took Logan up to the living room to play a little bit before he went down for his nap. Not even ten minutes later, both boys were asleep.

When Rory woke up, she wandered down the stairs wondering why everything was so quiet. She got her answer when she walked by the couch and saw Logan cuddled up to Gabe’s side. She didn’t want to wake them so she went to take a shower and change, not before snapping a picture of her two favorite boys.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please tell me what you think you guys!!!
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Peace. Love. Hockey.