Status: Active;;

Last First Kiss Goodbye

Chapter 6

I walked out of the kitchen in search of Danny. I walked into the living room and saw James, Sam, and Ben standing there. James looked up, holding his hand out. I looked at it then looked around. I didn’t really want James to be mad at me so I grabbed his hand and we were out the door.
“What’s up?” I asked. He never said anything. We both got into the car and he drove in silence. We pulled up to a building and I’m not really sure where we were and he wasn’t answering me which scared me.
“James?” I asked. He got out of the car and started to walk towards the building. I got out of the car because I was too scared to stay in there by myself. I followed into the building and saw a candle lit picnic sort of thing up.
“Whoa.” I said. James turned around and looked at me.
“Will you do me a favor?” He asked. I nodded unable to say anything because it was a beautiful scene.
“Will you use my car to go get Tisha? I want a romantic night with her.” He said. I felt my heart drop into my stomach.
“Tay, will you?” He asked. I tried very hard to hold back the tears.
“I suppose I could.” I said. He ran over to me and hugged me tightly. I turned around after he let me go and walked out of the door. I walked back to the car and got into the driver’s side. I sat there for a bit trying really hard to hold it in and wait until I can be free of both of them. I arrived at Tisha’s house and honked the horn twice. Five minutes later she ran out of the house and got into the car. She frowned when she noticed it was me.
“I’m just the person to pick you up. James wants a romantic night.” I said. She rolled her eyes.
“You two are always together.” She said. I never said anything I just continued to drive until we got to the building. We just sat there.
“Well, go on.” I said pointing forward.
“Go with me.” She said.
“I don’t want to ruin anything. He could be naked in there.” I said.
“Will you until we get to the door? Please, Taylor.” She said. I rolled my eyes, not wanting to James to come out here and get mad at me. We got out of the car and walked towards the door. James swung the door opened.
“Delivered and goodbye.” I said turning around to walk back to the car.
“Tay, you have to walk.” James shouted. I clenched my fist then unclenched them a couple of times before walking down the road. It was like an 10 miles drive. I can’t believe this shit is happening to me. I pulled out my phone and dialed Ari’s number. No answer. I didn’t have Sam’s or Ben’s. I dialed Danny’s number because I figured Cameron would be with Ari.
“Hey Taylor.” He answered.
“Danny, hey. Are you busy?” I asked knowing I was going to get a sick dirty joke thrown at me. I heard shuffling around.
“No, I’m not busy. Why? What’s wrong?” He asked catching me off guard.
“Could you come get me?” I asked.
“Sure, where are you? Taylor, have you been crying?” He asked. I wiped at my face and realize the tears on my cheek.
“I’m on the side of the road north of town about nine miles out.” I said.
“What the hell are you? Did fucking James do this? What the fuck is wrong with him?” He shouted over the phone. I heard the door slam, what I assume was he’s door.
“Ben, take this slut for me. I can’t do this. I’m off.” He said. I rolled my eyes. He was busy.
“Danny, don’t worry about me. I’ll just..what’s Sam doing?” I asked.
“It’s a little too late, babe. I’m already in my car and on my way then you’re going to show me where James is and I’m going to beat the living shit out of him for fucking doing this to you.” He said.
“No, Danny. Just pick me up, take me to my house, then go home and live your life. I’m sorry I called you but Ari wasn’t answering and I didn’t bother with Cameron because I figured he was with Ari.” I said.
“Taylor, shut the fuck up. I don’t mind. I’m not a complete douche bag. I thought I told you that last night.” He said but I knew he was smiling.
“I owe you so much for helping me out, Danny.” I said really regretting that because I knew what he was going to say.
“No, need to owe me. I’ll just call you the next time I need your ‘help’.” He said. I laughed because I knew he couldn’t say something like that.
“Well maybe. It’s not like I’ve never done it before.” I laughed.
“I think I see you.” He said. I looked up and saw headlights then the car started to slow down. I looked inside and saw Danny. He reached over and unlocked the door then opened the door.
“He’s a dick, Taylor. You’re freezing.” He said then cranked the heat and took off his hoodie and wrapped it around me.
“Let’s get you home and in bed where it’s warm.” He said. I looked at him. Why?
“Why all the sudden are you being nice to me?” I asked.
“I feel bad for last night. I should have controlled myself because you’re James best friend and I couldn’t control it. I don’t understand it.” He said.
“Do you regret it? Was I bad or something? Fuck James. I could really care less about him anymore.” I said.
“No, I don’t regret it. Fuck no, you weren’t bad at all. You were actually the best. You don’t mean that, Taylor. James will always be your best friend.” He said. I shrugged. I didn’t really know what to say because I was shocked. Where did the douche bag Danny go to?
“Thanks, Danny.” I said leaning over to kiss his cheek.
“It’s all good, Tay.” He said. We pulled up to my apartment building and we both got out. We walked up the stairs and to my door. I heard music coming from inside. I looked at Danny. Danny held his hand out and I handed him my keys. He opened the door slowly and walked inside. I followed him and we walked into the living room and I saw something I didn’t want to see. I don’t know how those two got back to town so fast and how he got into my apartment but there they were on my couch.
“GET OUT.” I shouted. Which caused James to jump off of Tisha and grabbing a pillow to cover his area. Tisha pulled the covers over her. I felt the tears coming and I couldn’t control them.
“Out. Get the fuck out. Now!” I shouted before turning around and waited for them to leave. Danny did as well. He pulled me into a hug.
“You’re just a slut, Taylor. No one will ever love you.” Tish said before walking out of my apartment with James following behind her. He looked back at me and frowned then turned back around and followed her out. I collapse into Danny.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” I said once I collected myself. He just stood there and nodded.
“It’s alright, love.” He said, hugging me. He picked me up and carried me to my room.
“It changed. I’ll be right back.” He said sitting me on my bed. He left my room and I heard something going on in the kitchen then I could smell popcorn. I quickly changed before he would come back and catch me mid change. I sat on my bed and waited about five more minutes until my door opens and Danny walks in with a tray of food. He sat the tray down then went over to my tv and picked a movie out. All I had was horror movies. He picked one of the Saw movies. He put the dvd in and pushed play before kicking his shoes off.
“What? Go and sit. We’ll junk out here and watch gory movies. Maybe seeing all the blood will help you.” He said. I climbed up into my bed and leaned against the headboard. He did the same and pulled the tray towards us and I saw that he had popcorn, ice cream, skittles, and peanut butter m&m’s. I pulled him into a hug.
“I love you, Danny. Why aren’t you my best friend?” I asked. He laughed before grabbing a spoon full of ice cream and putting it up to my mouth.
“This is heaven.” I said.
“Can I ask you a serious question?” Danny asked. We weren’t even paying attention to the movie playing.
“Depends on the question is if I will answer.” I said. He smiled.
“How long have you loved James?” He asked.
“I love James. He’s my best friend.” I said. He shook his head.
“No, not that love. You love him as more than a best friend.” He said. I looked away from him and down at the ice cream.
“How long?” He asked. I shrugged because I honestly didn’t know how long my feelings for James has been there.
“It doesn’t matter anyways, Danny. He really loves Tisha.” I said. Danny shook his head before taking the tray away from the bed and pulled me into him to cuddle. I looked at the television but never really watched it. I soon found myself getting sleepy and soon I didn’t see anything but dark.
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Here it is...all the glory. Sorry it took a while to post my chapter. I kind of got stuck at what I wanted to write about and I've been busy and just hadn't had time to write. I hope you enjoy it.
Pleasse leave some love for us. We love to hear what you have to say.
Up next will be an amazing chapter.