Status: finished

Until Forever Ends


Helena felt a tear slide down her cheek as she set the pen down. The tiny water droplet slid to her chin and fell to the paper, smearing her signature. She left the letter where it lay on her desk and sighed as she looked to the rope hanging from her makeshift noose. This was it…

She had something to do first. Her old, beat-up cell phone was on her bed and Helena picked it up and dialed the familiar number. It went straight to voicemail, as she knew it would.

‘Hey, this is Frank! Leave a message!’ BEEP! She smiled at his voice as more tears came. “Hey, Frankie… I miss you so much… I hate that you left me, Frankie… I- I love you.” She hung up and set her phone down, knowing her message would never get to him.

She looked around her room one last time as she stood on the chair and placed the rope around her neck. She took a breath, her last, before she jumped from the chair, kicking it aside so it wouldn’t catch her.

And for the briefest moment as she was falling, she felt at complete and utter peace. Then there was a sickening crack! as the rope caught and there was nothing…


Helena felt a warm breeze tickle her face and she opened her eyes to see she was in the apple orchard that she and Frank had deemed ‘their place’. They lay under a tree, their initials carved in the bark above their heads.

“Frankie?” she asked, turning her head to look into his green eyes. “Yeah, ‘Lena?” he replied with a lazy grin on his face. “Did I fall asleep?” His smile widened and his nose crinkled. “Yeah, but don’t worry. I protected you!” He threw one of his fists into the air and brought the other to his hip, pretending to look fierce.

She giggled at his mock-Superman pose and placed her head on his chest. She looked up at him, sighing happily. “I love you, Frankie.” He grinned and replied, “I love you, too.”

“Always?” “Until forever ends.”


In the newspaper the next day, an article was written about Helena Sanders, a 17-year-old who had committed suicide in the dead of night. There was a picture of the beautiful bright-eyed girl, along with her boyfriend, Frank Williams. Frank had died a week earlier, saving the girl from being hit by a drunk driver, only to be killed himself. Her suicide note was addressed to him and had only two lines:

‘I love you. Until forever ends.’
♠ ♠ ♠
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