Snape and the Mirror of Erised

Snape and the Mirror of Erised

One night during the year Harry Potter’s first year at Hogwarts, Professor Severus Snape was found wondering the halls and stairwells, alone, unable to fall asleep. He hoped that after catching some students trying to lurk in the hallways after hours, especially if that meant catching Potter breaking the rules once again. It wasn’t that he particularly hate Potter, it was because he hated his father, James Potter, who often helped bully him when he was a child, and the fact that James ended up marrying his long time love, Lily Evans.

He reached the fourth floor, expecting to see someone trying to pull a prank somewhere. He reached a long empty hallway, not seeing anything out of the ordinary, even for a magical place such as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He walked on away from the hallway, headed over to begin searching the fifth floor when he heard some whispered voices coming from an abandoned classroom near the end of the hall.

Snape, immediately assuming it was Potter breaking the rules again, quickly headed for the room where the noise seemed to be coming from. Once Severus Snape finally arrived to the other side of the door where the noise had been coming from, he quickly opened the door, searching. But all he could discover was an empty classroom, only holding a large strangely shaped object covered with a thick white sheet. Curious as to what the sheet was hiding, and assuming it was for a prank, he threw the sheet off to discover a mirror.

An image began to form as Snape figured out what this contraption was. It was the Mirror of Erised. As he was about to look away, well aware of the dangers Headmaster Dumbledore told him months ago, he found he simply couldn’t look away.

The image in the mirror finally formed showing Snape’s true desire. The mirror revealed himself, clean and polished, standing next to his one true love, Lily Evans. Together they were married and had a family of their own, far away from He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and any of his childhood bullies. He was happy and in love.

It must have been hours when he heard a noise that broke his concentration. The clock rang reminding everyone to get up because breakfast would be served in the Great Hall soon. Snape was finally able to look away from the mirror and quickly covered it with the sheet again. Once he did so, he rubbed his face, finding it wet.

The image was just too emotional for him. Unlike his usual serious and monotone character, he broke, crying for the future he would never have. A loving family with his love, Lily, a life away from Voldemort and all those who tormented him in the past, present, and future.