Status: Active

Take a Bite of My Heart Tonight

Chapter 5

Alex looks up at the window with a frown, where was Vinny? His honey eyes were squinting towards the figures of Matt and Colussy who had blood splatters on their cheeks and on their clothes and hell their expressions were awful.

Matt and Colussy run through the door of the Wal-Mart, slipping slightly on the shiny floor where everyone started to surround them and were fussing over them. Alex watches with a frown etched on his face; he didn’t want to get up in their faces when something awful had obviously happened to them.

“What happened?” Rian asks them with a cocked brow and a concerned expression was settled on his face.

Matt looks to them, teeth nibbling on his bottom lip, big green eyes looked up to his concerned friends with a frown on his face. He looks down as he shakes his head. “It-t… They got in the car, through the back… One hand went through the back window; we just kept driving… Vinny had a baseball bat- thought he could handle it”- he shakes his head a little running a hand through his black hair –“more got in though, Vinny pushed us out telling us to run here… to be careful, he obviously didn’t make it… God, it was awful,” he has a few tears trailing down his cheeks before he wipes them quickly.

Everyone turns quiet then and pulls Matt further into the Wal-Mart; they didn’t want to lose anybody else today, not after Vinny was possibly being eaten alive or possibly about to come eat them alive. But nobody wanted to think of their friend as a zombie.

“We need to get out of here,” Zack speaks up first, Alex nods in agreement; golden hair falling in his eyes as he looks to his friends who all silently nod.

Alex picks up some of the stuff that Rian had dropped on the floor and tugs slightly on Jack’s sleeve as the two of them jog to the car they had been into before; Jack had tear stains and Alex couldn’t help but feel bad because he couldn’t comfort his best friend right now because of those fucking zombies.

“Come on, Jacky, smile…” he mumbles trying to make his best friend give him his smile, but it’s fake and forced as they step into the car, hands slamming the door behind them.

The others join them in the car and turn the engine on, letting the engine rumble and soon their driving along the road away from Wal-Mart to get away from the awful memories that had already been set in their home town just in one day.

Alex is looking out the window, chin pressed against palm whilst his spare hand is holding Jack’s; he’s not normally a sap but he is so scared of losing anybody else, especially his best friend who was already quite shaken about everything.

“Oh my God…” Rian murmurs and slows down, looking from his side window.

Alex frowns and follows his gaze seeing a girl running from one of the undeads that was chasing her but its speed was too much for her as it launches itself onto her body, Alex winces at the sound of her strangled scream. He sees Colussy frown and look down, hand brushing over his wrist.

Alex keeps watching as the blood covered teeth sink into the girls white skin that stretched over her skin, he can see the dark blood pooling from the bite as a few more zombies crowd around the blond girls body. The zombie is pulling its fingers over her skin and the skin pulls away almost easily, other zombies join in and start pulling the organs from her bo—

“Drive, damnit, Rian!” Jack snaps, his eyes casting downwards towards the piles of food that they had taken from the department store.

Rian’s foot presses onto the pedal and soon they’re driving away again.

Alex is watching everyone’s movements, they’re quiet and obviously trying to keep it that way- they don’t want any more trouble, Alex thinks to himself, no more deaths. His hand squeezes Jack’s reassuringly before he looks back to Colussy; he hated seeing his friend covered in splats of blood, eyes downcast to his wrist constantly.

“Where should we hide out?” Rian asks from the front, voice surprisingly calm.

Alex nibbles his bottom lip as he thinks, his honey eyes clouded as he tries to think of safe places where they could possibly still wash and maybe there would be more rations of food for them; if they ever ran out of food that they had nicked from Wal-Mart.

“Um. The Pub?” Jack suggests, cocking a brow.

“No- you saw what happened to the people who stayed at a pub on Shaun of the Dead, didn’t you?” Alex queries his best friend who frowns and nods at the memory of piss take film that had originally been funny because the idea of a Zombie Apocalypse had been so obscene that it was an amazing film idea.

“A hotel?” Colussy suggests.

“No… too many people,” one comments, shaking his head.

Alex looks up with a proud smile on his face, “What about our old high school?” he flicks his hair from his eyes as he looks around as everyone nods.

“Dulaney High, here we come…” Rian mumbles speeding on down the roads.

Alex gets out his phone and sends Ian a quick text saying: ‘Meet us @ Dulaney, b careful guys I don’t want to lose u either’.

He settles himself against Jack’s shoulder as Rian drives to the school that had awful and some good memories, he felt Jack’s arms wrap around his waist and he smiles a little bit, arms snaking around Jack’s waist too so they end up cuddling in the back seat- holding onto each other just in case.

“Love you, Jacky…” he mumbles into his best friends’ neck, giving his cheek a tiny kiss which was barely there.

“Love you too, Sexy Lexy…” Jack mumbles, lips pressing to Alex’s temple.

Rian turns his head around slightly, “We’ll be there in about half an hour, okay?”

They both nod simply.