Status: Active

Take a Bite of My Heart Tonight

Chapter 3

Everything seems to happen so quickly then. Doors slam, tires screech, and soon enough the four cars are speeding down the street away from the bloodthirsty horde behind them. Alex is too dazed to think straight, gazing helplessly out the rear-view window of his car at the zombies. How did this happen?

“We need to get to the supermarket.” Jack states to Rian, who just nods and presses down on the accelerator a little bit harder.

“We need to lose them first.” Alex argues from the back seat, glancing back nervously to the crowd behind them.

Jack shakes his head, “They're zombies. They aren't smart.”

Rian takes a sudden left to follow the other cars, making Alex lose his balance and smash against the side of the car. Rubbing his side, Alex glares at the short-haired driver.

“Ouch, dick. A little warning would be nice next time.”

Rian doesn't say anything. He's too focused on getting away from the zombies to do anything else.

“Like I said, the zombies aren't smart. They can't follow us.” Jack repeats, picking the previous conversation up.

Alex turns his head to look in the rear-view mirror, and his heartbeat races at the sight. They're still there, a mass in the distance not getting bigger...or smaller for that matter.

“Oh really?” He asks, frowning at Jack, “Then how come they're still behind us?”

Jacks eyes go wide, and he scrambles through the space in between the driver and passenger seat to get a better look, causing Rian to yell and swerve the car.

“Shit.” is the only thing Jack can say as he looks through the rear-view mirror.

“See? We need to lose them. They know where 'food' is and they're going to keep following us until they get it. Call the others. We're gonna have to split up if we want to get rid of these.” Alex states, pulling out his phone and punching in Evan's number. He answers on the first ring.

“Sup Lex?”

Alex quickly repeats what he had told Jack to Evan, and adds that they'll meet at the supermarket eventually, who agrees and replies with “okay, I'll let Zack know.” before hanging up. By the time Alex has finished the call Jack has already rang Vinny and Grieco to let them know.

“Now what?” He asks, looking at the singer confusedly.

“We... we take lots of turnings away from the others and hopefully the zombies will get confused and we'll lose them.”

“Alright, which way?” Rian asks, speaking for the first time throughout the car ride.

“That way.” Alex says as he points to a familiar side-street coming up on the right. Rian nods, and veers the car into it.

“Just keep making turns.” Alex adds as he looks back into the rear-view mirror.

Sure enough, the zombies are still behind them. The car takes a left, so do they. A right, they're still behind them. Left. Left. Right. Left. It's almost as if the zombies know which way the car is going before it turns.

“They're not easing up.” Jack states, panic seeping into his voice. Alex can see him shaking from the corner of his eye, and mentally decides that he's going to have to be the strong one for now, because Jack isn't and he needs someone to be.

“Rian keep turning, we'll lose them. We will. ” Alex states convincingly, but really he's trying to convince himself more than the others.

Eventually, it seems as if the crowd following them is getting smaller and smaller, and Alex almost feels like crying with relief. He links his fingers messily with Jack's, and grins at the dark-haired guitarist who is still shaking.

“See Jacky, I told you we'd lose them. We're okay now.”

Jack just nods feebly in response, trying to give Alex a convincing smile. Alex isn't fooled though; he knows the younger man well enough to notice when he's scared, or freaking out inside. So he pulls Jack closer to wrap his arms around him, squeezing tightly to comfort the other man.

“Sorry to break up your bromance, but we're here.” Rian states from the drivers seat, gesturing around at the car-park around them.

It's only then that Alex realises that the car has stopped moving. He didn't even notice. Huh.