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Bring Me to Life.


I was trying to talk to her about that cut on her cheek but she kept avoiding me. By lunch I knew she hid in Mrs. Brice’s room so I went exactly there but I needed the teacher to go to lunch so I waited outside.
After 15 minutes of waiting the teacher came out.
“Finally …” I mumbled.
“Alli?” I ask as I walked in. “No one can be in here while the teacher’s gone.” She told me.
“I don’t do rules.” I smiled and again she avoided eye contact. “What are you writing?” I asked.
“Poetry.” She whispered. “Can I read it?” I snatched the notebook away from her and sat on a desk behind her
“No please.” She begged. “Okay, I didn't mean to scare you.” I handed me back the notebook feeling guilty.
“You write about me don’t you?” I laughed. “N-no, I-I-I don’t write about you.” She blushed and look so cute doing it.
“You’re cute.”I smiled. She looked at the notebook on her desk and just sat there in silence. I sigh and get off the desk. I walked up to her and placed my hands on either side of her face and forced her to look at me.
“What happened to your cheek?” I asked her worried and she just shook her head. “Nothing.” She whispered.
“Please Alli, tell me.” I groaned. “No, you have a lot to deal with and I just fell. You can’t help it if I’m clumsy.” She tried to smile.
“I don’t think that’s what happened.” I said. “I’m just having some problems at home, like you.” She said.
“What kind of problems?” I asked. “I’m fine but t-thanks for caring. No one has ever care since my mom died.” She said.
“Can we hang out sometime?” I asked. I was in shock that I actually said that out loud, she haves been the only girl I ever been nervous around.
“Alli?” I asked her. “I’d love too.” She said and my heart almost stop.
“Great.” I said as I lean to peck her as I brush my lips against her someone walk in.
“Ahem.” I slowly backed away. “I’m so sorry.” She apologized to the teacher.
“It’s not her fault, she told me I wasn’t supposed to be here and I didn't listen.” I said. “Why am I not surprised Séance.” Mrs. Brice said.
“I never follow the rules.” I winked at her then left.
I was happier than a fat kid with a room of full pizza. I got a date with the girl I like. I don’t know what to do!
I was looking for my best friend when I walk passed two guys kissing and when I notice it was Joe with Stephan.
“I knew you guys were gay.” I said laughing.
They broke the kiss and Stephan blush.
“Hey Arturo stop doing that man you are going to kill my sweet boyfriend from embarrassment!” Joe snapped at me.
“Hey I have my rights since you guys didn’t tell me you were dating!” I was still laughing. “Anyways Stephan I need your help I’m going on a date and I don’t know where to take her.”
“Wait you are going on a date? But you just broke up with Liz” Joe said.
“I…” I actually didn’t know what to say it was true.
“Leave him alone Joey! He is in love with this other girl” Stephan said climbing off Joe.
“Who is this chick anyways?” He asked curious.
“Alli Jordin.” Stephan answer.
“What? You mean the girl Taylor trick into sleeping with him?” When I heard this I was furious!
“He did what now?” I asked really slow and dark.
“You didn’t know?” Stephan asked confused.
“Well she was I think freshman and he made a bet with the jocks about sleeping with a freshman and sadly she was too innocent and well you know the rest.” I was beyond furious now he is going to get it! “So about the date just take her to the beach and cook for her! And be nice!” Stephan said.
“Yeah thanks Stephan I’ll talk to you guys later. And use protection.” I said as I left laughing at Stephan and how red he was.
I was looking for that lame excuse of a man and I couldn’t find him.
“Karma I know you are out there please help me find this …” before I could finish my sentence I heard someone whimpering and crying to stop.
“Taylor please don’t do this…” It was Alli and it came from the hallway.
“You are the school whore and you are going to give me what I want whether you like or not.” Before he could go any further I grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him to the floor and kick his ribs.
“You lame excuse of a man how can you rape a girl!” He got up and punched me and I chuckled darkly. “That was a mistake.” I started to punch him without thinking.
“Séance…” She called me and I stop punching him. “Please just stop.” She started to cry. I walk towards her and hugged her protectively.
“I’m taking you to my home.” I whispered to her ear.
“No please just take me home.” She whispered back and I nodded.
I took her stuff and grabbed mine we started walking towards my car. The ride was silent until she said the directions to her home. We arrived at her home.
“Thank you.”She whispered.
“That guy had it come in” I smiled at her.
“No really thank you no one has ever fought for me.” She mumbled.
“No need to thank me Alli, I would fight for you any time.” And with that she blushed deep red. “I want you to trust me Alli and tell me when you are in trouble, promise me when you are in trouble you will call me?” She nodded and whispered a ‘yes’. “So Saturday I will take you on a date okay? Pick you up at 7?” I asked her.
“What?” She asked confused.
“Our date?” I asked her.
“Oh alright” She smiled at me as she blushed.
When she got in the house I was so happy she said yes.
When I got home a small body came a knock me out.
“Arthur! I got an A on the quiz!” My little Vanya yelled.
“That’s good.” I said laughing.
“Let’s go for Ice-Cream.” She said really loud.
“Okay, okay stop screaming.”
We went for Ice-Cream and I was still thinking about my princess.
Without even a blink of an eye it was Friday and I was beginning to be nervous about our date.
“Arturo stop been damn nervous is going to be fine.” Joe said as we work with a car.
“Joe how I cannot? This girl haves me in her hands and she doesn’t even know it!” I mumbled.
“Wow this girl you really like her huh?” Joe asked cleaning his hands. “Well stop be a fucking pussy and win her heart and if you break her heart and I will break you nuts you hear me Arturo?”
“Yes Dad I heard” I said laughing and we continue to work.
“Grandma I’m leaving call me if you need anything!” I yelled as I step out the front door.
“Wait!” I heard Vanya yelled.
“What? What’s Wrong?” I asked her.
“You forgot the flowers!” She smiled at me.
“Thank you Princess.” I said as I kissed her on the cheek.
“Good Luck Prince.”
I drive to her house and as I walk to her door I was shaking my ass off!
I ring her doorbell and I lost my breath when the door open.