

Prompt #12 → Baby [Kevin / Dongho]

Dongho looked blankly at the plastic doll in his hands, which was given to him by his teacher. Him and another guy – he had no clue who the guy is – was suppose to take care of the plastic thing. To be honest Dongho didn’t even know he signed up for a parenting class until he stepped into the classroom – which was filled with girls except for one boy (not counting himself). Being the lazy boy he is he never got to switch out of the class and only thought of it as a napping place injected in the middle of the day not some baby sitting service.

He faintly remembers that the baby has some recording tape in his back – or was it its ass? It didn’t matter because he had handed it over (because the thing started wailing once he had reached home and Dongho was about to give it to his dog as a chew toy but decided otherwise) to the cheery boy he calls a partner for the month.

The next few weeks he finds himself hanging out with Kevin (the flamboyant boy from before) more the often. Making sure he also participates in the project – more like Kevin is making him. So he actually starts to take the doll home – often leaving the noise maker in his car. Kevin found out later after calling (don’t ask him why he gave his number to the annoying boy, he himself doesn’t know why) him to ‘hear’ the baby’s voice claiming to have missed the plastic doll.

The two having spent so much time with each other that they even sit together now ( more like Dongho being dragged ), but Dongho didn’t seem to care after a while. He had gotten used to the too cheery and hyper male and started actually holding conversations with him.

The plastic toy still wasn’t in a safe environment when it’s alone with Dongho though. He has often left it on his living room table, easily reachable for his dog to get a hold of. It had a couple of teeth marks on it by now, its okay though – in his words not Kevin’s. He had also accidentally caught it on fire – Kevin had really scolded him this time – it wasn’t like he did it on purpose, the doll was too close to the stove while he was frying eggs and other breakfast necessities. It was very lucky that his mother had decided that day too come and check up on her son or the apartment, doll, and Dongho himself wouldn’t be here today.

The day before turning in the doll didn’t go to well either, Kevin had decided to drag Dongho and the doll to a movie and Lotte World for a ‘good-bye’ party – which Dongho found totally unnecessary especially on a Sunday, Dongho’s sleeping day. But he went along with it.

The day ended up being pretty well though. Dongho had actually got to spend time with Kevin, not the protective-we-are-going-to-get-an-A Kevin but Kevin, Kevin. And it wasn’t half bad unless you mention the time when the baby fell about 20ft off the ground and broke into pieces – that time it was Kevin’s fault.
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Posted on for a contest.


reposted from woobam