Status: Active

Take a Bite of My Heart Tonight

Chapter 4

The guys don't have long to wait before two other cars come speeding into the Walmart car park. The sound of squealing tires makes their heads snap up, and the sight of the familiar cars makes them sigh in relief.

But then Jack takes a second look. Only two cars? He gives them a once-over; there's Zack's and Ian's...but where is Flyzik's car?

The others come to a sudden stop besides Alex's car, and they clamber out, immediately moving towards the trio who were looking around confusedly.

“Where's Flyzik and the others?” Alex asks, frowning as he tries to look over the cars.

Evan shrugs, “I don't know, bro, we lost sight of them about 15 minutes ago.”

“Damnit!” Alex cries, smacking his hand against his car hood in annoyance, making Jack jump. He isn't quite sure why Alex is acting this way, he was so calm and sure of himself in the car.

“Alex, chill,” Rian says, trying to keep the peace, “They probably just got lost or something.”

“Yeah, they'll get here eventually. We should get supplies while we wait for them to come.” Jack adds, staring – in what he hopes is, reassuringly – into Alex's eyes, silently willing him to calm down.

Alex takes a deep breath in, eyes closed, and then nods, “Alright, let's go.”

Luckily, the Walmart appears to be completely empty, not one person alive or dead (well, undead) in the store at all. Jack lets out a relieved breath he didn't even know he was holding, and turns to the others.

“We should hurry, I doubt it will be long before any other survivors come to get supplies. And the zombies might come back.” He states, looking round at the others.

“Yeah, we should. I think the best thing to do is to grab whatever you think we'll need, that includes: clothes, food and drink, anything that could be used as weapons. If you find anything else, pick it up.” Alex adds, the others nodding at his words.

“We should pair up, safety in groups and all... and to save time we should just take an aisle each.” Jeff says.

Everyone agrees to his words, and they group off into pairs, spreading out throughout the store. Jack is with Alex, of course he's with Alex, before this whole zombie business happened they were rarely found apart.

They're wandering up the entertainment section, Alex's fingers trailing aimlessly across familiar CD's, and Jack smiles softly at the sight. He's always admired that about the older man – his dedication and love for music – and it makes him happy to see that this hasn't changed despite the situation they're currently in. Jack doesn't want his best friend to lose the spark that makes Alex, well, Alex.

“We should take some of this back, and DVD's and games – we'll need something to keep us sane.” Jack says, laughing humourlessly at the end of his sentence. It felt weird to be joking about sanity when they were surrounded by crazy, bloodthirsty people. Could they even be called people anymore? Jack doubted it.

Soon enough they're back at the front of the store, Alex with armfuls CD's, DVD's and games, Jack with an Xbox, and DVD and CD players in his arms. The others look similar to them, armfuls of supplies to help them survive, ranging from food and drink, to the 'weapons' that Evan and Jeff look more than pleased with themselves for finding.

“We should get all of this back into the cars,” Rian says, “and then figure out where the others are.”

Everyone nods slowly, thinking about their lost friends again. They should be here by now, Jack decides, where are they?

Suddenly there's a noise from outside, and the guys scramble to the front window to see what it is.

Jack squints his eyes to get a better look, is that... Flyzik and Colussy running towards the store? From what Jack can see, they look terrified. Where's their car? More importantly...

Where's Vinny?