love never lasts forever

Chapter 1

So I was sitting there in my 4th period class at Mountain View High School when he walks into the room. He was tall about 6’2” with shoulder length black hair. His eyes were the bluish grey that if you looked into them you could lose yourself for hours and not realize it.
He walks up to the teacher and introduces himself. His name is Jason but I couldn’t catch his last name. Then I realize that there is only one seat left in the class and it happens to be next to me. Now I wasn’t the best looking back then I thought. Yes I was about 5’9” with middle of your back length hair he same bluish grey eyes, but there wasn’t much else to me in my opinion. So he came to take his seat next to me but I couldn’t help but stare at him for the slightest of seconds.
That is when he turned to me and spoke for the first time. “Hi, I am Jason and I was wondering since I am new will you mind showing me around?” As the nice person that I am even though I don’t look like it I said I would show him around the school seeing as we have the same class schedule and everything. After 4th period we had lunch and the cafeteria isn’t that hard to find since it’s at the center of the school. We got to the cafeteria and found my best friend Becca sitting at our normal table in the corner of the room. We enjoyed lunch and the rest of the day went by pretty smoothly.
As the days went by Jason and I got closer and closer to one another and we seemed to be becoming something more than friends…I hoped. I was starting to develop real feelings for him but didn’t know the best way to tell him for the fear of being rejected. Becca on one hand told me I should tell him to his face but I wasn’t to sure if I could find the right words to say.
It was amazing being with him hanging out causing all sorts of trouble where ever we were. I talked to Becca trying to figure out the best way to tell Jason how I really felt about him. We came up with a couple ideas such as writing him a note telling him everything or just straight up saying hey I like you and want to be with you type thing. I decided the best thing to do was tell him to his face. So the next morning I would tell him how I really felt.
When that morning came Jason never showed up and he didn’t show up at school for the next two days either. Finally he came to school and said “Jason I have something I need to say to you…Since we meet I have had this feeling for you that I cant ignore any more and its been making me crazy for days. You have this thing about you that makes me crazy I can’t be mad at you when I want to be, I can’t lie to you and I can’t help but like you more and more with each passing day. I was hoping you feel the same way because I want nothing more than to be with you Jason because I think i am falling in love with you.” He looked at me with shock like he never thought words like that could ever come from me. Then he said the most astonishing thing to me.
“Snow since the moment I walked into that class room my first day here I knew we were meant for each other. I just was looking for the right words to tell you but could never find the right ones and you took them right out of my mouth and I would love nothing more than to be with you. I have been falling in love with you more and more with each passing day and am hoping you will let me call you mine.”
He wanted to be with me really being with me and I couldn’t have been happier than I was in that moment with him. Jason was mine and that was all that mattered to me anymore. It was like a dream come true being with him nothing could ever put me in a bad mood at all. Day after day was something new from wondering the woods to finding a place to call our own hidden from the world.
We started spending every moment we could together never getting tired of being together. Becca started saying we would be together forever and I liked the thought of that, and just like any other girl I had dreams of our wedding and how it would be. I m not like other girls though because I don’t want traditional things I want dark colors and a black or red dress white just makes me look even more like Casper.
Jason and I have been together for a month and I couldn’t think of a better time to tell him I am ready to physically be with him. That I was ready to finally have sex with him. I just didn’t know when the right time would be or where the right place was. There were still things I wanted to figure out before we actually started having sex together.
It was a Saturday afternoon and mom and dad decided they wanted to go out for the evening so I called Jason and told him to come over and that mom and dad would be gone for a few hours. When he got there we decided that we were going to go watch a movie up in my room just like any normal Saturday for us. During the movie we started making out. Things were getting really intense our shirts had made their ways off our bodies and onto the floor. Jason had the best body in the world let me tell you. I was sure that this was it and he could see it in my eyes that I was ready to let him take me.
Jason was still kissing me as he said “I want you Silvia and I never want to let you go.” With that he started slowly kissing his way down my body not leaving a single inch unkissed. My face my neck everywhere when he got to my waist he nibbled on my hip bone making me crazier than I had been moments ago. He moved to undo the button of my pant so he could slowly slide them down and off my legs. Then with his teeth he removed my underwear. I was laying there completely naked you would have thought I would be scared but no I was completely fine.
Him looking at me smiling he removed the rest of his cloths then kissed his way back up to my lips and captured them with his. This kiss was different than me for more passionate and loving. I was to caught up in the heat of the kiss to realize that he had already had the condom on. I looked him in those eyes and got lost in the passion. When it came it was like a fire exploding in side me and I had never felt this way before with anyone. There are defiantly no regrets here I loved this boy with all my heart.
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