Status: Some chapters won't fix all the way. Time for a re-write

This Is Just A Bad Dream

Finding out

I stopped at a nearby taco bell for some odd reason I was craving tacos. Like it's all I have wanted to eat for a while

"Hey. This is like the 15th time I have seen you this week" the woman at the drive through said

I shrugged and waited for the food

"Someone has some pregnancy cravings" the woman said handing me the food

I gave her a crazy look

"When I was pregnant with my son all I wanted was nachos. The whole nine months it's all I wanted" she said

I smiled and nodded. I drove off and rubbed my head

"Did Rei use a condom?" I asked myself

I tried to think back and pulled into a nearby CVS. My stomach did turns while I walked passed condoms then towards pregnancy tests. I bought five different ones and went to the register and the check out was giving me looks

"Ring me up with less judgment please" I said irritated

She looked taken back and finished giving me my bags. I ran out to my car and sped all the way home. I took my food and the CVS bag and ran in the house

"This isn't happening. I'm just sick or something" I said to myself

I opened all the boxes and peed on each one then waited 10 minutes were up and I looked at all of them but one said negative but the rest were positive.I shook them and waited longer but it was all true

"No" I moaned

I felt my abdomen and it was firm. I could feel tears well up in the corners of my eyes, I couldn't even look at myself

"No. No. No" I shouted throwing the sticks

I sat on the floor holding my head in my hands sobs broke from my chest I laid in my bathroom for what seemed like hours I sat up and my eyes were bright red from crying. I pulled my phone out and called my doctor asking for an appointment as soon as possible. Tomorrow at 1 pm I would know for sure


I woke up and went downstairs. My mother was sitting at the table doing work on her laptop

"Hey hunny why aren't you at school?" she asked

I rubbed my eyes

"I got food poisoning" I said

She glanced at me then gave me a sad look

"Well still try to eat something" she said going back to work

I opened the microwave and saw a plate of bacon and eggs. I ate the food and then went over to get some apple juice

"I got to go into work. See you later on" My mother said

I nodded and she left. My mom ran a company that makes energy efficient cars and it usually takes all her time. It was 11 so I went upstairs to get ready

"Just relax. Just relax" I said to myself

I pulled on my mustache tank, my ripped jeans, the ring my dad gave me, and my sunglasses. I put my hair up in a ponytail and grabbed my phone and car keys

"Just relax" I kept saying

I drove their somewhat quickly and made it just as they called my name

"What can I do for you honey?" the nurse asked

I pulled off my sunglasses and gave her a small smile

"I need a pregnancy test" I said softly

She gave me a sad look and patted my shoulder

"We will take blood and urine just to be sure" the nurse said giving me a warm smile

I nodded and she handed me a cup and pointed to the bathroom I went into the bathroom and peed and couldn't help the worry that hit me. I walked out and the nurse took the cup from me

"Now I'm going to take your blood" she said changing her gloves

I turned my head and hissed when she took the blood. She left the room and I was left alone with my own thoughts. What if I was pregnant? I'm not ready to be any ones parent

"Elora" I heard my voice and looked up at the nurse

She gave me a look and I knew it was true. She was pushing a machine into the room

"We are going to check how far along you are?" she said

I pulled off my shoes, jeans and underwear. She pushed a small cold tube inside me which made me squirm then she pointed to the screen

"its right there and you are about a month and a half along" she said

I was frozen watching the screen. It was there I could see its heart beating

"We will refer you to a couple of OBGYN's and you can pick the one you are comfortable with. I'm going to get your prescription for vitamins and a package on being a new mommy" she said patting my knee

She left the room as I got dressed and I felt like the world was slipping from under me. I was about to become a mother I put my hand to my abdomen and tears slipped down my face. I heard footsteps and I wiped my face and sat up the nurse walked back in with a package

"Everything is in here and here is your prescription. I hope everything goes well for you and don't let this run your life. Becoming a mother doesn't mean everything is over just means you are walking a different path" she said

Her words made me tear up a bit and she wiped my cheek. I thanked her and left the office. I got in my car and cried all the way home and I sat in the car an hour longer to calm myself before going in the house. My mother was home on her laptop she looked up and saw my red eyes

"What's wrong?" she asked running toward me

I shook my head and wiped away the tears that came down. I get my eyes from her and
My facial structure but that’s all. All I could see were my eyes looking at me and not my mother

"I'm pregnant" I said softly

She looked at me in shock and the next thing I knew my cheek was stinging

"Get out of my house" she yelled

I looked at her angrily and her eyes were blazing with anger. I pushed her out of the way and ran upstairs to pack my things, I couldn't believe her kicking me out. Up till now I have been the best child and this is what sets her off. I packed my whole room up everything and not a trace of me was left. I took everything downstairs and put it all in my car and ran back in to see her sitting on the couch drinking out of the bottle

"You will never see me or this child you are now completely alone. No husband and no child have a great life." I growled breaking a picture of all of us

I got into my car and drove away as fast as i could. I was shaking with anger and I
couldn't believe she did this. Dad would have never kicked me out even if I was having a
baby. I found myself parked in front of The Markham house

"It's now or never Ellie" I said to myself

I ran up the huge driveway and steps to the door. The Markham were the richest familyin our town but everyone's family had some kind of money but not as much as Reese and Chad Markham. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door

"Hello sweetheart how can I help you?" Mrs. Markham asked with a southern accent

I smiled and played with my ring

"I have to tell you and your son something" I said

She nodded and moved so I could come in. She yelled out four different names and I
could hear feet coming down

"Hey Ellie" Victor said waving at me

I waved back and looked at Mrs. Markham she nodded for me to go

"Well I have bad news and worse news" I said worriedly

Mr. Markham rubbed his head

"Bad news my cunt of a mother just kicked me out" I said feeling tears welling up

I looked down not wanting them to see me cry

"Worse news I’m pregnant with Rei's baby" I said my voice cracking at the end

Everyone seemed to gasp

"What how do you know it’s mine!" He shouted

I looked at him like he was stupid

"Because you took my virginity asshole" I shouted back

He growled and shook his head at me

"Plus I’m only 16 what do I look like coming all the way over here just to lie." I shouted

I felt the sob in the middle of my chest but I wouldn't let him get the satisfaction

"Well then you are staying here. You are carrying my grandchild and I won't have it any
other way" Mr. Markham said

Rei growled

"How the fuck are you just going to believe some random girl who just comes out of nowhere. I don't even know her!" Rei shouted

Victor came to stand in front of me

"Actually Rei there was Remy's party you took a strong liking to her" Victor said

Rei gasped and shook his head

"Do you know how far along you are?" Reese asked

I nodded

"A month and a half" I said softly

Rei pushed Victor and got in my face

"You may have my family fooled but not me. You went up there with me so easily I doubt I’m the only one" he spat in my face

I looked up at him and slapped him hard

"You told me you liked me, you fed me all the shit and I knew it was bull. You're an awful excuse for a person" I growled

He looked at me in shock and with that I walked out of the house.
♠ ♠ ♠ elora's outfit