Status: Active;;

Last First Kiss Goodbye

Chapter 13

(Cameron’s POV)

The guys and I were at the bar, celebrating the band getting signed and for the awesome show that we just totally kicked ass. The guys and I were talking amongst each other about getting signed and recording with Sumerian Records. I smiled and took a sip from my glass of beer before checking my phone to see if I have received a text from Ariella. I wish she was here, celebrating with us, but she and Taylor were having a girl’s night.

My phone vibrated in my hands, telling me that I had received a text. I looked at my phone and saw that it was from my girl, which caused me to smile and read the text.
Hey CamCam. I just wanted to check on you and to let you know that everything here is going well.
I responded back quickly, Hey babe, I’m doing fine. Although I wish you were here.

I put my phone away for a moment and looked up to see Sam and Ben smirking at me. I gave them a “what the fuck” look and they just chuckled.

“Who were you texting?” Ben being the nosey person he is.

“I was talking to my girl,” I said proudly.

“I think Cam is already whipped,” Sam chuckled, causing the others to laugh.

“Fuck you guys. You’re just jealous because my bird loves me,” I laughed and took the remaining swig from my beer. I got up to order another bottle of beer. I felt my phone vibrated again, knowing it was Ari again.

I know Danny is going to come over, why don’t you come over with him?

I smiled and replied back. Okay, that sounds like a plan. I’ll see you then beautiful. I grabbed the two bottles of beer that I order and sat back down and with the guys, not before telling Danny that I was going to head over to Taylor’s flat with him.

The guys, Tisha, and I hung out for another hour and a half, before Danny and I left to head over to Taylor’s. James looked up, after sucking faces with Tisha.

“Where are you two going?” he asked curiously.

“To Taylor’s place,” Danny said in a nonchalant manner, which caused James to look pissed, but his girl distracted him.

“If you do anything to hurt her, I’ll kick your ass,” James threatened, causing Danny and I to snort.

“Yeah, okay,” Danny said and we both left the bar, after biding our farewells to the guys.

We took separate cars and drove to Taylor’s flat.

(Ariella’s POV)

Taylor and I had finished playing “Never Have I..” and we both tied. I guess we aren’t really innocent to each other eyes anymore.

“Damn Ari, I thought you were super innocent,” I laughed and got up from the couch to get another can of Monster Energy.

“I could say the same for you, Tay,” I winked and heard the doorbell ring.

Taylor had gotten up to answer it. I smiled when I heard Cameron’s voice fill the house. I grabbed my drink and met up with Tay, Danny, and Cameron in the living room. I greeted Danny, and Cameron hugged me from behind. I reached my arm around his neck and began to scratch him lightly behind his ears, causing him to moan softly.

“So we missed you girls at the bar tonight. You two would’ve made it more interesting,” Danny said as he sat down on the couch and pulled Taylor onto his lap.

“We would have, but Tisha was there and we wanted to have some girl time. But I’m glad that you guys came though.” Taylor said and I agreed with her.

“Well we missed our biggest fans and the best girls in the fucking world,” Cameron said and he kissed my cheek.

“Plus we have some news to tell you guys,” Danny stated which caught Tay and my attention.

“Well what is it?” I asked curiously and impatiently. Cameron chuckled and hugged me tighter.

“Haha chill out girly. I’m going to tell you,” Danny said and cleared his throat. I huffed and gave him the middle finger causing everyone to laugh at me.

“Anyways, the band is going to America to record next week,” Danny stated.

Taylor and I jumped out of the guys’ laps and cheered for them. We were definitely happen for them.

“That’s not all of it though,” Cameron said and we stopped.

“Well then tell us,” Taylor demanded.

“We want you two to come with us to America and experience this journey with us.”
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I'm disappointed in this chapter. I had a better version until my computer fucked up. I hope it's okay for you though. Next chapter will be much better.
keep commenting and subscribing please!