Status: Updates every time I get three comments. :3

Those Were The Days.

Chapter 4.

I put the phone to my side and looked to the ceiling. "Thank you God." I silently mouthed, before getting up and heading to my closet. I opened the two doors and stood looking at my limited wardrobe. I didn't have much to wear here. Considering I didn't live here full time, I only brought a few outfits, ones that I thought would be suitable for roaming the city with Jake, however, one thing stood out in my mind. I pulled the hanger from the behind the other clothes, shaking the wrinkles from the red fabric. A red party dress that my mother had bought for me here last year. She wanted me to go out, and get to know some people. She was tired of seeing me sit in my room. We were in a foreign country after all. A formal introduction to a boy wasn't that bad of an idea. Too bad I'm a year late.

I removed the top and slipped the silky dress over my delicate frame. It clung gently to my light curves, accenting my hourglass figure. I looked at myself in the mirror.

"If you weren't my sister, I'd fuck you." Jake rang from the door, his arm propped nonchalantly against it's wooden frame.

"That might just be the weirdest thing I've ever heard you say." I laughed, before tossing my long brown locks over my shoulder. I turned around and noticed that they were flat and lifeless. I picked up a rubber band and a brush, combing my hair back into a sleek ponytail, before reaching on my vanity and grabbing a red bow, delicately placing it above the elastic band. I sprayed hairspray lightly over the ponytail, before turning to Jake.

"You really do look great." he smiled a wide grin. "Niall is gonna be ecstatic." he said, stepping in and pulling me into a tight hug. I let my head rest on his chest, looking up at him as he leaned in to kiss my forehead. I stepped back and grabbed my phone.

I dialed Niall's number, only two dial-tones before his Irish voice filled my ears.

"Hello?" he rang. My whole body, now covered with goosebumps, shivered.

"Niall. It's Sophia." I smiled, knowing that he could probably hear the tenseness in my cheeks.

"Hey! I'm in the limo right now actually, on my way to your house. Mind giving me directions?" he asked, and I covered the receiver.

"HE WANTS DIRECTIONS!" I squealed lightly to Jake, who only gave me two thumbs up. He obviously wasn't as enthusiastic as I was. "Sure," I said, returning to the phone call, the coolness returning to my previously excited voice. "You know Oak Boulevard?" I questioned, figuring the limo driver could easily find his way around.

"No, but I'm sure we'll find it." he giggled lightly, and I felt my cheeks flush a fiery crimson red. Oh, the things this boy did to me.

"Great, once you get there, it's the second flat on the right, It's a pale blue. You'll know it when you see it." I assured him, fiddling with my ponytail that was hanging lightly down my back,

"Thanks." he answered. "I can't wait to see you." he said.

"I can't wait to see you either." I smiled, before hearing a knock at the door. The monotonous doorbell rang twice. I hung up the phone and dashed down the stairs, straightening my dress once again, before opening the door.

Behind it, stood the strapping Irish lad. His blonde hair lightly gelled into a fohawk. He had on a white button-up, a thin black tie clad around his neck. His black jeans hung tightly to his toned legs. He was looking very sharp.

"Shall we get to that party?" he asked, before extending his hand to me.

"I'd be delighted, Mr. Horan." I smiled, putting my hand into his and stepping out the door.
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Hey guys! Thank you to all those who continue to read and comment. I love you. <3
I started school back Friday, so updates probably won't be as often, and I apologize.
I love each and every one of you.
-Emily. <3