
Lightsaber Battles

I swung my lightsaber, it collided with the sparring robot’s training lightsaber which deflected off of it harmlessly. Sweat dripped down my brow, Master Fisto had raised the difficulty level on the sparring robot once again. I stepped back and looked for a weakness I could expose in the robot’s defense, scanning every available option. I noticed that when I swung at it from its left side the robot was slower to attack, if I wanted to take it down I would need to assault it from that angle.

I gripped my lightsaber tightly and after deflecting an attack from it I swung with all my might towards the robot’s left side, its lightsaber barely blocking my attack. I swung again and again the sparring robot barely able to keep up with the whirlwind of attacks that flowed from my green lightsaber. I finally nicked it in the leg causing it to stumble, I sliced off the arm that held the lightsaber, it fell to the ground on both knees. I pointed my lightsaber at its throat before turning it off.

The robot grabbed its chopped off arm and left to go reattach it. The great thing about these sparring robots was they repaired themselves. All that was required was giving the robot new parts every two to three years.

I put my lightsaber back on my belt and as I was about to leave the door hissed open to reveal the other three Jedi. Master Fisto walked over with an amused look upon his face; I knew that would only mean trouble.

“Greetings masters.” I said while taking a bow.

“Good morning Valin, I see that you made short work of the training robot. I am going to have to raise the settings on it once again so that maybe it can keep up with you.”

“Thank you my master.”

“Well if you will, Anakin has yet to spar today and Master Kenobi and I have a bet on which one of our padawans will win.”

I gulped; I was going to be dueling the chosen one. This would be difficult as he was already considered a great swordsman at thirteen. He once nearly beat Master Windu in a mock lightsaber technique lesson. I nodded in approval as I pulled my lightsaber out once again and ignited it.

Anakin stood across from me, he had a different air about him as he stood ready to fight. One that was filled with power and courage, that would make his opponents fill with fear. I had a death grip on my lightsaber as the blue plasma flowed from the lightsaber hilt and stood ready to strike. He looked like a fierce nexus, ready to strike to kill.

Faster than I could blink I saw a sheath of blue plasma come hurdling towards me. I barely managed to block it. I broke off and swung at Anakin’s right side. He parried the attack easily and swung his lightsaber upwards for an uppercut. I jumped back, his blade nearly lopping off my piece of braided hair that all padawans were required to have.

I stood back, trying to regain my composure as Anakin launched another attack at me. I could barely keep up with him; I needed to get him on the defensive and quick. I swept my foot against his ankle causing him to stumble this was my chance to win!

I swung my lightsaber down on him; he managed to barely block it. I swung my lightsaber again and again becoming more aggressive like he had been barely moments ago. I twirled and swung, Anakin barely able to block my oncoming attacks. I struck again and again until I noticed something, he was mearly playing with me, but I could see that his patience was running thin as he began to press the attack again.

I blocked his attacks again and again, occasionally swiping at him. Soon he had me backed into a corner, where I was barely able to maneuver around his whirlwind of attacks. I needed to make him stumble enough so I could get the edge over him. After blocking another attack I saw my advantage, he was starting to get tired and make mistakes. If I could take advantage of the next big one and catch him off guard then I would have him right where I needed him to be.

His next mistake came when he overexerted himself on a simple slice. I grabbed his wrist as the next blow came down and tripped him. He fell flat on the floor and dropped his lightsaber. I kicked it away and pointed the tip of my green lightsaber at his throat. I smiled with victory as the two Masters in the corner clapped.

“Well done Valin.” Master Fisto told me as he patted me on the back.

I stuck a hand out to help Anakin up. He grabbed it but gave me a sour look that made me feel bad about my recent victory. I frowned as I walked out of the sparring room to the showers, I needed to think and get clean.

I opened the door to the shower room, turning on the hot water and feeling the steam rise was rejuvenating. I took my clothing off one piece at a time and threw it into the small washing machine like device conveniently located next to the sink. After the hum began I stepped into the shower slowly. The hot water hit my muscles and helped them to relax.

I washed my body slowly, trying to enjoy the small amount of alone time that I was given. After finishing I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. I held my arms out and let the automatic driers suck the water off of my skin, leaving me as dry as I was before I went into the shower. As I stood there I thought of Anakin. Why had he been so sour? It was just a sparring match and here he was acting like he had never lost a match.

A moment later there was a ding and I collected my clothes and put them on. They were warm from coming just out of the drying cycle in the small machine. It felt heavenly as I adjusted my tunic to be straight. When I was ready I opened the door to reveal Anakin standing right at the entrance.

“Um, hello?” I asked nervously, my hand going for the hilt of my lightsaber.

He gave me a strange look before his eyes darted to the ground for a moment then looking back at mine. “I wish to speak to you.” He told me plainly.
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Thank you to everyone that commented. Please continued to come back and read this story! Its only just getting good!