Sequel: Wrists Intact

Hearts Intact

The Kid Was All Right But It Went To His Head

“I hate you, I hate you and I hate you!” I said. Ryan grinned at me, as did everyone else in the motor home. Which was everyone, except Jimmy, he still hadn’t returned.
“Come on it’s not that bad!” Ryan said. I glared at him.
“Yes, it really is, this is the worst, I can’t believe you’re making me do this!” I said. He smiled and rolled his eyes.
“Seriously, it’s not that bad, you’re overreacting!” He said. I shook my head.
“I am not, zombies are scary!” I said. Confused yet? It was later that day and we were watching Land of the Dead, which, in case you haven’t figured out yet, is about zombies. Zombies are scary, they terrify me, and they were making me watch the stupid movie!
“Izzye’s been afraid of zombies for as long as I can remember!” Devin said. I glared at him.
“It’s your fault!” I said. Everyone looked from Devin to me and then back to Devin.
“How?” Rae asked.
“He, Skylar and Jimmy decided that it would be fun to dress up as zombies and chase me around the block!” I said, still glaring at Devin. Some people laughed while others tried to muffle their laughs. I glared at them all.
“I hate all of you people!” I muttered. And then some soldier zombie eating an arm flashed across the screen.
“Argh! See, that is wrong and scary and creepy and I need a hug!” I said, covering my eyes. No one hugged me.
“Well that’s rude.” I said, still covering my eyes. Ryan laughed.
“Fine, if you’re going to be like that!” He said with a sigh. I could tell that he was only joking though. And then he hugged me. But he was cold, of course.
“You’re too cold, Jon warm me up!” I said, moving away from Ryan, Jon just happened to be the other person sitting beside me. I cuddled up to him and he really was warm.
“Well that’s rude.” Ryan said, repeating what I had said earlier. I shrugged.
“You’re cold!” I said. “And Jon is warm!”
“Fine then!” Ryan said. All of a sudden there was a blanket around me and Ryan’s arms were around me.
“That was fast.” I said, uncovering my eyes. Ryan grinned.
“I had to save you from Jon.” He said. I didn’t know what that was supposed to mean and I didn’t ask.
“Oh argh, that is so gross!” I looked up at the TV just as a Zombie with its head basically cut off bit a guy.
“So you’ll date a vampire but you can’t even watch a zombie movie?” Pete asked. I nodded.
“Vampires seem less likely to kill me. And even if you do, you’ll drink my blood, not eat me!” I said. Everyone laughed.
“Oh ew! Please, kill me now!” I said. Another guy was getting eaten by a zombie.
“Are you going to do this the whole movie?” Brendon asked with a sigh.
“If you don’t like it then turn it off!” I said, sticking my tongue out at him.
“No way, this is way too fun!” Patrick said. Now I stuck my tongue out at him. When I could forget about Jimmy, it seemed like things were going to be fine.


We had to go, for food, cause of you and evil Jon so as you’ve probably noticed, you’re all alone. Unless you’re not awake, then you haven’t noticed.

Nice catch isn’t he Izzye, a real smart one!
Shut-up Brendon! Anyway, I know that you threatened to kill me if I didn’t let you leave the motor home so I guess, maybe, you can leave, but only for a while!!!!!! We still haven’t found Jimmy!!!! And the only reason I’m saying you can go outside is because I know you’re going to anyway and this way I can’t be mad at you!
Wow, isn’t he a nice one?
Shut-up Jon!
And so totally not angry at all!
I swear I’m going to kill these guys!

-Ryan and Brendon! Don’t forget me!!!! Jon…obviously! And me, Spencer, even though you already know my name!

I swear I always meet the weirdest people. But whatever, I could go outside, that’s all that mattered. And that’s where I was right now, outside, walking around. Ryan hadn’t let me go outside for fear that I’d walk into Jimmy.
I didn’t leave the area the motor homes were in and I was walking by a group of trees. I wasn’t really paying attention and I was staring at the ground, like I often do when I walk. But then suddenly, I was knocked to the ground.
“I told you not to tell!” Isn’t it funny how a voice that used to make you happy to hear can later fill you with dread? Instead of making you smile can make you cry?
“J-Jimmy, please.” I started but Jimmy hit me.
“Shut-up Izzye! Can you keep your mouth closed for once in your goddamned life?” He yelled. I just stared up at him, too terrified to speak. Was he going to kill me?
“All you had to do was keep this one little secret! But you couldn’t, you had to go and tell everyone! I thought I was your best friend Izzye, but you couldn’t keep my secret!” He said, straddling me. I tried to get away from him but he just hit me again.
“J-Jimmy please d-don’t!” I begged. Jimmy started to say something but he didn’t get to finish. Someone pulled him off of me. I didn’t bother to see who it was; I jumped to my feet and turned to run. I didn’t get very far, I ran into someone, very solid and very cold.
“Izzye it’s okay now.” The person whispered, hugging me. It was Brendon. I couldn’t stop myself; I hugged him back and closed my eyes, crying.
“Shh Izzye its okay.” Brendon whispered. I honestly can’t remember much after that. I didn’t faint but it’s like my mind blocked it out. I vaguely remember Ryan beating up Jimmy until Brendon and I yelled at him to stop, but after that, it’s all blurry.
The next thing I knew I was lying in Ryan’s bed, with Devin sitting not too far away. There was no one else there.
“What happened?” I asked, sitting up. In a second Devin got up, ran over to me and hugged me.
“Izzye thank God you’re okay!” He said. I could barely breathe he was squeezing me so tight.
“Yeah, fine, or I will be if you let go!” I gasped. Devin let go of me and looked at me, a sheepish grin on his face.
“Sorry.” He said.
“So what happened?” I asked. Devin’s grin faded as he sat down next to me on the bed.
“Brendon was trying to see Jimmy’s future and he saw Jimmy hitting you. So he and Ryan came back as fast as they could. They pulled Jimmy off of you and then Ryan started beating the shit out of Jimmy. Brendon and you yelled at him to stop and he did. Then they brought you and Jimmy back here and Jimmy passed out. You just fell asleep.” Devin said. Wow, my life really did suck. Lovely.
“Where’s Jimmy now?” I asked, unable to mask the fear from my voice.
“In our motor home, with a few of the guys waiting for him to wake up.” Devin said.
“They’re not going to hurt him, are they?” I asked. Devin shook his head.
“Rae’s there to make sure they don’t.” He said. I stared at the wall.
“Izzye, come with me!” Devin said suddenly, jumping to his feet. I just stared at him.
“Come on, I know something we can do!” He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me off the bed.
“Where are we going?” I asked as he pulled me out of the motor home.
“You’ll see, now come on!” He said. Then he pulled me over to the car.
“Get in, I just have to go tell the others that we’re going to be gone for a while.” If I hadn’t been positively sure that Devin was human I would have thought he was a vampire, he was gone for thirty seconds flat.
“Seriously Devin, where are we going?” I asked. Devin grinned.
“You’ll see princess, you’ll see.”