Status: Some chapters won't fix all the way. Time for a re-write

This Is Just A Bad Dream


~Victor POV~
Dad stood up instantly and we all piled into the truck. He drove around in one direction and we followed the roads

"I don't know what compels you to say whatever pops into your fucking head. Your
mother and I have not raised you like that at all, she is an innocent girl who has not done
anything to you" Dad growled

Sam sat between Rei and I but once we found Ellie I’m beating his ass

"I'm your son and you all just believe her so quickly. She could be lying to all of you, how do you even know she is pregnant!” Rei yelled

This time mom turned around and that's how we know we are in deep trouble

"Reimond Louis Markham I won't stand for the way you keep talking to her. I know that
girl isn't lying and once we find her and prove you are the father, you better damn well
step up or disinherited will show in your future" she growled

All of us shrank back at her anger and she turned back around quickly. I kept checking my phone but she would not answer me

"Wait dad" I shouted

He stopped and I jumped out of the car. I saw blonde hair running in a field across from us pass the window

"Ellie stop please" I begged

She was finally coming in to view and I sped up to catch her. When I was behind her I grabbed her and she fought be a bit

"Leave me alone Victor. I can't do this" she said sobbing

I put her down and she fell to her knees

"This is what it's going to be like Him denying my child and putting me down. If this is it I
don't want to do it Victor" She said sobbing

I sat in front of her

"No Ellie you aren't doing that" I said holding her face

She nodded her head and pushed my hands away

"He is going to deny my child happiness. I won't bring someone in the world and set them up to fail" she growled wiping her face

Her sobs were now shouts and she was face first in my lap. I rubbed her head

"What did I tell you today Ellie?" I asked softly

She cried harder

"Tell me" I said to her softly

She lifted her head finally and looked at me

"If he won't step up you will" she said softly

I nodded at her

"You won't be denying a child anything. It will have a mom and dad, a crazy uncle, and
two grand parents to spoil it rotten. If he chooses to act this way it is his own fault and his loss" I said to her softly

She was still crying so I picked her up and carried her back to the car

"You really should run track after the baby is born. You run fast" I said

She huffed and buried her face in my neck. When we finally got back to the car my parents were outside of the car

"Oh you found her" my mom said running over

Ellie was still buried in my neck and my mother rubbed her back

"Let's get her home so I can run her a bath and get her to bed" my mother said pushing me to the car

I got in with Ellie on my lap and the car ride was silent. Sam was next to us and Rei was in the back

"Is she ok Vic?" Sam asked

I nodded and he patted her leg. When we got home my mother kicked off her shoes and put her hair up

"Come on Victor I need your help" she said bustling upstairs

My mother ran Ellie bath water and had me sit her on the counter. Her eyes were all
puffy and red and her makeup was all smudged. My mother wet a rag and wiped off her face gently

"Tomorrow if you want we can do a DNA test and if you don't want to it's perfectly fine" she said

Ellie shook her head

"We can do it tomorrow" she said softly

My mother nodded and wiped off her face more

"Victor I’m going to get her cleaned up. You go shower up and she will be in bed by then" my mother said

I nodded and kissed Ellie's cheek. I left the room and went down the hall where I could hear yelling and I sat down in Rei's room

"What did she say to you Victor?" Dad asked

I huffed and pushed all my hair back

"She was saying if this is how things are going to be then she was going to abort her baby" I said softly

My dad growled and hit Rei in the face. Rei stayed still looking at the floor

"Your mother is so right. You don't step up you are no longer apart of this family and you are out of any will or document we have" he said leaving the room

Rei sat down on the bed and touched his lip where dad hit him

"You have royally fucked up this time and I have no idea how you are going to get out of
this hole." I said

Rei looked up at me

"She really said that?" he asked

I nodded

"You have been nothing but a douche to her since that party. And now she is here and
pregnant her hormones are less than stable and she has to get up every day and hear
you insult her. You pushed it overboard this time Rei" I said

He buried his head in his hands and groaned. I got up and was about to leave before he spoke again

"You don't hate me do you?" He asked

I shrugged

"You are my twin brother and I love you, but she is a part of our family now. And she will
always be I don't approve of how you keep acting. I don't know how I feel about you right
now Rei" I said leaving his room

Went into my room and went to shower and get back to Ellie.

~Ellie POV~

Reese was being so sweet to me and nice, nothing like my mother who has ever done anything like this ever. She brought my pj's and brushed my hair and put it up

"Get in bed honey and Victor should be here in a minute" she said cleaning up my bathroom

I got in my bed and pushed that stupid bear on the floor. It felt nice to be pampered

"Ellie" I heard my name and Victor was at my door

His hair was damp and he was in a t-shirt and shorts. Reese came out of the bathroom and kissed my head

"Sleep tight hunny. Remember tomorrow is a new day" she said softly

I nodded and smiled up at her

"Goodnight" I said

She smiled and walked out of my room patting Victor on the shoulder. He crawled into bed with me and turned off the lights

"What's up preggo?" he asked

I smiled a bit

"I’m scared" I said softly

He pulled me to his chest and I could feel his breath on my neck

"I don't like this. I have read about getting DNA test while the babies are in there and it sounds so dangerous." he said

I huffed and turned to face him

"What do you think it will look like?" I asked

He chuckled a bit

"Dark hair. A mix of blue and greenish like Sammy’s but darker, curly hair and she will beautiful like her mother” he said rubbing his nose on mine

I giggled

"Ok go to sleep now" I said snuggling into his chest

He laughed and nodded


I was sitting at breakfast barely eating looking at my hands

"Hunny you have to eat something" Chad said

I looked down at my hands and shook my head. Chad stood up taking my hands gently and pulling me from the room

"I know today is going to be scary but I want you to know we are going to be here for you no matter what. Mom will be with you and you have nothing to worry about ok" he said lifting my head to look at him

I nodded my head and he smiled at me. He kissed my cheeks then my forehead and then my nose. I smiled a bit and he hugged me tightly

"Please eat something your mother will worry" he whispered kissing my head

We walked back into the dining room and Victor made me a bagel sandwich and wrapped it up nicely on my plate

"Thank you Vicky" I said softy

I ate my sandwich and everyone chatted quietly besides Rei. When breakfast was over he got up fast and walked out to the garage

"Alright Ellie belly. We will be home waiting for you" Chad said

I nodded and he kissed all over my face. I giggled and he smiled at me. Victor and Sam both picked me up and hugged me and kissed both my cheeks

"Bye guys" I said gong out in the garage

I slid into the truck and got in the front seat. Rei sat in the back silent and Reese got
in smiling at me brightly

"I’m so excited to see my grandchild!!!" she squeaked

I laughed and I put the directions to the doctor in her GPS. The car ride was filled with
her chatting about being a grandmother and all the stuff she could buy and just he squeaking at every thought. We got to the doctor's office and Resse held my hand as we all went back

"We want to see how baby is doing first. This is going to be cold" the nurse said

I lifted my shirt and she squeezed the jelly on my bare stomach. I turned my head towards
the monitor and I could see a head and somewhat of a body

"I see we are almost close to two months in a few more weeks. Baby looks healthy and is mommy taking her vitamins?" the nurse asked

I nodded and watched the heart beat move

"Do you want pictures?" the nurse asked

I nodded and looked over at Rei and Reese. They were both leaned over looking at the screen

"Alright so we are going to put this heart monitor up here just to hear the heartbeat. And then we are going to begin the procedure" the nurse said

I nodded and looked up at her. She wiped off my belly and strapped a circular thing around my belly; the baby's heart beat filled the room. A doctor walked in and smiled at us and pulled out a needle, I couldn't help but gulp at its size

"Ok grandma hold mom's hand. Mommy look over there" the doctor said

I looked over at Reese and she grabbed my hand tightly. She smiled at me then kissed my hand. The doctor wiped something wet over the spot

"Ok deep breath" the doctor said softly

I inhaled and focused on the heartbeat. I hissed and squeezed my eyes shut as the needle broke my skin, I exhaled when the doctor finished. She held the gauze on the spot and put tape over it

"Very good. Now we just need DNA from mom and dad" The doctor said

My eyes were still shut and I could still hear the baby's heartbeat. I heard shuffling and Reese touched my face softly

"Open your mouth for a sec sweetie" she said softly

I opened and she ran it on the inside of my cheek. After she was done I closed my mouth

"We will send you the results or call you with them" the doctor said

She patted my leg and left the room. I opened my eyes finally and looked at the ceiling

"Alright let's get her home" Reese said

She felt behind my back and pulled the monitor off. She fixed my shirt and kissed my forehead. I looked at her face and her eyes were rimmed red

"Rei carry her" she growled

He came into view and I looked away again. He lifted me no problem and followed his mother out

"Here is some more vitamins for mommy and the picture. And be sure she drinks some water and eats something" a nurse said from somewhere

Resse thanked her softly and we were outside. I tucked my head down and crossed my
arms over my abdomen. Rei laid me in the backseat gently and got in the front with Reese

"Reimond" she said softly

I watched as his head dropped and he didn't look at her. We drove in silence and Reese stopped one place

"Hunny I'm going to go in and grab something really quick." she said turning and looking at me

I nodded and she got out quickly. It was quiet for 20 minutes and then Reese got back in the car and handed it back to me. I opened it and so a circular monitor like the doctor had

"It's a heart monitor. Now we can listen to the baby" she said

I closed the bag and held it. When we got home the truck door was swung open

"Come on time to get in bed" Victor said

He pulled me into his arms and carried me into the house. I buried my face in his chest and his thumb rubbed my back

"I saw it and I heard its heartbeat" I said softly

He laid me down on my bed and pulled off my shoes. I opened he bag and put it on my end table

"Mom got me a monitor" I said softly

Victor lay down and flipped me over to face him. He lifted my shirt and saw where the gauze was and patted it softly

"I wish I never agreed to it" I said softly

Victor rubbed my face and pulled me closer

"It was so small and innocent and I just let them stick a needle in the safest place it has" I said

He hushed me and rubbed my back gently. I cried in his chest and kept crying till I fell asleep.


I woke up in the dark still wrapped around Victor. I pulled away slowly and got up to go downstairs and eat, but I heard crying and I stopped going downstairs. I pushed open Rei's door and he was sitting on his couch with his head in his hands

"Are you ok?" I asked

He looked up and buried his face in his couch. I walked in and closed his door and went to stand near him

"I'm so sorry Ellie. Once I saw the baby and heard the heartbeat I wanted to stop her from putting the needle in. Then after you just curled up and mom was crying, I felt like a total douche bag asshole. And the other night when you ran off and Victor told us what you said I regretted everything." he said crying into my stomach

He clutched himself around my waist and cried

"I didn't lie at the party Ellie. You walked in with your two friends and I wanted you.
Nothing could stop you all from having fun and you grabbed my attention, I do like you.” he said still crying

I patted his head and let him hug me tighter. When he stopped crying he let go and sat
back looking at his table

"Everyone hates me now. I don't blame them" he said softly

I bit my lip and shrugged

"I don't hate you. Just strongly dislike you at the moment" I said

He shook his head

"I won't bother you anymore Ellie" he said looking up at me

I nodded and left his room. Went downstairs with a damp shirt and found the ingredients for lasagna

"Ellie hunny what are you doing?" Chad asked coming towards me rubbing his eyes

I smiled and pointed to the oven

"I wanted lasagna" I said

He smiled and sat at the island and watched me make everything

"Wait hunny aren't you lactose?" he asked

I tilted my hand

"It comes and goes but I have pepto it my stomach hurts" I said

He made a noise

"Dad these are pregnancy craving. I'm going to have lots of them" I said

He nodded and kept watching me. When my noodles and ground beef were done I looked for a pan and found a small one, I mixed the sauce with the ground beef and found the ricotta cheese and the shredded cheese

"Who taught you to cook?" Chad asked

I looked up at him

"My dad. My mom sucks at cooking" I said

He smiled and watched as I layered everything. When that was done I put it in the over and set the timer

"Tell me about your father" Chad said

I began washing some dishes

"He was a poet and teacher. Raymond Albert Arnold the third he was beyond his time and perfect in every way. I have a book of his poems upstairs he wrote me one up till his memory started going. Even then he would bring a book in my room and I would read to him" I said scrubbing a pan

Chad folded his hands and listened

"He loved me more than anything and would stand in front of a bullet to protect me. My mother was always too busy for me so he made sure I was loved unconditionally, and he spoiled me rotten. When he died my whole world fell apart like someone ripped my heart out of my chest and steam rolled over it" I said my voice cracking

Chad frowned and patted my hand. I finished up washing dishes and checked on my food

"Smells wonderful dear" he said

I smiled and nodded at him

"In my father's will he left me everything. All his money and every book he owned, he made a special place in the library so I can visit them whenever I want. There are so many books it’s amazing" I said

Chad smiled

"You will have to show me one day. I have large shoes to fill but I will be the best Dad I can" he said blowing me a kiss

I blushed and walk over to him and hug him tightly

"I never got to thank you guys for that. That was very nice of you both of you to do" I say in his shoulder

He laughed and patted my hand

"I already adore you my dear and you are now mine forever" he said softly

I blushed and hugged him tighter. I checked on my food after a few moments and it was perfect

"Want a piece?" I asked Chad

He nodded and pointed to the cabinet above my head. I opened it and pulled out two plates, I looked in a drawer and found a spatula and two forks. I dug the spatula in to a corner and pulled a small piece for Chad and I cut a bigger piece for myself

"Pregnancy cravings" he said taking a bite

I grabbed two water bottles from the fridge and sat next to Chad at the island. The lasagna was amazing and it was so worth making

"You are a fabulous cook my dear" Chad said after his second piece

I giggled and went to clean up the rest of the mess I made. I found some Tupperware and placed my food into it and in the fridge

"Come on dear you need some rest" Chad said

I grabbed my water bottled and followed him upstairs. He kissed my forehead and sent me off to bed and Victor was sprawled out, I changed into my pj and curled into bed. Victor automatically rolled over and pulled me close to him. I smiled and went into a deep sleep.