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Bring Me to Life.


“So Arturo can we go I notice that Alli haves a ring on her hand.” Stephan said giggling.
We decided to cut some classes to just “bond” like Stephan said.
“Yeah I gave a promise ring…”
“A promise ring? What are you five?” Stephan glared at me.
“Yeah you know me really I don’t like marriage.” Stephan sighed. “Arturo you have a baby coming up and I can tell you really love Alli why don’t you propose to her and we can have a double wedding!” God sometimes I just wonder how he and me end up been best friends.
“Why are you my best friend again?” Stephan scoffed. “Because no one like you or more like approach you in elementary school, I mean you were bad news to everyone!” Now this time I scoff. “Excuse me not really I was a really good student.”
“Sure you were Arturo.” I laughed at his statement.
“Can I ask you why the hell are we doing after graduation?” I looked at him confused.
“I thought you were getting married!”
“I am but I really want to move away you know I want to be an artist.” I rolled my eyes. “You really want to leave me that much?!” I glared at him.
“Let’s be honest Arturo you will end up getting your father’s company” Stephan glared back and I scoffed.
“I under…”
“Yes you will because is a great opportunity to you and to you family!”
“I just don’t want to I haven’t forgive him yet and is hard, he left the family and everything behind!”
“Arturo this is not about your father ad how he acted is about the future of you and your family! I know you won’t leave your grandma behind take her with you!”
“Wow you are so sure my father is going to give me the company”
“Even thought your father left I know he loves you very much.” Stephan smiled at this thought.
“I’m surprise why would you say that?” I asked confused.
“Do you remember the first argument we had?”
“How could I forget? I could never forget the way you hit me that day! Just because I stand up for you” I rolled my eyes.
“Well your father came to my house to talk to me and thanks to him I am here with you.”
“Woah! Wait what did he tell you?”
“Exact words? ‘Look Stephan I know you are mad at Arthur but you need to forgive him I never seem my son so happy with a friend! I know you love him as much as I do and I know he is you best friend so please forgive him.’ I asked him why he wanted me to forgive him so badly and his answer was ‘he would need a friend after tonight.’ And the next I went into your house and he was gone and you were devastated.”
“So the bastard cared after all!” I frowned.
“Yeah the bastard cares after all.” Stephan smiled.
“Okey what if I decided to go? Will Joe and you help me?”
“You know we will always be by your side!” Stephan grinned.
“Seriously you are like the twin sister I never had!”
“Excuse me I have a dick” Stephan scoffed.
“And still act like a girl.” I grinned and he pushed me playfully.
“So about that proposal?”
“I will think about it okay?”
And Stephan smile widely and hugged me.
“I can’t breathe!”
“Hey guys!” we heard behind us.
“Arturo why did you cut class?” Alli asked confused.
“oh sweetie I was just in a bonding time with Stephan” I smiled and pecked her on the lips.
“Can we go to the store and buy Ice-Cream? I’m having cravings” Alli said shyly.
“Sure baby” I pecked her again. “I’ll talk to you later Stephan and Joe.”
And with that I was off to the store to buy my sweet angel her Ice-Cream.
“Rhonda!” I heard Alli squealed.
“How is the baby doing, sugar?” I heard a woman asked. “Oh! You must be Arturo, nice to meet you!” She grinned at my direction.
“Nice to meet you too” I looked at Alli confused.
“She is like my second mother.” I smiled at Rhonda.
“Well thank you for taking care of my sweet angel.”
“I’ll should be the one saying that! But I want to kill you both for making me an aunt so early!”
“But congratulations!” I laughed.
“We should go home I want to eat this!” Alli said excited.
“Sure see you Rhonda!”
“Bye sweethearts!”
She was so happy because of Ice-Cream.
“I’m starting to think you love that Ice-cream more than me!” I pouted.
“You know I love you more than my life but right now I am loving this Ice-Cream!” I laughed at her silliness.
Little did we know that my so call mother was home for another visit.
“What are you doing her… Vanya what’s wrong?”
“He… he found us Arthur!” I felt the anger.
“What did he do?”
“He raped her, Arthur!” My mother sobbed.
“You get the hell out of my house and never ever look for your daughter again or I will kill you!” I glared at my mother.
“But Arthur!”
“No more ‘But Arthur!’ no more ‘I am taking away Vanya’ or I will make sure Dad hears about this!”
“What is your father going to do?”
“Do you really want to know?” I said in a really dark tone.
“This is not the end Arthur.”
“Yeah well it is so leave now!”
She left a broken little girl with us.
Now this should be interesting next month’s my pregnant girlfriend and a broken sister.
This should be a good time to see my father appear.
♠ ♠ ♠