Status: Going slowly

Living My Dream


“Daddy has a surprise for us, Loags!” Rory held her son as Gabe loaded some things into the car. Logan sensed the excitement in his mother’s voice and clapped his hand. “I think your son is pretty excited too, babe.” Rory laughed.

“He should be!” Gabe called back. A few more minutes of shuffling, Gabe allowed Rory to buckle Logan in. “No peeking in the back!”

“I won’t, I won’t!” Rory stepped away from the car with her hands up.

“Just making sure, get in.” Gabe came up to her and kissed the side of her head. Her heart fluttered as she climbed into the car. The drive only took about 10 minutes, but Rory was too busy looking out the window at the new city to realize where the final destination was.

“The Pepsi Center?” She turned to Gabe with an eyebrow raised.

“Curious yet?” He smiled mischievously.

“Babe, I was curious since you woke me up this morning with that smirk on your face.” Rory pointed her index finger at him.

“Yeah, but you love it.”

“Never said I didn’t!” She sang as she exited the car.

“Will you unbuckle Logan? I have to grab the bags.”

“Of course I will grab my little baby!” Rory said in a baby-ish as she freed the toddler from his car seat.

“Follow me.” Gabe led the way through the player’s entrance to the arena and down long turning hallways that finally led to the ice.

“This is intimidating.” Rory said out loud as she spun slowly in a circle looking at the number of seats that were vacant right now, but are filled on game days.

“Imagine having to play with every one of those seats filled.” Gabe said fumbling around with one of the two bags. “Okay, sit down, hold Loags in your lap.”

Rory did as was told and watched as Gabe got down on one knee in front of them. Her heart skipped a beat as he slowly brought his hands out from behind his back. Her wide smile faded a bit as she saw a tiny pair of skates. Rory silently cursed at herself for getting so excited. Gabe couldn’t be ready to propose yet, what was she thinking?

“They’re the smallest size I was able to find, I think they’ll fit okay.” Gabe said, breaking Rory from her inner battle with her thoughts.

“Well, let’s find out.” Rory smiled, hiding her confused thoughts. Gabe began to lace the miniature skates onto the mesmerized boy sitting on Rory’s lap. Gabe, being the gentleman that he is, laced up Rory next, then himself.

“Not yet!” Rory shouted right before Gabe stepped onto the ice with Logan.

“What?” He asked looking concerned.

“I have to get this on video.” Rory pulled out her camera and stepped onto the ice. “Okay, go!”

“This is Logan’s first time ever on the ice!” Gabe said rather excitedly.

“Our second day in Denver and Gabe has already planned a day of surprises!” Rory narrated.

“He’s loving this, just look at his face.” Gabe looked at the camera, smiling. Rory kept the camera pointed at her boys as she moved around on the ice.

“I’m loving this too! Seeing Logan’s face lighting up as his little feet touches ice for the first time, seeing you being an amazing father to the little boy we created…not to mention this is my first time on the ice since before I was pregnant.”

“Really? That’s surprising.” Gabe skated around holding both of Logan’s hands.

“I know. I just never got the chance after you moved. I was taking care of Logan all the time.”

“How does it feel?”

“Amazing.” She took a breath in and closed her eyes.

“Mom!” The little boy shrieked as his father skated a bit faster. His laugh was contagious as soon enough, the entire arena was filled with the little families’ laughter.

“Did you plan lunch or are Logan and I forced to fend for ourselves?” Rory asked as they sat on the bench removing their skates.

“Rory! I would never leave you to fend for yourself!” Gabe’s eyes went wide.

“Relax would you Gabriel! I’m kidding!”

“Well good, because I want to take you somewhere for lunch.” Gabe loaded everything back into the bags. “Are you ready?”

“Let’s go.” Rory smiled and took his waiting hand. She honestly thought things could not get any better than they are now. The feel she had running through her system, she never wanted it to leave. But you know how it goes, good things only last for so long.
♠ ♠ ♠
A little bit filler-ish but next chapter get's shaken up. You know a good thing never lasts forever ;)

Leave me your wonderful thoughts! Comment away!

Peace. Love. Hockey.