Status: Active;;

Last First Kiss Goodbye

Chapter 2

“You guys up for drinks down at the pub?” Ben asked as they were packing up their instruments. I shook my head.
“I can’t. I have this dinner shit with my mom.” I said then looked at James.
“Alright, so Tay’s out. What about the rest of you?” Ben asked.
“Taylor’s mum asked me to come along. I love her cooking, okay.” James said.
“My mom’s food is the only reason why he even likes hanging out with me.” I said folding my arms.
“I’m sure that’s not all of it.” Danny mumbled. James hit him in the back of the head before walking over to me and pulling me into a big hug then kissing the side of my face. I rolled my eyes and looked over at Ariella. She laughed before Cameron tackled her into a hug.
“Man, we need girl best friends.” Danny said hitting Ben in the stomach.
“You’d just fuck them, Danny. Then treat them like shit once you were finished with them.” I said glaring at him.
“Oh and like you and James never fucked?” Danny said angrily.
“James and I have never fucked. He’s my best friend, you fucker.” I shouted. I really hated Danny the most at all of the guys. I can handle Ben sometimes but Danny gets on my fucking nerves a lot.
“Dude, no way have Tay and I ever had sex. You need to respect girls more then maybe you’ll have a girl best friend like Cameron and I.” James said before grabbing my hand and picking up his sticks.
“See you, Cameron and Ari.” James said. I waved bye to them and we both walked out. I felt bad that James argued with Danny. I don’t like it when it happens because James is quiet for the rest of the time I’m with him. We both got into the car and James placed his sticks on the dashboard before heading over to my mom’s place.
“I’m sorry, James.” I said. He looked at me then smiled.
“It’s alright, love. I just get pissed that just because we’re friends Danny thinks we’re fucking. Why can’t a guy and girl just be able to be friends?” He asked slamming his hand onto the steering wheel. I shrugged.
“I don’t know. We’ll show them. We’re only friends.” I smiled. We arrived at my mom’s place in thirty minutes. Once a week, I have to go over for either dinner or lunch just so my mom knows I’m doing okay. I walked inside and the place is quiet. My mom usually has the radio or the television on but nothing. I looked at James, worried. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom sitting at the table.
“Am I late or something?” I asked.
“No. I just finished and sat down. How are you, Taylor?” She asked me as she stood up, pulling me into a hug.
“I’m good, mom. How are you? How’s Gomez and Gizmo?” I asked. Gomez and Gizmo were my two cats.
“I’m fine and they’re fine just being lazy. How are you, James? Are you staying out of trouble?” She asked hugging James.
“I’m great, thanks. I’m always staying out of trouble.” He laughed.
“Are you two ready for some dinner?” My mom asked. James rubbed his stomach and made a noise.
“He hasn’t ate all day because he loves your cooking, mom.” I said.
“You are more than welcome to come every time then. No need for invites, just come along with Taylor.” She said. I rolled my eyes before digging into the food.
“It was perfect, Ms. B.” James said.
“Anytime, I love having the guest.” She said hugging both of us once more and waved us off. We walked towards the car and James hugged me.
“You are the best. Your mum is so nice.” He said.
“Jesus, James. Don’t get a boner over my mom.” I laughed. He shoved me away and we both got into the car.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“Tisha is coming over so I guess I’m taking you home or whatever you want to do.” James said. I frowned. So that’s who he was texting during dinner. I hated Tisha. She just sets off this vibe.
“Take me to the pub the others are at.” I said.
“Tay, don’t be like that.” He said grabbing my hand.
“Be like what? I want to drink some and hang out with Ari.” I said truthfully.
“Okay, whatever.” He said pulling up to the building. I reached for the door handle and James holds my hand tighter. I turn to look at him.
“Please be safe.” He said. I nodded then got out of the car and walked towards the door. I turned around and watched him leave. I walked through the door and saw Danny, Ben, and Sam but no Cameron or Ariella. Fuck.
“Taylor, baby. Where’s James?” Danny slurred.
“He’s probably fucking Tisha.” I mumbled. Danny frowned.
“The dudes a fool.” Danny whispered in my ear. He snapped his fingers and the bartender brought over four shot glasses.
“No shots.” I said.
“You only live once, Tay.” Danny said. I looked around at Ben and Sam. They tipped there shot glasses at me before throwing their heads back and letting the liquid go down. I looked at Danny then down at the shot glass in front of me.
“Fuck it.” I said lifting up the glass and taking the shot. I slammed the drink on the bar and hollered for another one.
“Let’s get fucked tonight.” I said. Danny flung an arm over my shoulder. One thing I do like about Danny though is when James not around Danny is there and he’s not at all mean. Maybe, he thinks he’d get laid because of it but I’m not at all that dumb.
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The second isn't at all good. I'm sorry. I'm trying to get the swing of writing an Asking Alexandria story. I'm sorry but please be nice about it. Leave us comments. <3