Status: This ish is serious.


It Started With a Whisper.

The monitor beeped along with her heartbeat; her chest rising up and down slowly as she breathed. She's been here for about 4 hours, in hibernating mode from the profound blood loss she has had.

"Do you think she'll ever wake up?" Minnie said sitting down next to me.

"She should be waking up pretty soon Minnie, don't worry. Why are you so worried about her?" I asked turning around to look down at her.

"My mom died that way. She lied on the hospital bed for five years and out of nowhere she dies. The doctors had told my dad that she was going to be fine, and that she will wake up soon. Ends up being that she dies because someone injected something that lethal by 'accident'." She said looking out the window.

"I'm sorry" I said sympathetically.

Nikki Cole, also known as Minnie Cole, was born in 2003. After two years of running solo, she has forgotten her birthday, only remembering the day. Her warm brown eyes and her delicate pale skin might fool you, but there is nothing innocent about her. Her flaming red pixie cut hair makes her stand out amongst the crowd. Standing at 5 feet makes her seem like she is weak and fragile but Minnie knew how to do things most twelve year olds didn't know how to do. She wore bright clothes as a cover up as to how she was feeling. She battled a tough depression that till' this day no one knows about. Her mouth is as worst as a sailor, but she has improved it ever since Lila joined the group. She kept to herself most of the time because that who she was; she just recently opened up to me.

"I'll talk to you later Mikes." She said breaking the peaceful silence.

"Uh okay." I said as she got up.

"By the way take a picture it lasts longer." She laughed as she walked out.

"Little dipshit" I mumbled once the door was closed.

I turned back around stared out the window. We weren't sure who Pandora was but we knew that she saved Frankie B's life. We haven't had a chance to talk to Frankie but I'm sure she has a good understanding of who she is.

I tore my gaze from out the window and looked back down to the bed where Pandora was lying on. Her jet black hair was neatly french braided, that was now resting over her right shoulder. Her tanned skin glistened as the sun kissed her skin making her seem something more than just a simple recovering body. She was wearing a black shirt that was ripped on the sides, with some type of graphic design that I couldn't see since her right arm was resting on her stomach. Her light skinny jeans faded and dirty snugged her legs perfectly. Her leather boots were beside her bed making her knife anklet visible. She was beautiful.

"Mikey?" I heard Gerard say as he interrupted my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I said turning around looking at Gerard.

"Stop staring you idiot. Lets go Bee wants to talk to us about Pandora." Gee said leaning against the door frame.

"Can everyone stop saying that I"m staring at her? I'm not fucking staring!" I hissed.

"Jeez don't get your boxers in a bunch sweetheart. Lets go" He said laughing that stupid obnoxious laugh of his.

I rolled my eyes as I got up walking to the door. Before I walked out, I turned back around and caught one last glimpse of her face. When I caught up with Gee we walked silently through the dimly lit hallways. Times like these were always engraved in my head because even though Gee and I fought like cats and dogs, we were all we had. A short girl about 5'5 with fiery orange shoulder length hair, stood next to a jeep holding a box of Marlboro cigarettes. When she heard us she turned around smile; her vibrant blue eyes staring at Gee and I.

"You must be Mikey right?" She asked.


"I'm Frankie Bee. Feel free to call me B since I know you guys have a friend named Frankie also." She said extending out her hand.

"Nice to meet you" I said shaking it.

"Likewise. Anyway, look I know you guys want to know all about Pandora but wouldn't it be best if she told you?" She said worriedly.

"But what if she doesn't?" I asked.

After five minutes of silence she looked at me and started speaking.

"I'll tell you what I know. She's a genius, a sarcastic, mean genius. She didn't have any friends in high school besides Annabeth the school secretary. She graduated Windsor at the age of 14 with the highest GPA of 4.7. Her parents were both in the army, so she was already an army brat in the making. During her senior year, her mom had died, no one really knows how she died but she did. She went into mute mode, no one talked to her she didn't talk back. I had went back to Windsor to work part time, so that's how I know this. Every college wanted her and she refused and went to Columbia U. after that I have no idea" She said leaning back against the jeep.

So we have a genius in our hands, hopefully she won't try to rub it in our faces.

"Wow I don't even know what to say." Gee said after a moment or two of silence.

"You don't have to say anything." Said a voice behind us. We all turned around and saw Pandora standing there.

She's tall, I thought.[\i]

"You shouldn't be up." Gee said walking up to her. Her cold stare might of scared him, but he had been through enough to let that intimidate him.

"And you shouldn't talk about someone behind their backs. All you had to do was ask." She said walking past me and going to the jeep.

"Why bother if you weren't going to tell us anything in the first place?" I thought out loud.

"Just because you don't know me doesn't mean that I am exactly what Bee said. I wouldn't tell you my life story, I would've told you the right things that you needed to know. Rule of thumb for you don't be so judgmental" She said grabbing a pack of Marlboro and jumping out of the jeep. She walked past me, before she turned around and whispered in my ear.

"Didn't anyone tell you it was rude to stare?" Her smooth raspy voice said. She walked away walking aimlessly through the now desert like streets, with a gun strapped on her thigh.

Kill me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I would've gotten this freaking chapter out a long time ago but the it kept deleting. I wanted to rip my hair out. You guys, I'm slacking in school I don't know what to do. I lack motivation I'll tell you that much.

Ehh anyways enough about me, how is everyone? Anyone has any new music that they would like to share?

Hope you guys liked this chapter, I think its adorable in a way.
Comments and feedback is great. :)
Again don't hesitate to tell me if I need some corrections :)

- Jenn