Status: Going slowly

Living My Dream


Rory showered quickly and left her hair to air dry. There was still an hour until the dinner so she applied a soft layer of make-up and proceeded to start unpacking since the boys were still asleep. She got through half of a box before both boys wandered into the room.

“Hey sleepy-heads!” Rory greeted. Logan crawled onto her lap as she sat on the floor.

“Looks like you’re all ready.” Gabe leaned down and kissed her head.

“Is this alright? I mean it’s a casual thing right? Jeans are okay? Or should I find a dress?”

“Rory, what you’re wearing is fine, babe. You look beautiful.” Gabe chuckled at his girlfriend.

“I just want them to like me.” She confessed. Logan was fumbling with her infinity necklace that Gabe had gotten her before he left for Denver.

“They will like you, I promise.”

“Okay.” She stood up and picked up Logan. “Want to help me give him a bath and get him changed?”

“Yeah, I’d love to.” Gabe was genuinely excited to do something so simple. He was nervous that he wouldn’t know what to do when it came to being a father. Many what-ifs went through his mind.

What if he didn’t know how to change him?

What if he didn’t know what Logan wanted or needed?

What if Logan didn’t even like him?

That last question was erased at the airport when Logan instantly remembered who he was. Thanks to the modern invention of a little thing called Skype.

“Okay, fill the tub up with warm water about two-thirds of the way full. Did you get the baby soap?”

“Yes, right there.” Gabe pointed to the bottle of Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo on the shower rack.

“Super! Here take him, I’m going to go grab his towel and a wash cloth.” Rory handed the toddler to the eager father.

“I put all the bath stuff in the third drawer down in his dresser in the closet.”

“Okay!” Rory yelled from halfway down the hallway.

“Alright little guy, let’s get you clean huh?” Gabe said to his son.

“Baff!” Logan waved his arms wildly as Gabe tried to remove his sweater.

“Yeah, Loags, it’s bath time!” Once he got the little guy’s clothes removed, he set Logan in the shallow luke-warm water.

“Here, take this and wet his hair.” Rory came back into the bathroom and handed Gabe a little wash cloth. He took the little square of blue fabric and dipped it in the water.

“Should I lean him back?”

“He knows, Logan head back!” She demonstrated and the toddler followed. “Now cover his eyes and just squeeze the water over his head.”

Gabe did as was told. He repeated this process a few times until every little blonde curl was wet. Logan absolutely loved bath time, splashing was his favorite thing to do. “Now shampoo?” Gabe asked.

“Yeah, just a tiny bit will do.” Rory squeezed the golden colored shampoo into Gabe’s open palm. Another half hour and Logan was clean and dressed.

“He loves his baths way more than any other child I know.” Gabe laughed as Rory and Logan sat on the bed in the master bedroom, waiting for him to change.

“He always has! When he started teething, all it took to ease the fussing was a nice warm bath.”

“I wish I was there when he started teething…and when he said his first word…and when he took his first steps.” Gabe’s smile faded as he realized how much of his son’s life he already missed.

“Hey, Gabriel, stop…” Rory picked up Logan and walked towards the tall blonde. “He’s not even two yet. You have years and years with him. You still have to teach him how to skate, how to shoot a puck, how to read. He’s three years away from his first day of school.” Rory brushed her free hand across Gabe’s cheek. “Plus I Skyped you as soon as he said ‘dada’ for the first time. And the day he took his first steps? I got it on video and sent it to you. You really haven’t missed much at all.”

Gabe smiled at Rory’s little speech. She really knew the exact things to say when he was feeling a bit sad. “I guess.”

“Logan, give dada a hug, he’s sad.” The young mom said to the little guy in her arms. Logan did as his mom said and wrapped his little arms around Gabe’s neck. “Give him a kiss Loags.” The little blonde puckered his lips and pressed them to his fathers.

“Oh thank you Logan, I love you.” Gabe smiled widely.

“Love you!” Logan replied.

“Okay, now give him knucks!”

Gabe laughed as the toddler bumped his tiny fist to his. “You are too cute baby boy. Now go back to momma, I have to get changed.”

“You made daddy happy again, Loags!” Rory took him from Gabe.

“Yay!” His little hands clapped. Both Rory and Gabe burst into laughter.
♠ ♠ ♠
I will try to work out a posting schedule as this story progresses. It will most likely be on weekends. I have Chemistry this semester so I will see how much time I have.

Here is the loft style apartment.
Here are Rory and Logan's arrival outfits.
And finally the whole family's dinner outfits

Leave a comment!!! Seriously, I would realllly appreciate it.

Peace. Love. Hockey.