Status: Some chapters won't fix all the way. Time for a re-write

This Is Just A Bad Dream

Fighting Twins

~Rei POV~

Victor and Ellie are officially dating. This is such bullshit how could he do this to me and my parents were just letting him do this and I didn’t have a say at all. And to put the topper on it all I had to take Ellie to her appointment to day

“Ok hunny take lots of pictures” My mother said kissing her cheeks

She smiled and nodded. She was dressed in shorts and a button up that showed of her big belly

“And Rei make sure you go to the pharmacy and get my pills” My father said

I nodded and walked out to the car waiting for her. Victor walked her out to the car and kissed her and I growled inwardly. She got in and I pulled out without saying a word

“Since when do you take me?” She asks

I shrug and she stares down at her belly. I guess I was speeding cause we got their quickly and I got out waiting for her

“Are you mad or something?” She asks

I nod and she turns

“Why?” she asks

I rub my head and exhale

“I just don’t like that fact you are dating my brother. I know it’s none of my business but I don’t like it at all” I said

I heard her huff and I looked up

“I’m sorry you are upset but there is nothing you can do about it now.” She says

I nod and stare at the toys around us. How was that going to work anyway she is having my baby and soon he will tire of her and her whole innocent act.

“Arnold” the nurse said

I helped Ellie up and we walked into the examine room. When she got up on the table she unbuttoned her shirt

“You’re getting stretch marks on your back” I said rubbing them

She nodded

“I have no idea how to get rid of them. Need to find something to get rid of them” she said

I looked at her belly and saw her skin move and she giggled. It was like they were just moving around in there and a second later Elli gasped in pain

“What? What happened?” I asked standing up

She held her side and hissed

“One of them is in my rib kicking” she whined

I left the room and called a nurse and she ran to us

“One of the babies is in her ribs” I said hurriedly

The nurse took a breathe and held her heart

“I thought she was in labor. Ok just relax and I’m going to push the baby down” she said

I watched as she pushed under Ellie’s rib and then Ellie sighed. The nurse smiled and looked at me

“With multiple births the kids are in a small space and push each other. If that happens again just push a little bit under her rib and the baby will move back down, don’t push hard cause the rib could crack and break the placenta” she said

I nodded and sat back down with my hand under my chin. The nurse left the room and Ellie closed her eyes

“Tired?” I asked

She nodded

“They keep me up all night. Like they are fighting” she said

I laughed and shook my head

“Maybe it’s two boys” I said

She groaned and looked at me

“Don’t say that I want a girl. No offense but mom told me about how you and Victor were” she said

I smiled

“What?! We were best friends. We played in the mud together and broke things it was great” I said

She laughed and shook her head

“Yeah no. We can have one of each a boy and a girl, you can teach him lacrosse and I can teach her girly stuff” she said

I smiled a bit

“Sam said if you have a girl she is gonna make us have a tea party and dress up” I said

She nodded

“Well girls do have the power of persuasion so I’m not doubting it.” She said

I groaned inwardly and Doctor Williams finally came in the room

“Hello Mommy and Daddy” she said

Ellie waved

“What are we doing today?” she asked

Ellie smiled big

“We are finding out their sex” she said

Doctor Williams nodded and washed her hands. She chatted with Ellie about how she was feeling and moving around

“This is gonna be cold” she said to Ellie

I scooted my chair closer to Ellie and we both looked at the screen. First thing on the screen was a foot and a face

“Well you were right they might be fighting in their” I said

Ellie laughed and patted the side of her belly. Dr. Williams moved the wand around and paused the screen

“Ok right here I’m seeing a little penis” she said

I have never worn the biggest smile ever after she said that. I looked over and Ellie and she was crying

“Ellie what’s wrong?” I ask wiping her face

She laughed and shook her head

“He is gonna be a terror if he is already kicking his sibling in the face” she said

I chuckled and held her hand. Dr. Williams pushed on Ellie’s side and one of the babies kicked up

“Ok and twin B is a girl” she said pausing the screen again

Ellie fist pumped and smile wide. I laughed and she squeezed my hand

“Next visit we will get a 4D picture and see them better” The doctor said

Before Ellie got that goop off her belly the Doctor took a bunch of pictures and went to go get them

“You know this will be the first Markham girl since like the 1800’s” I said

Ellie clapped and stood up to hug me

“You may hate me for this but I have never been happier” she said in my chest

I hugged her back put my chin on her head

“I couldn’t hate you” I said softly

We pulled apart when the doctor came back in the room and she gave us the usual vitamins and pictures packet

“See you next time” Dr. Williams said

I helped Ellie back in the car and we drove

“oh I have an idea how we reveal the sex to everyone” I said

Ellie looked at me excited and I drove us to a baby boutique. We walked in and I showed Ellie

“They roll up the onsie and socks like cupcakes. So we get a blue one and a pink one and have everyone open it” I said

Ellie nodded

“That sounds great let’s do it” she said

So Ellie went and picked stripped socks and I grabbed the onesies. We watched the lady roll them up and put them in the small white box. I paid and Ellie held them as we left

“Mom is gonna freak out she is gonna have two girls now” I said

Ellie smiled and looked over at me

“You really don’t hate me?” she asked

I look over at her with a confused look and shook my head

“I didn’t hate you I was just mad and I didn’t think I would be good enough. That day you got the DNA test it hit me how terrible I was being, just watching her pull out that needle I wanted to slap it out of her hand and take you out of there. I’m kind of excited to be a dad” I said

She smiled and put her hand on mine

“I have been reading up on the stuff too and I even went to a birthing class. Well Dad kind of made me go but still I learned a lot” I said

She laughed and put my hand on her belly

“I can’t wait to see them and hold them. But now I need a girl name” she said

I laughed

“Radley Marilyn Markham” I said

She leaned back and repeated the name

“I mean twins first letter can match.” I said

She nodded

“I like it Raymond and Radley. The wonder twins” Ellie said

I laughed out loud and shook my head

“Dad use to call me and Vic the Curly Crew” I said

Ellie smiled and I felt one of the babies kick under my hand. We drove all the way home like this and when we finally broke apart I felt funny.

~Ellie POV~

Rei helped me out of the truck and I handed him the box of onsie

“Ready?” he asked

I smiled and nodded. He held out his elbow and I took it

“We’re home” Rei shouted

He walked me into the kitchen and we sat on the stools waiting for everyone. Sam and Victor were the first people down and they both kept kissing my face

“Alright stop” Dad said swatting them away and kissing my forehead

Resse was hugging Rei and whispering in his ear. He nodded and patted her arm

“Ok everyone crowd around mom she opens the box revealing the sex of the twins” Rei said

So they all did so and Rei handed her the box. And we watched their faces

“Holy shit!” Sam yelled

Resse looked up at me with tears in her eyes and hugged me tightly. I swear for almost 30 minutes everyone just hugged Rei and myself

“Oh my god we need to get more things” Reese said

I laughed and shook my head

“Oh me and Rei settled on names also” I said

Chad smiled at Rei and patted his head

“So Raymond Arnold Markham the second and Radley Marilyn Markham” I said

Everyone thought about it for a moment then nodded

“Radley and Raymond the wonder twins” Rei said

Victor shook his head and threw his hands up

"How many more Raymond's do we need?" He asked

I laughed and shrugged. Rei huffed and put his hand up

"Don't be jelly of my son's name also my name" he said

Everyone laughed and he winked at me. This was the best day