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Bring Me to Life.


“That was such a rush.” I smiled at Arthur after we walked away from Lizzie and her dramatic show.

“That was such a turn on.” Arthur kissed me passionately. “Wow I should piss of Lizzie more often.” I pulled him closer to me.

“Yes you should.” He kissed my neck. “Hey, hey, hey this is how I got pregnant.” I laughed.

“I remember a lot more happening that night.” He mumbled against my skin. “Let’s go to class.” I rolled my eyes. He spent the class rubbing my stomach causing me to feel butterflies; I guess my baby loves his daddy.

“Arthur I think we should make Joe and Stephan godfathers.” I took him as we walked to lunch.

“I think that is a great idea.” He kissed my forehead.

“Arthur, are you really ok with this? You know I didn't do it on purpose right, that I was on birth control and we did use a condom?” I asked.

“Of course. I don’t blame you for anything, this is a blessing. I can’t wait to be a daddy and for you to be the mother of all my children.” He kissed me.

“I don’t know how you love me so much.” I wanted to cry. “I feel the same way about you, yet here you are looking at me as if I was the prize instead of the winner.” He hugged me.

“You’re the greatest prize ever.” I sighed. He kissed the ring he gave me and the ring my mother gave me, grabbed my hand and walked me to the cafeteria.

“Here’s the mom to be.” Stephan smiled and sat me next to him. "I packed you and nice healthy lunch. A fresh fruit salad." he placed the container in front of me.

"You didn’t have to." I sighed. "My niece or nephew needs to be healthy." he smiled.

"We wanted to tell you two something." I said. "Alli and I would love it if you two were godfathers." Arthur said.

"Nothing would make us happier." Joe smiled. "So we need to get planning. We have decided that since the baby will be coming around the summer, we're not going on a honeymoon after the wedding." Stephan announced.

"Why not?" I asked. "We don’t want to miss the birth of our godchild." Stephan smiled.

"You can’t do that for us?" I complained. "Alli it's not a problem. We're looking for an apartment close to the college, so we'll probably be busying moving and preparing for school too. We have the rest of our lives together for a honeymoon and we're not missing this child's birth." Joe smiled at me.

"Thank you guys." I kissed Stephan and Joe’s cheeks. "So what have you planned so far?" I
asked sitting back down and digging into the salad.

"We want a small ceremony, just family and friends and on the beach at sun set." Stephan smiled at Joe.

"Just like when he proposed." Stephan said. “And we’ll hold the baby shower at you guy’s house, another very small and intimate gathering. You guys need to start making a list of what you need and don’t need.” Stephan said.

“I’ll text Ronda to gather all the things she wants to give away and we’ll go through them with your grandmother.” I smiled at Arthur.

“Great you problem won’t need much, so we can just party.” Joe smiled. “You’ll be able to finish to school right?” Stephan asked.

“Yeah, I talked to the principle during second period and he said there is no problem with me graduating on time and if there is any problems to let him know.” I smiled.

“Lucky but then again you are delinquents like us.” Joe laughed. “You guys are not that bad. You’ve been perfect gentlemen since I’ve met you.” I smiled at them all.

“This is why I love you, seeing the good in people.” Arthur kissed my forehead. I leaned against him for the rest of lunch.