Sequel: Wrists Intact

Hearts Intact

It's All a Game of This or That

So Long Live the Car Crash Hearts Cry On the Couch All the Poets Come To Life!

I sang along with the CD as loud as I could. It didn’t matter to me who heard or what anyone thought, I’d been having a bad day and right this second I was on my bed with my blanket pulled over my head and my stereo as loud as it could go.

The Only Thing I Haven’t Done Yet Is Die And It’s Me and My Plus One In the Afterlife!

I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Skyla Conner but everyone except my parents calls me Izzye. I’m not really sure where the nickname came from but I like it. I’m seventeen and I graduated from high school early. I’m pretty short with fairly short blonde hair with icy blue streaks. My eyes are dark green and always surrounded by eyeliner.

Crowds Are Won and Lost and Won Again But Our Hearts Beat For the Diehards!

“Izzye! You’re singing again!” My younger sister Alexia yelled. I really, really hate her. She’s twelve years old and thinks that she is a little princess. My parents treat her like one too, I can’t stand it!
“No really smart-ass? Nice observation!” I yelled back at her. That shut her up. We couldn’t be more different. Alexia wears so much pink, her room is pink, her binder is pinks, she’s even trying to convince my parents to let her dye her hair pink. I like the colour black, well, I guess technically it’s not a colour but oh well, let’s not get into that!
“Watch your mouth Skyla!” My mother yelled. I rolled my eyes and decided not to dignify her response with an answer. I wished my twin brother, Skyler, would hurry up and get home. Once he did, we could go to band practice.
That’s right, I forgot to mention, I’m in a band. My fellow band mates are my brother, my best friend in the entire world, Marcus King, or St. Jimmy as we like to call him, (I’ll tell you that story later) and Devin Macdonald. I’m the bass player while Skyler and Jimmy play the guitars. Devin is our forgotten but very important drummer. Skyler and I kind of share the role of lead singer, we switch on and off.
We’re called Hearts Intact. For those of you that listen to Fall Out Boy, you’ll know that they have that one line, The Best Way to Make It Through With Hearts and Wrists Intact Is to Realize That Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad,yeah well, we had our name before that line came out, so we didn’t steal it from them! I’m sorry, some people just get really annoying saying that we stole our name.

Wouldn’t You Rather Be a Widow Than a Divorcee Style Your Wake for Fashion Magazines

“Hey Izzers, I’ve come to rescue you!” A familiar voice said. I immediately pulled the blanket down away from my face. Standing in my doorway was my identical twin brother who isn’t so identical anymore. We used to be the exact same height with the exact same hair and eye colour. Not anymore. Skylar’s hair got really dark, I didn’t think hair could do that, but apparently it can go from being blonde to dark brown, who would’ve thought! And in grade ten Skylar suddenly grew ten feet and my eyes got really dark. Now if you looked at us you wouldn’t even know that we were related!
“Oh finally!” I cried, jumping out of bed. Skylar grinned as I threw my arms around him. He knows how much I hate my job. I work at Wal-Mart, (classy eh?) and I hate it! Most of what all the customers do is complain! And if something’s not there it’s my fault apparently!
“Come on, let’s get out of here before Mom makes us clean!” Skylar whispered. I nodded and the two of us hurried out of the house. My mom is kind of fanatical about cleaning, and of course nothing is every clean enough for her. So that means that us kids (really meaning Skylar and I, not “daddy’s little princess” Alexia) have to spend hours cleaning.
“Safe at last!” I cried once we were in Skylar’s old beat up Chevy Impala. Skylar nodded as he started the car. I wasn’t sure it was going to, but finally the old engine fired to life.
“Seatbelt!” Skylar ordered. I rolled my eyes but fastened my seatbelt. In grade eight our school made us watch this presentation on drinking and driving and accidents where people weren’t wearing seatbelts. It was pretty horrific and it kind of scarred Skylar for life. He’s psycho about seatbelts and things now.
“Hurry up Skylar, I wanna play!” I whined. Skylar rolled his eyes and turned up the radio instead of answering me. I didn’t care, it was the new station, The X, and they play awesome music! They were currently playing Face Down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.
“Face down in the dirt she’s says this doesn’t hurt!” Skylar and I sang along. We were at a stoplight and the people in the car next to us were giving us funny looks but we didn’t care. We were just having fun!
“Think that we’ll be ready for the gig on Thursday?” I asked once the song ended. Skylar nodded enthusiastically.
“Of course we’ll be ready Izzye! We know all of the songs perfectly!” He said. I nodded, it was true, we hardly ever made mistakes now.
“We’re here Izzers!” Skylar said a few minutes later. We’d arrived (finally!) at Jimmy’s house where we held all of our band practices. Jimmy lives with his older sister who sadly is a real prostitute. She’s really nice though, we all adore her. Jimmy and Sheila have just had hard lives.
Oh, I guess I should probably tell you how Jimmy became known as St. Jimmy. You probably already figured out that St. Jimmy is a character made up by Green Day. Well Jimmy is named after his father, Marcus. Now Marcus senior is an alcoholic. He’d get drunk during the day and come home at night and beat his wife and children. Jimmy could live with beatings, but one night, only a few years ago, Marcus senior came home and raped Sheila. That was the last straw, Jimmy and Shelia moved out the next morning. Jimmy was really broken up over it, it basically ruined him. He was very angry and got into a lot of drugs. He just reminded us of St. Jimmy, and since he didn’t want to be known as Marcus anymore, the name just sort of stuck.
“Jimmy! Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy!” I yelled, running into the house. I heard some come racing down the stairs and all of sudden something collided with me. It took me several seconds to realize that it was Jimmy.
“Jimmy…can’t…breathe!” I gasped as he hugged me. He laughed but didn’t let go of me.
“Okay then… Well if you people ever finish I’ll be down in the basement. I take it Devin’s already here?” Skylar asked. Only then did I realize that someone was playing the drums. It had to be Devin, Sheila didn’t play any instruments.
“Yup he’s down there!” Jimmy said, still not letting me go. I heard Skylar leave.
“Um what exactly are you doing?” I asked a few seconds later. Jimmy shrugged and finally let go of me.
“Well then, let’s go downstairs.” I said, not bothering to mask my confusion. Sure, that wasn’t the first time Jimmy had hugged me, but he didn’t often randomly hug me, and especially not for that long.
“Sure thing m’lady, after you!” He said with a goofy grinned. I gave him a funny look but hurried down the stairs. Devin was sitting behind his drum set, just drumming away. Skylar was tuning his guitar. Both of them were smiling.
“Hey Devin!” I said, picking up my bass. We all leave our instruments at Jimmy’s house because, well Devin doesn’t like to have to move his drum set all over the place, and my parents hate the fact that Skylar and I are in a band. They think that we should do something “worthwhile” with our time. Translation: They think that Skylar should join the army and that I should get married. No thanks!
“Hey princess!” Devin said. I rolled my eyes. He knows that I hate being called that!
“Why are you people so annoying?” I asked, strumming a few notes on my bass. Devin grinned.
“You people as in just us people or as in our ethnic group?” He asked. I rolled my eyes again and threw a magazine at him. He ducked and it hit the wall behind him.
“Whichever you prefer my prince charming!” I said, batting my eyelashes. Devin laughed while my dearly beloved twin brother rolled his eyes.
“Come on you guys, let’s play!” He said. Immediately we all quit fooling around and got ready. What you need to understand about us is that besides each other, music is all we have. We’re not really all that close to any of our families, except for Jimmy and Sheila. Devin’s father disowned him when he found out that Devin is bi-sexual and he now lives in some shitty-ass apartment. My parents aren’t supportive at all and keep trying to “save” Skylar and I. And I’m sure you’ve already figured out that Jimmy’s parents defiantly aren’t model citizens.
We started with
Love’s Like a Back Alley, Completely Pointless yes; we’re one of those bands that give their songs really long messed up names. Our fans seem to like it though.
We practiced for over an hour before we finally stopped. We all collapsed on the couch, my head in Jimmy’s lap. None of us said anything; we never did after band practice. We were all going over what we’d just played in our heads.
“You know, I think we’re ready for Thursday.” Jimmy said finally. Grinning, I nodded.
“Defiantly, those kids won’t know what hit them!” I said.
“Yeah, especially if you start throwing mike stands again!” Skylar said with a grin. I couldn’t help it, I blushed. At one of our last gigs, as we were putting everything in our van, I’d seen some guys harassing a girl. She was telling them to stop and they were ignoring her so I threw a microphone stand at them. Believe me, they left her alone then.
“I’m not going to throw it at the crowd!” I said. Devin, Skylar and Jimmy all burst out laughing. I glared at them.
“What? I won’t!” I cried.
“Sure you won’t love!” Devin said, playing with my hair. I stuck my tongue out at him. In return he kissed my cheek.
“Ew! I have Devin germs!” I cried, sitting up. Skylar, Devin and Jimmy all laughed.
“Oh God I have to cut off my face now!” I cried, causing the guys to laugh even more. Man, how I loved all those boys!