Status: Some chapters won't fix all the way. Time for a re-write

This Is Just A Bad Dream

Pool Side

He keeps humming and more movement starts

“Do you think we will be good parents?” I ask

He looks up and me and nods

“We have my parents help and I kinda got the gist of being a dad” he says

I laugh and shake my head at him. We watched TV for a while and I heard light snoring and when I looked down Rei was on my lap knocked out sleep. I smiled and got comfortable and watched more jersey shore

~Victor POV~

I looked at my phone again and had no messages. I huffed and Leigh looked up

“What’s buggin you?” he asked

I shook my head and looked back at my book. Leigh and I had a huge project for Government class

“I just don’t like that he is alone with her” I said tossing my book

Leigh sighed and looked over at me

“There is a thing my dad says about worrying. All you need is a stiff drink” he said

I shook my head

“You Irish people and the drinking. Do you guys do anything else?” I ask

Leigh smiles and picks up his book

“What else is there?” he says

I laugh and shake my head. I still can’t stop thinking about it

“Vic it’s not like he is gonna kill her or anything. Plus they are bound to be together alone sometimes they are the parents in this and they will be the ones raising the babies” Leigh says not looking up

I glared at him

“What? You have to admit since she has gotten farther along and the idea of babies has sunk in, he isn’t so much of an asshole. He was actually smiling the other at practice, I haven’t seen him smile like that since before Ellie” he says

I growl and slam my head on the table

“Relax” He says

~Rei POV~

I woke up feeling a movement behind my head. I turned and saw a foot imprint

“Who is this?” I ask

The movement shifted and I smiled to myself. I sat up and Ellie made a pillow behind her head and was asleep, I smiled and pulled her so she was lying on the couch. I grabbed the remote and turned the channel

“Rei, did I wake you up?” Ellie shifted behind me

I shook my head

“Baby kicked me” I say

She laughs and pats my head

“You let a baby beat you up. I will be sure to tell everyone” She says

I shrug and she sits up to stand and stretch

“Ugh I could go for a swim my feet hurt” she says sitting back down slowly

I look up at her and nod

“Go change and I will meet you at the pool” I say standing up

She nods and we walk out of the movie room

“You know you are kinda waddling now” I say

She turns and slaps my chest

“Shut up I am not” she says walking faster

When we get upstairs I go to my room and switch my clothes and go back downstairs. I find towel and stuff and my phone rings

“What are you guys doing?” Victor rushes out

I shake my head

“Um about to go for a swim. Why the sudden concern for my well-being baby brother?” I ask

He grunts

“Where is Ellie?” he asks

I listen and can hear her walking down the hall

“She is coming downstairs now. Her ankles are swollen she wants to swim” I say

He huffs and says something to Leigh

“Why don’t you all her or text her instead of worrying about me doing something to her” I say angrily

Before he can say anymore I hang up. I walk outside and put the towels on some lounging chairs and open up the umbrella

“Rei put this on my belly I’m too lazy” Ellie says

I look up and gasp she is in a dark green two piece and her hair is down in waves. I must have been gawking cause she pushes my chin up

“Close your mouth” she says softly
She hands me the sunscreen and points to her belly

“Hopefully the twins don’t get my pale skin” she says

I love her skin she looks like a glass doll she never has a blemish on her skin and since she has been pregnant her skin just glows. I run the sun screen on her belly and I can feel the twins moving towards my hands

“They can feel the heat” she says softly poking the top of her belly

I laugh and walk around to her back and rub some sunscreen all over

“God forbid you get sun burned Vic might kill me” I say

Ellie shakes her head
“You guys are twin brother you both shouldn’t let me break you guys up” she say softly

I take the sunscreen and rub it on my chest and arms

“It’s my fault. I have always been the more dominate and I guess all the time me being a douchebag got to him” I say

Ellie turns over her shoulder and stares at me

“I love my brother more than anything but I was really messed up” I say

Ellie walks over to the pool and walks in slowly. I follow and walk in slowly

“Before you we were inseparable and even with my brutish behavior he stayed by my hip. We even had this kind thing where if one of us is hurt the other will get a bruise. That’s why whenever you hit me or something he is always the first one there. During lacrosse its worse cause he will get hit hard and we both just fall” I say

Ellie is smiling and touching her belly

“Mom said when we were born Vic was holding my ankle and when mom first held us we were trying to get closer to each other. Our first night home I rolled on to Vic and we slept like that all the time” I said

Ellie giggled and shook her head.