You're Just A Lonely Star.

Life's a bitch, but I'm friends with her sister.


It was 2:50 when I was packing up my stuff, and the door flew open again. I looked over to see Josh walking up to the counter.
Ten minutes early, impressive. He placed his hand on top of mine, it sent shivers down my spine, and I pulled my hand out from under his.
"Do you need any help?" If he was trying particularly hard to be cute, it was working. I wasn't really sure why he was so interested in me, and why I was so interested in him, but everything happens for a reason, I suppose.
I smiled, "it's fine, I'm pretty much done, thanks for the offer though."
Now he was walking around the store, looking at the CDs. Nick stared at him, he normally made me stay after my shift was done so he'd have some help cleaning up, but today I was leaving right away, and I guess he didn't like that.
"Nick, I'm leaving five minutes early." I grabbed my bag and put on my coat without zipping it up, "is it still raining out?"
"We're in luck, it stopped about an hour ago," Josh held the door open for me, and followed me out of the shop, "So, Aubree, pretty name." He said, as he walked down the street, staying right next to me, leading the way to this awesome ice cream place he spoke of. Josh was fun, and it had been a while since I'd had fun, actually, being around Kat and Nick all the time was the exact opposite of fun, I never understood how she got away with sleeping with so many other guys, Nick wasn't that retarded.
I laughed at his comment, "You have a pretty name too, Joshua."
This made him smile. Josh had a cute smile, he had a cute everything, and I had a crush. I watched Josh as we walked together. I watched his lips as he talked, and the way he kept his hands tucked in his pockets. I observed how he reacted to things, he was easily amused. It was a long, cold walk, but we made it to the ice cream store, and lined up in the heated shop. I slid off my coat and hung it over my arm.
Josh took it and held it for me, "I can hold it for you," I had never met a boy this sweet before, "what flavor do you want? They have everything here."
"My favorite is mint chocolate chip."
He smiled at me, "mine too."
This all seemed too good to be true, but this kind of thing never happened to me, and it wasn't as bad as I imagined having a crush would be. Normally I tried to avoid falling for boys, but Josh was different. A good different.
My phone vibrated in my pocket, I had been ignoring my messages for a while, but this time Josh insisted I check to see what whoever was texting me needed.
I had five new messages from Kat.
"Where are you???"
"Hello?? Aubree? Shouldn't you be home by now?"
"I'm getting worried!!"
"Don't ignore my texts!! Where are you?????"
"Bree, answer me!"
This was my que to text her back, I'm not sure why she was worried, she never cared where I went. Josh took my phone and started typing back to her, before he sent what he had typed, he showed me the screen for approval. "Hi, Josh speaking, me and Aubree are out on a date, she'll be home by ten, no later. Don't you worry, she's fine with me." It was only 4:00, and he already had me staying out till 10? And this was a date? Now things were definitely too good to be true, but I could tell he was trying to help me get some time away from Kat, so I agreed to let him send it, and he did as I said. Josh picked out a table for us, and as soon as we sat down, a had a new text from Kat. We were eating our ice cream now, when Josh asked me to hand my phone over so he could reply.
He chuckeled as he read the text to me, "WHAT? Who is Josh?!? A DATE? WHAT! Okay Bree, you're telling me all about it as soon as you get home!"
Me and Josh took an extra long time to eat our ice cream, and we were out of there by 5.
Next Josh took me to a park at the school he went to when he was growing up, we played on the slide and the swings, and Josh took pictures of me on his iphone while I wasn't paying attention. We played on the see-saw together and talked about everything. It was 6:30 when it started pouring, I screamed and covered my head with my coat.
"My house is only thirty minutes away if we run" Josh said, grabbing my hand.
"Well come on, we'd better get running." He held my hand and we ran back to his house. We were there in half an hour just as he suspected, and we were soaked.
Josh had a cute little house, it was plain on the outside, and the inside sure looked like a man decorated it.
He hung our coats on a rack to dry, and made his way to the little kitchen. "You want hot cocoa?"
"Yeah, that sounds nice."
"Let me turn on the fire and get you some dry clothes." Josh threw me a pair of shorts, and one of his baggy sweaters. He turned on the fire place, and brought out our drinks.
Josh sat on his small black loveseat with me, and asked for my phone again, so I handed it over to him.
He sent Kat a text, "Hey, Josh again, Aubree will be staying at my place tonight, this rain doesn't look like it's stopping any time soon, and don't worry, we're not making babies!" this time he sent it without my permission, but he was funny, so I didn't mind.

Aubree rested her legs on my lap, she sipped at her cocoa, and even though I knew I wouldn't have the balls to make a move, she was mine tonight. All mine. My sweater looked perfect on her, and she looked adorable with her long, black hair tied up in a pony tail. Even the make up smudged under her eyes from the rain looked cute on her, she was all around beautiful. Had she really agreed to us being on a date? I probably seemed like a creep, but she had that something, that something that made me want more. Now she was readjusting herself so that she was sitting with her head on my shoulder. If I just moved my head a little closer I could kiss- what the hell was I thinking? The girl barely knew me, and I already wanted to kiss her? No way, I couldn't have her think of me as some sort of creep, I already had her staying the night.
Bree and I played board games until 9:00, when she couldn't even keep her eyes open. I showed her where my room was, and told her she could sleep in my bed, and I would sleep in the couch.
She agreed to it, and didn't argue. I left a glass of water on the table by my bed for her, in case she woke up in the night thirsty, I tucked her in, and I layed on the couch across the room and slowly fell asleep for the night.
I dreamt about Aubree.
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I hope it's nice and long c:
Bree and Josh are just so cute.