Dirty Secret Keepers.

Meet the Inside.

"To have to bury a child, such a sad day it is."

"Eyyo! Yoda! Shut the fuck up and get off the couch!" Speed screamed at Harris, Ace and Michigan sat laughing at the large oak table in the dining room, Harris turned his head sharply away from the television to look at them.
"Watch your fucking mouth, Sped! I'll get the soap, you tyrant." Harris went back to watching his crime drama on the television. The boys at the table made an 'ooh' sound, just like you hear from the students in a classroom when you get called down to the office.
Speed laughed obnoxiously, then started breathing heavily, "Oh yeah, baby. Soap me up, make sure you get the spot right under my bullocks."
Ace stepped in, "No, seriously mate, get off the fucking couch." Ace sat shuffling his lucky deck of cards at the far end of the table, Harris still sat watching his television show with no intention of leaving until he had watched the last 30 minutes of it. Michigan, Ace, and Speed figured out that Harris wouldn't move no matter how they coaxed him.
Luckily for them, Dahlia just happened to pull into the driveway at that very moment. As soon as Dahlia entered the living room, all three screamed, "DAHLIA!"
She jumped from the surprise, her long black hair pulled into a messy bun had fallen and became more messy. "What?!" She shrieked, Speed spoke next, "Harris won't let the bloody television alone, again. And he's roleplaying, again." He spoke the word 'roleplaying' in a tone of disgust, as if it were some unspeakable sexual act. Dahlia pinched the bridge of her nose and squeezed her eyes shut. When she opened them, her eyes looked bright, wild, and exhausted. She aimed those eyes right at Harris', Harris bent his knees and got up as quick as he could and shut the T.V. off.
"Now who's got some spliff?"
Speed slapped his knee and said, "That's what we've been trying to get Harris' attention for. Sit right next to Papa, sweetheart." He winked at Dahlia and patted the seat next to him. She laughed sarcastically and took a seat next to Michigan, Speed frowned.
Dahlia took a hit and smiled, "New?"
"Yeah-Yeah, Marsh brought it down about an hour ago, he was talking about some hybrid bullshit he was starting now, so he'll be shacked up in his room with it for the next few hours." Speed explained as he passed around another two for a steady circle.
"Whassit called?"Michigan asked, passing the spliff to Ace. "I think he said, Alligator Smiles. I s'pose it's fairly mild then." Speed was smoking it like it was the cheapest Skunk he'd ever gotten. Dahlia laughed, because she knew Marsh never grew anything mild, not even fairly mild. Dahlia had been proven right about five minutes later, she lit herself a cigarette and it hit her harder than anything Marsh had ever given her.
"Guys. Guys! Oh, fuck. This is fantastic." Dahlia struggled to talk, her mouth felt like it was made of taffy. She didn't dare to stand up, Ace was laughing at Dahlia, maybe at what she had just said, she honestly didn't know.
"You know what? Fuck you, Harrison. I'm having problems with your fucking attitude." Ace said, Dahlia swore that was the first thing he'd said in two hours. Harris sat there, frozen, Michigan thought he must not know what to say.
Harris spoke then, "Son, you got some fucking nuggets, I'll tell you that. Why don't you shove a dildo in that wastebin you call a mouth, yeah?"
"Why don't you shut that trap of yours right quick! I'm telling you how dicky you've been. Now listen!"
Ace stood up then, Speed had a cheesy grin on his face, he said, "You go on, mate." right before he burst into a bout of insatiable laughter. Harris listened.
"You don't go on about Shelley anymore! All you do is sit on your fucking arse, and watch shitty american crime dramas! Why won't you tell us what happens?! And I know you stole my pills, mate. The pills Obie and I robbed that kid for? Yeah, those. What'chu been doin' with them? Huh? Sellin' them? Taking them? Because I don't have the faintest of clues, Harrison. And why, in the dirtiest of fucks, are you eating my FUCKING COOKIES?! YOU'RE DEAD!"
Ace leaped from his place at the end of the table to the far right, where Harris was sitting. Harris then let out a very girlish scream, before plunging to the left in an effort to get away from Ace.
Ace fell on the table, about three feet from where Harris was sitting. He stood on the table and pulled his white shirt off, As Obie would say, That's when you know shit just got real. "STOP! Wait! Wait just a cock sucking minute! Who the fuck is Shelley, mate?"
Ace's shoulders dropped, his face looked troubled, "Who is Shelley? Ah, Shelley doesn't exist. Well, that's embarrasing. Ey, guess what though? Your mum followed me on Facebook last night." Ace smiled and sat cross-legged on the table.
"Did she really?"
Somewhere upstairs, Marsh stepped back from the hallway and went back inside his room, shutting the door quietly. He went back to tending to his new project, admiring his last work greatly. The sounds coming from downstairs pleasured him immensely, Marsh leaned in very close to the plant he was tending to, and whispered, "Seems like your mother is quite a success. But, I think you're going to be the best." He smiled once more and put on his mask.
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First one. New story. And yes, I think I'll be finishing this one.
Tell me what you think! :D