Sequel: Wrists Intact

Hearts Intact

And Your Ears Are Just A China Shop

When I woke up the next morning my head hurt, really bad. I’m not sure why, I hadn’t hit it on anything. It just randomly hurt.
There was a blanket over me and I realized that I was now lying down. Great, someone had moved me while I slept. I really needed to stop falling asleep places where people could move me, it kind of freaked me out to think that people were awake around me while I slept.
Brendon was sitting in a chair, not too far away from the couch, just staring at me. Now it is really annoying to wake up in a strange motor home with someone staring at you, creepy too.
“Don’t you people ever sleep?” I grumbled, sitting up. Brendon smiled.
“You people as in this band or as in our ethnic group?” He asked. I glared at him.
“You sound like Devin.” I said. He looked confused but didn’t say anything about it.
“How are you feeling?” He asked. Well I guess it was a step up from being asked if I was okay.
“Good enough, my head hurts a bit.” I said, figuring it would be easier to tell him what I actually felt like. At least he couldn’t call me a liar.
“I figured it would.” He said. He did? Why, did he know something that I didn’t? I didn’t ask though, I figured I wouldn’t get an answer.
“Are you guys going to tell Skylar, Jimmy and Devin what happened?” I asked, dreading his answer. I know that they should know but I was really not looking forward to their reactions.
“Of course, once they get back that is.” Brendon said. That got my attention; they weren’t back yet?
“They’re not back yet?” I asked, voicing my question. Brendon nodded. I could feel the panic raising in me. They should be, they’d only gone out to the bar, if Ryan had been telling the truth, (which I still don’t see how he could’ve been.)
“Don’t worry, they’ll be fine, they can take care of themselves.” Brendon said, obviously seeing how worried I was. I couldn’t help it, I glared at him.
“I like how they can but I apparently can’t!” I said angrily. I know that it’s not his fault that everyone thinks that but I just needed to get some of my anger out and he was the only person around.
“So far you haven’t been able to.” He said with a smile. That comment got him another glare from me.
“I could before I went to Detroit!” I muttered to myself. That was only half true, but still, it was at least a little bit true.
“And why can’t you now?” Brendon asked. I didn’t answer because I didn’t have an answer to that question. Why couldn’t I? Now I was constantly a damsel in distress needing to be saved. Erg, life was so unfair!
“Can I go?” I asked. Brendon looked confused that I’d even asked him that.
“Of course you can go, why wouldn’t you be able to?” He asked, sounding as confused as he looked.
“You are the first person who has said yes I can go!” I said. He still looked confused but didn’t say anything else. I left as quickly as I could. I felt like I was being watched all the way back to my motor home but I couldn’t see anyone around. Maybe I was going crazy.
Once I was in the motor home the first thing I noticed was a note taped to our little fridge. It said,
Izzye the dizzy girl, we decided to go to the bar, don’t wait up for us! Love, Skylar, Jimmy, Devin.
So Ryan had been right, but how had he known? He couldn’t have seen this note and I seriously doubt that he’d talked to Skylar, Jimmy or Devin on the phone. If he had then he would’ve told them what happened and they wouldn’t have gone to the bar. What was going on around here?
I changed my clothes and then sat down at our little table. My head still hurt but I didn’t feel like looking around for any aspirin. I wanted to go back to sleep but I wasn’t tired. Well, actually, my body was tired but my mind was wide awake. There was no way I’d be able to sleep with my mind so crazy right now.
I’d been in the motor home for an hour when someone knocked on the door. I ignored it; it wasn’t Skylar, Devin or Jimmy because they would just walk in and I didn’t feel like talking to anyone. I just wanted to be left alone.
Of course I couldn’t have my way though, Ryan just opened up the door and walked in. I glared at him.
“You didn’t answer.” He said, stating the obvious. He was lucky there was nothing around me, because if there was I would’ve thrown it at him.
“Really? Thanks, I couldn’t figure that one out on my own!” I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes at me.
“Why didn’t you answer?” He asked. I thought that the answer would be pretty obvious but apparently I was wrong, again.
“I want to be alone.” I said. He looked at me funny but didn’t move. Was I speaking Spanish or something?
“That means I don’t want anyone here!” I said, sounding as if I were talking to a three-year-old. I probably would have been better of if I really was, because Ryan sat down across from me.
“Alone as in only me here!” I said. Ryan looked at me funny again and still didn’t move.
“Why are you so angry?” He asked me. I glared at him, why did everyone just assume I was angry?
“I’m not angry!” I snapped. Then I realized that I’d just been angry when I said it. This day was really sucking so far.
“Really, not angry?” Ryan said with a smile. I glared at him again and wished I had something to throw at him.
“Not even a little bit!” I said, forcing my voice to be calm. Ryan smiled again and glanced around the motor home. I was glad that we were clean people so the motor home was neat.
“You’re a bad liar.” Ryan said. I didn’t say anything. Why wouldn’t he leave me alone?
“What are you thinking about?” He asked me a few minutes later. I had to restrain myself from rolling my eyes.
“Nothing.” I said. Ryan rolled his eyes at me.
“That’s impossible, you’re always thinking of something!” He said. I didn’t answer. When I didn’t Ryan sighed and moved so that he was beside me. I stiffened immediately.
“You’re sad, why are you sad?” He asked. I was surprised, how did he know? I was a little bit upset, I wasn’t exactly sure why but I was.
“I’m not.” I said, going to look away. I didn’t get to though; Ryan basically grabbed my face and made me look at him. He had his hands on both sides of my face and no matter how much I tried to get away from him I couldn’t. His hands were like iron and I was trapped.
“You’re lying, why are you sad?” He whispered. I put my hands around his wrists and tried to pull his hands away. I don’t think he even noticed.
“I’m not sad!” I insisted. He still didn’t believe me, that was easy to tell. I could read it in his eyes.
“Yes you are, why?” He said. I was still trying to get away but I couldn’t move an inch. His hands were freezing and I started to shiver.
“I’m not.” I said. Ryan frowned and leaned forward, resting his forehead on mine. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply.
“You smell good.” He whispered. I froze. I smelled good? It’s not everyday that I get told that, and especially not after I hadn’t had a shower that day.
“But you’re still sad.” Ryan said, opening his eyes and moving back so he could look at me. I was still shivering and feeling very uncomfortable.
“Why are you sad?” He asked. I didn’t answer. First of all, I didn’t know why I was sad, and second, how did he know that I was sad? Was it that obvious?
“Are you scared of me?” He asked. Here was a question I could answer! But I wasn’t going to, because the answer was yes, I was scared of him. He’d scared me yesterday.
“Are you?” He asked again. Maybe it was better to just answer him, maybe if I did he’d let me go.
“Yes.” I admitted. He frowned.
“I don’t want you to be scared of me.” He said. Well it was a little late for that, wasn’t it?
“But I am.” I said. I didn’t know what else to say. What the hell are you? Because the snarl he made could not have come from a human. But that question was a little bit awkward to ask.
“Why?” He asked. I hesitated but decided to answer.
“You scared me yesterday.” I said. His face fell and he looked away for just a second.
“How?” He asked. How, how? God, did I have to spell everything out for him?
“You were very angry yesterday. And in the alley…” I said, letting my voice trail off. He looked sad.
“I didn’t mean to scare you.” He whispered. Too late Ryan! You already did!
“But you did.” I said, still trying to pull away from him. I don’t know why I bothered.
“I would never, ever hurt you!” He whispered. I didn’t say anything.
“I mean that Izzye, I will never do anything to hurt you. I promise you that.” He said. The look in his eye told me that he wasn’t lying.
“Now, why are you sad?” He asked after several long seconds. I didn’t answer. He started to say something but then he stopped suddenly and let go of my face, moving away from me. It confused me. Now don’t get me wrong, I was glad that he wasn’t holding onto my face anymore, but why’d he let go so suddenly?
It was lucky he did though, not five minutes later Jimmy, Devin and Skylar walked into the motor home. They were all laughing but stopped once they saw Ryan and I. Then there was an uncomfortable silence. No one seemed to know what to say.
“Well, I better go, see you guys later.” Ryan said. I glared at him. Great, get my band mates all freaked out that we were alone together and then leave me to deal with them!
“See you.” Jimmy, Devin, Skylar and I all said. Ryan left as quickly as he could.
“So, Pete told us what happened.” Skylar said after a minute. I just nodded.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked. I shook my head.
“Nope.” I said. Skylar nodded and looked back at Jimmy and Devin. There was another uncomfortable silence.
“I’m fine, don’t worry.” I said finally. Skylar nodded and smiled.
“That’s all I need to hear.” He said. I looked at him appreciatively. I liked how he didn’t freak out over everything now. It was a nice change from how everyone else reacted!