Status: Some chapters won't fix all the way. Time for a re-write

This Is Just A Bad Dream

Running Away

I was in the kitchen after getting back from working out with Victor and Sam. I heard
footsteps and looked up. Ellie came in this white shirt,socks,slippers and her hair up in
a messy bun. She looked so sexy

"Hey" she said going in the fridge

I moved behind her and she smelled like vanilla. Before I could stop myself I was

wrapping my arms around her and she was so warm

"U-uh are you ok?" She asked

I nodded and hugged her a bit tighter. I could feel the bump under my hand and she put
her hand over mine. We stood like that for awhile and she turned to me finally

"Go" she said softly

I looked all over her face and I couldn't help but feel bad for being such an asshole to her. I rubbed my hand across her cheek

"I'm sorry" I whispered

She gave me a confused look and I left her in the kitchen alone. Ever since yesterday I have been having mixed feelings about her when she was yelling at me everything just changed and during school she looked so sweet and innocent

~Elora POV~

My skin was all warm from where he touched me. I growled and grabbed a huge plate of
pancakes and bacon. I ate the food and halfway through Victor and Sam came down

"Woah someone is angry" Victor said

I frowned and stood up

"Don't touch my food. I will be back" I said to both of them

I ran upstairs and burst in to Rei's room. He didn't look at me

"You know I'm a girl right?" I asked

He nodded his head

"So you can't just do stuff like that and not explain" I said

He stood up and came over to me and growled. I felt my stomach jerk and I pushed him
out the way and ran to his bathroom when I stood up he handed me a bottle of water

"So you can leave now" He said

I rolled my eyes and left his room and went back downstairs to the kitchen. Victor must have seen my face flushed cause he ran over to me and pulled me to the chair

"I can't wait till I can stop throwing up" I said softly

Sam kissed my forehead then grabbed my plate

"Then you can share this with me" He said

I pulled on Victor's arm and he looked at me

"Lets go shopping" I said

He nodded and looked me up and down

"Uh you wanna get dressed?" his eyes were on my legs

I shook my head

"I am dressed. Lets go" I said standing up

Victor took a deep breath and pulled Sam. We all got into Vic's black BMW and drove
to the mall I kept catching Victor's eyes on me every so often and when we got out of the car and Sam ran off I tugged on him a bit

"Are you ok?" I asked

He looked confused

"It's just you had your eyes glued to me and right now you look flustered" I said

He bit his lip and shook his head

"Uhh You just don't know how good you look right now" he said not meeting my eyes

I blushed a bit and nodded. I grabbed his hand and we walked into the mall

"Ellie don't you need clothes for when you get bigger?" Sam said

I nodded and Victor pulled me into one store. Seeing all the clothes made me want to burst in to tears

"Ellie belly what's wrong?" Sam asked wiping my cheek

I shook my head and laughed

"Im gonna get so fat" I said softly

Victor hugged my shoulder and kissed my head

"It's not fat it's my nephew growing in there" he said rubbing my bump

I looked up at him

"How do you know it's a boy?" I asked

Sam and Victor laughed and looked down a me

"The Markham family is known for boys. I think there was one girl in the 1800's but she died after two weeks Its a huge sausage fest" Sam said

I laughed and shrugged

"Im kinda hoping for a girl. So i can dress her up and she can make her uncles play tea party" I said

Victor raised his eyebrows and Sam laughed at his expression. I laughed at them both and we walked around the store

~3 hours later~

We finally got home with all our bags

"Oh you guys are home! Get dressed we are going to dinner we have to tell you all
something" Reese said coming over and kissing all of our heads

I smiled and went upstairs with the boys behind me with bags. Victor huffed and laid on my bed and Sam dropped everything near the closet

"Im gonna go shower. See you guys downstairs" Sam said blowing me a kiss

I looked on my bed and saw a big teddy bear holding a baby bear. I picked it up and hugged it

"Who got you that?" Victor asked

I shrugged and it smelled lovely. I smiled and laid on the bed hugging it to my chest

"Ellie?" Victor looked up at me

I raised my eyebrows at him

"Do you picture what's it going to be like to be a mom?" He asked

I shrugged

"I picture what kind of mom i will be. Hopefully i won't have to parent alone" I said softly

Victor rolled over and pulled me into his chest

"If he doesn't step up i will" he said softly

I buried my face in the bear and i felt my eyes sting. A knock on the door made Victor move and he walked out of my room

"Ellie?" I head my name

I say up and wiped my face

"What's wrong?" Rei asked coming towards me

I shook my head and hugged the bear tighter. He was on his knees in front of me just staring

"Glad you like the bear" he said getting up and leaving

I threw the bear and got up to my closet. I took off my shoes and socks and shirt and i
felt a wave of nausea but it went away after a few breaths. I found one of my favorite dresses and some white heels

"Might as well wear them while i can" I said softly

The dress was white around the bust with flowery straps and the bottom was pink with a thin fabric over it with flowers printed on it. I went into the bathroom and let my hair down
which was now a wavy mess

"Ell- hey good looking" Sam said standing in the doorway

I smiled and plugged in my curling iron. I found a small pink clip and pinned back a few pieces and put in my small pink flower earrings

"Girls getting ready is an odd process" Sam said sitting on my counter

I giggled and got my makeup bag

"Gotta look good Samuel" I said

I brushed on some mascara and light lip gloss. I dabbed on a bit of blush and looked at Sam

"Looks good" he said

I smiled and curled the ends of my hair and successfully didn't burn myself. After that I spritzed on some perfume and I was done

"Well Elora you look wonderful. Now unpulg that thing and let's go" He said pulling my hand

I giggled and let him pull me out of the room. I finally got a look at what Sam was wearing a dark blue t-shirt and jeans

"You make me feel over dressed!" I groaned

He laughed

"You look great" he said

When we got downstairs Victor and Rei were standing there both in button ups looking at their phones. Sam laughed and they both looked up

"You both just gotta remind people you are twins" Sam said

They both looked at each other then looked back at us

"Huh?" they both said

Sam and I were both thrown in to a laughter fit. I caught my breath and held my stomach

"Jeez that was funny" I said wiping my cheek

Victor stuck his tongue out at me and smiled. I looked at Sam and furrowed my brow

"How come you don't have a twin?" I asked

He rubbed his head

"I was the dominate one and sucked him up." he said smiling

I giggled and shook my head. Victor came over and spun me around

"Don't you look lovely" he said in a baby voice

I punched him in the arm softly and he fake pouted

"Such a feisty one" he said

I giggled and kissed his cheek

"Well aren't you two quite close" Rei said

I rolled my eyes and stood back. Resse and Chad finally came downstairs and we all got in the car with me in the back by myself

"Ellie are you ok?" Chad asked

I mumbled a yes and wiped the tears running down my face. All three boys turned around when I sniffed

"Goddanm it Rei. Keep your fucking mouth shut" Victor said hitting his twin

Sam climbed over the seat and sat next to me and handed me a tissue. I wiped my face quickly

"See you got all dolled up and your crying. Girls are odd creatures" Sam said holding my hand

I smiled and we finally pulled up to the restaurant. Sam got out first and Victor carried me out of the car

"I can walk Vicky" I said softly

He laughed and put me on my feet. Reese pulled me over to her and wiped under my eye a bit

"Ignore him honey" she said kissing my cheek

I giggled and we all walked in and were escorted to our table. I sat near Victor and Rei sat across from me next to Chad and Reese

"So what's the big news?" Sam asked

Chad smiled and handed me a piece of paper. I read over it and looked up at them

"How did you get her to do it?" I asked giving the paper to Victor

Reese shrugged and pointed to Chad. He smiled and his green eyes lit up

"She was drunk and bad mouthing you. I explained to her what was happening she said I could have you." he said

I looked down at my ring and bit my lip

"Now i see who she really is" I said softly

I looked up at Chad and Reese and they were both smiling at me

"We are you family now dear. And all of us will help any way we can. I mean it" Chad

Victor and Sam nodded but Rei was being his usually self

"Alright I will accept her. When she gets a DNA test done to see if that thing is mine" he said glaring at me

I snapped my head up towards him

"You are such an asshole Rei. You know it's yours" I said

He shook his head

"After seeing you all cuddled up with Victor. How do I know she has not been shacking up with any other guys" he said looking at his plate

I bit my cheek to stop arguing with him

"You are quite cause it's true. I want a DNA test tomorrow" he said

I took a sip of water and looked up at him

"I hope you crash that pretty little BMW you drive. I hope you break every bone in your
body and need facial reconstructive surgery. You think cause you have that pretty face you can treat people how ever you want." I growled standing up

People in the restaurant were starting to look at us now

"When we find out that this baby is yours. If I hear any kind of rude or crude comment towards myself or our baby, so help me I will ruin your life Rei" I said leaving the table

I left the restaurant and took off my shoes running. I didn't know where but away from him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry so late. i have school.

And if this is messed up i will fix it in the morning -her dress