Fix a heart

Save you tonight

Louis POV-

”Whatcha reading?” I questioned Harry suddenly & he jumped up in fright.I bursted into a snicker the rest of the boys soon followed suit & eventually Harry joined in. Harry adjusted the newspaper so I could read it over his shoulder. “I don’t get it? All I see is some fit girl walking down the street?” I mused aloud, drawing 4 very shocked looks from the other boys. ”That’s not /just/ an fit girl. She’s Amber Riley! The biggest popstar out there right now. She’s an huge deal. And now she’s in the uk!!” Niall exclaimed super quickly, making his irish accent even more clear. I used all my restraint on the heavy urge not to roll my eyes. Niall was such a closet fanboy. All of the other boys nodded in agreement, though I detected a worried look in their eyes.

“Soooo?” I ploughed on tentatively. I really didn’t see the big deal about all of this. Niall looked as if he was about to preform so ancient form of sacrifice to Amber. The other boys..they looked almost frighted. I heard a sharp intake of breath from Harry. ” We’re not anywhere in the paper,” he stated quietly. That’s when I finally realized the problem. Jane. Our monster of an tour manager. Each night she pushes us to the max, excepts us to be in the paper, make her famous & when we don’t…things get messy. At that very moment our hotel room door got flung open, revealing a very red faced Jane. She was furious would be quite an understatement. Instinctively the boys & I moved together creating an shield. There was no telling what Jane could & would do.

She stormed past us, her dark eyes glinting with pure unbridled rage. After ripping pillows, destroying blankets, breaking glasses & basically ransacking the poor hotel room she whirled to face us. “You idiots! You’re nothing but a bunch of tools! You think you’re to good to try & work hard? Well that’s what you’re gonna have to do now that Amber’s here,” she ranted. I felt Niall cringe, he hated getting yelled at. Frankly we all did. Normally if you just ignore her she stops so we all nodded soundlessly. “What? Nothing to say? I bet that’s a first for you talentless gits. Good. Now I think I know one of the problems we have here. There’s way to many distractions. You need to focus. So, Louis break up with Eleanor” Jane orders. At her words my blood turns ice cold. She went to far. “No. You’re fired.” I shot back, my voice & face devoid of any emotion. At the mention of this the guys all gave me incredulous looks, they can’t believe what just happened. For a brief second I see terror etched itself onto Jane’s face. But as soon as it appears it’s gone, quickly replaced with a look of fierce disdain. “You’ve seem to have forgotten something,” she responded in a singsong voice. She waved her contract through the air. “Simon hired /the/ best tour manager, remember? Wouldn’t he be confused to find to out that you fired me? Not to mention this..” Jane trailed off. She’s holding up her white Iphone. The boys & I all crowd all around to see the video that’s currently playing. Loud & clear the video shows me yell “GO KILL YOURSELF!” My face drops. It was an old argument between Jane & I. Those dark words just slipped out. But how had she filmed this particular fight? The confusion must have been apparent on my face because Jane answered my question. “Just so you know I’ve been filming y’all since day 1, capturing all of your worst moments. Now don’t you see Louis? I could ruin one direction with a single upload.” And with that final statement Jane rushed into the kitchen, grabbed a knife & began to slash at her wrists. Blood began to pool at her wounds & the guys look at her with complete & utter horror. Eventually, thank god, Amber stopped. “You see? I upload this, attempt suicide & boom. One direction will forever be hated,” she explained, her eye echoing her crazy thoughts.

The boys & I exchanged looks. This was beyond crazy, something in Jane must’ve seriously snapped. I hated to admit it but Jane really could ruin us. And after everything we worked for? I couldn’t let the boys suffer from stupid thing I said. So I simply nodded & with that Jane gave a triumphant smirk and exited the room. The boys were just as shocked, terrified and confused as I was. Tears pricked at some of our eyes & I knew some of us were on the verge of tears. I couldn’t let this tear our group apart. I picked my mobile with shaking hands & texted Eleanor ”We’re over.” I couldn’t bear to actually talk to her. Breaking up with her through text was hard enough. “Done, you boys won’t be done with me that easily,” I say lightly in an attempt to lighten the mood. In return I received 4 shaky smiles. At least it was something.
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————- authors note; Hey! Okay so this is my 1st 1D fanfic ever :] So excited to finally have people read it, been working on it for months. Got everything all planned out. Comments mean the whole world and my drive to continue the story so please, don’t be shy! Comment :] Haha. I have major plans for this story don’t worry a bit! Also Jane is clearly crazy haha. So don’t except a 1D match for her. Now for each chapter I’ll do a song from 1D if it’s a 1D POV & a song i think Amber’s would be like if it was her chapter. Thanks for reading this far & i hope you continue to do so ♥