Are You Afraid of the Dark?


Maria’s dark eyes followed herself in the old antique mirror. The sinister feeling that seeped into her soul at the sight of her own reflection could frighten even Satan himself. Even wishful thinking of a cure to such a nightmare couldn’t motivate her today. Maria closed her heavy eyes, let the inviting darkness take over, and passed out onto the full sized bed.

Her eyes slowly opened and she gained control steadily fighting the sickness that was trying so hard to bring her down. This was a never ending battle. Body as light as feather and soul a thousand-ton sinking ship she steadied herself. She routinely grabbed her chunky cellphone and lightly treaded into the kitchen. Maria grabbed a cup out of the darkness and filled it with ice. She positioned herself at the dining table with a single black candle, a box of matches, her midnight snack of ice, and the cellphone that she consistently brought along everywhere she went. Two facebook notifications, three text messages, and one voicemail… it was all meaningless to her. They were meaningless. Humanity was hopeless, humans were a disgrace. The happy go lucky social butterfly Maria was no longer present.

Chewing the hard ice in sync to the hum of the ceiling fan one room over, she stared into the flame letting it soothe her thoughts. Maria’s life was insignificant, as was the world. No point in trying and no goal to achieve, dreaming was for those ignorant enough to wish. The pitiful souls that would cling onto a slipping rope to be left with burnt hands and a broken heart. Sticking her saliva coated pads on her index finger and thumb to the flame she murdered it. Taking every bit of light out of the room, every bit of color out of her sight, she was a victim to darkness.
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This was an assignment I had a while ago that I really got into. Tell me what you think?